Carpal Tunnel probl...
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Carpal Tunnel problems.

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Hello All,

My niece has problems with her wrist and her Dr. said it is Carpal Tunnel and wants to opperate.

Any ideas of less intrusive treatments would be great.

Cheers Huggy.

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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

Hi Huggy

Your niece has my sympathy! I had carpal tunnel nearly 30 years ago (!) It was caused by wringing out my son's terry towelling nappies. (How environmentally conscious I was even then...tra la:))

Mine was cured by one steroid injection in each wrist. Nowadays I would run a mile from steroids but back then I knew no better and in fact it worked! Other people might have some better ideas...

Sunanda xxx

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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

Hi Huggy,

if you do a search, there is a post about this, as I suffered last year - to cut a long story short, I had chiropractic sessions and massage on my wrist flexors - cured within 6 weeks. I just take care now not to overdo the massage (giving, not receiving!)


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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

I've moved this thread over from General Health to the Limbs forum, where there aresome previous threads on Carpal Tunnel.

kpuk, yourthread was in the Massage forum, as were also a few others. As you said, all can easily be found by a search ... best to use All Forums from the drop down menu to find them all.


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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

Hi Huggybear

If your nieceison the NHS waiting list then I would suggest her to try a course of remedial massage treatment. As you may have found out searching on the internet, surgery may not give her a satisfactory outcome and furthermore, she may develop weakness in her wrist. Steroids injection canbe a temporary measure. Why operate if you can stretch it and be natural.

Where about are you based? PM me if you'd like to find out more about it.


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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

If it's actually Carpal Tunnel then I'm no expert on that and can't comment. But I've had RSI for about a decade, and early on they tested me, thinking it was carpal tunnel. It turned out not to be, but is a "mystery" to allopaths.

But my point would be: before any intrusive treatment happens, make sure they do know it IS carpal tunnel. The test is extremely simple, involving finding out if electrical impulses are carried down parts of the wrist or not. No pain involved at all. If they haven't done that test, they sure should not operate.


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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

Hello Huggy

I can fully recommend a technique called 'Holistic Medical Massage' for the relief of CTS. The problem with surgery is that it can actually make the wrist worse in the long term - by causing a restriction of natural movementvia the creation of scar tissue - which is less supple and mobile.This in turn causes the weakness mentioned earlier. People usually get relief in 1-6 sessions.

Also, as mentioned, there are tests to see if is really is CTS. There are two tests: Phalen's Test and Tinel's Sign.

Phalen's test - invert hands and place together - so that backs are touching (sort of an inverted prayer position) - and keep elbows down so wrists are flexed to the maxamim- the press wrists together for 60 seconds - if pain or numbness in palm, 2nd 3rd and 4th fingers, CTS is likley.

Tinel's sign - place hand palm side up and tap on middle of wrist - if pain or numbness os felt in above fingers, CTS is likley.

If you would Like to know more about this tecnique, PM me. Or just do a web search for "RSI massage <your area>".

I hope your neice finds relief for her condition.

Take care

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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

Thanks to you all,

I will pass info on to my neice and try the 2 tests.

Im helping her will lots of problems re bad posture and wonder if problem with wrist and hand is related to back and shoulder issues rather than CTS.

Cheers Huggy.

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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

yes, CTS type symtoms can be alleviated thought deep work (stretching and trigger point work) on variouus muscle groups in neck and shoulder.


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RE: Carpal Tunnel problems.

Thanks Saffron,

Next time she visits I will try the tests and do some deep tissue massage. Unfortunatly she lives in Wales and I am in Devon so a course of treatment would be difficult. Maybe she would like a long holiday in Devon before she gose back to Uni.... would also be a great oppertunity for some free baby sitting!!

Thanks for your help


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I have been reading the post, as I have carpal tunnel, and its very uncomfortable.

My hand went blue, last night, when I was driving.

I am therapist and i am scared it will effect my career. I am waiting for the operation . I feel after reading some posts, this can make it worse.

I have tried hand exercises, but still no help. I have had the injection, once before, but I am waiting on a appointment for another.

What else can I do to help?

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I had the surgery in 2002, having endured just over 18 months of severe pain and unable to work for 6 months (massage and MLD). The surgery took 17 minutes, and the relieve was instant (well, after the local had worn off!). I have had absolutely no problems since.
Before anyone asks, yes, over the previous 5 years I had been down the line of massage therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture (helped with the pain, but wasn't long lasting) and had steroid injections.

Not too sure about the 'blueness' - I never had any problems with the circulation in the hand, just the lack of mobility and nerve pain.

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Kinesiology can be pretty good for this type of thing - or physio - if you get a really good one they should be able to straighten you out a bit.

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Hi there. Just wanted to throw in that I had a client with CT in both wrists and Reiki worked for her over a month or so. My own mother was diagnosed with this last year and was in a lot of pain and waiting for an op on the NHS. I was on a visit one day and she sat nursing her painful wrist while we were talking. I asked if she would like me to try EFT to ease the pain and after just four rounds of tapping she said the pain had gone, much to her relief. She had been boiling a pan of potatoes to make a sheppard's pie for my dad while we tapped and to my amazement she was able to lift the pan and drain the potatoes and then proceeded to mash them with a fork, using the hand that had been so painful!! 6 months on she is still able to use that hand and after seeing the consultant he decided to cancel the operation. Hope that might be of some help to your neice.

Love and light


