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High cholesterol

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Hi wise ones

Can someone advise me about what I can do to lower my cholesterol. a recent blood test showed it was 8.1 the highest its ever been. And yes the baddy LDL is much higher than HDL.

I did take a statin for a few years but then I read about folk dying in th U.S while also being treated for an underactive thyroid (me to). My GP couldn't explain why these people had died as she said Rhabdomyolisis (sp) is reversable when you stop taking the statin.

So clever old me said no thanks Doc no more statins for me I will treat it myself. For 8+ months now I have been taking 2gms of fish oil and 2 gms of vit C a day. ... and guess what its worse and the Doctor wants to see me. [:o]

How much vit C did Linus Pauling say we needed to get rid of cholesterol

So HELP any ideas.

I have read though that cholesterol is a red herring and we should be having homosystein (sp again) levels checked.

Regards Kealy

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RE: High cholesterol

Hi Kealy,
Don't qualify as a wise one but I had a similar problem and got levels down from 8.7 to 6.1 in six months by cutting out a lot of cheese and mayonnaise, using Benecol Olive spread and going on a brisk walk once a week of between 5 and 8 miles. Also got myself more into meditation for relaxation.
Hope you find something that works.

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RE: High cholesterol


As a start I would check the cholesterol you get through your food. Butter, cheese, full fat milk. Some oily fishes... Coffee, unless it is filtered through paper or instant, increases your cholesterol level.


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RE: High cholesterol

There is an awful lot of nonsense talked about cholesterol & unfortunately it's mostly by those that we entrust to guide us on health.[:o]

It looks like you realise there's no quick fix & you'll need to do some reading up & take responsibility for any action you take based on the info.

Here are a few books & other resources to check out:

The Atkins Diet - contrary to orthodox medical belief - this is more likely to reduce your cholesterol than raise it. It certainly did wonders for a friends Ch levels.

Fats that Heal - Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus - a leading aurthority on the subject.

Why Don't Animals Have Heart Attacks (& we do) Although poorly written this will help you understand the relation with vitamin C. Humans & guinea pigs are amongst the very few animals that can't produce their own vit C.

What Doctors Don't Tell You - check their website.

Plenty to be going on with there then. 😮

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RE: High cholesterol


I agree that the subject of cholesterol is confusing. However the Atkins diet is also a very confusing one. There have been too many reports of poeple with kidney failures due to th ediet. The amount of protein you end up eating is not easy for your body to cope with...
I took out my classical "healing with plants" book by Jean Valnet. Against high cholesterol he recomends artichoke, dandelion, walnuts, sunflower and soya.


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RE: High cholesterol

May I be so bold as to enquire if you exercise or not! i dont mean to be rude but for me cholesterol is due to stagnated energy within the body, clogging up due to immobility. I dont mean that you are a lazy so and so, that is not where i am coming from what i am saying is gentle/brisk walks, exercises, swimming will be good for you, also mineral supplements (you can get from local health centre) also what are your stress levels like, when we are stressed we often crave sweets, carbohydrates, fatty stuff to supress our anxiety and stress. Try and watch what you eat. you can cut down on your favourites if you try and introduce vibrant energising foods. Also eating too much meat is not good for you that can cause cholesterol problems. fresh garlic and ginger will help, try brewing some natural ginger in some hot boiled water. you can get your health back but i am a firm believer in you are the only one to do it, and exercising and diet is where you need to start.

with love


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RE: High cholesterol

Hello All,
I have just recently seen an article about a new drug on trial that apparently clears all the sludge from you arteries in six weeks. I can't remember where I saw it but in the trial group I think that they were quoting a 87% success rate. This drug would make bypass surgery almost redundant. Please keep an eye out for any more follow up articles, not sure if it was one of the big Sunday reads. If I find out anymore about it I will post it.

I have been told that the way to beat a high cholesterol count is through diet and exercise, start small ie walk for about 40-60 minutes a day and eat lots of fresh green veg and knock anything you know that is bad for you on the head and watch your count start to fall.

Good luck let us know how you get on.


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RE: High cholesterol

Hi Kealy,

Here's some information to get your research gears going:

Cholesterol - Lowering

These Substances Lower Total Serum Cholesterol Levels

Amino Acids

Arginine lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Carnitine lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Creatine Monohydrate lowers total Cholesterol levels (by up to 15%).

Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetate (EDTA) - the synthetic Amino Acid used in Chelation Therapy - lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.

Hydroxy Methylbutyrate (HMB ) (3,000 mg per day) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Taurine lowers serum Cholesterol levels by combining with Cholesterol to form Bile.

Amino Acid Derivatives

Dimethyl Glycine (DMG ) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels (by inhibiting Enzymes involved in the endogenous synthesis of Cholesterol):


Glucomannan (1,000 mg taken approximately one hour prior to each meal = 3,000 mg per day) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Sunlight and Ultra-Violet Radiation lower total serum Cholesterol levels (by facilitating the conversion of Cholesterol to Vitamin D).


Progesterone lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA ) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Guggulsterones lowers elevated serum Cholesterol levels (by stimulating the function of the Thyroid, inhibiting the endogenous production of Cholesterol and facilitating the excretion of Cholesterol).

Policosanol lowers elevated total serum Cholesterol levels (by inhibiting the synthesis of endogenous Cholesterol).


Lactobacillus acidophilus lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Lactobacillus acidophilus - DDS-1 strain lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Lactobacillus sporogenes significantly lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.


Calcium lowers total serum Cholesterol levels (by up to 6%).
Chromium lowers total serum Cholesterol levels by up to 15%.
Elevated total serum Cholesterol levels are a symptom of Copper deficiency.

Magnesium lowers total serum Cholesterol levels and elevated serum Cholesterol levels can occur as a result of Magnesium deficiency.


Curcumin lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Epigallo-Catechin-Gallate (EGCG ) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Quercetin lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.


Soy Protein lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.


Coenzyme Q10 (100 mg per day) lowers total serum Cholesterol levels:


Tocotrienols lower elevated serum Cholesterol levels (primarily by inhibiting the action and production of the enzyme HMG-CoA Reductase that is involved in the endogenous production of Cholesterol).
Vitamin B5 lowers total serum Cholesterol levels by up to 19%.

Vitamin B6 lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.

Ginger lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.

Green Tea lowers total serum Cholesterol levels.
Guggulipid (extract) lowers elevated serum Cholesterol levels (by stimulating the function of the Thyroid, inhibiting the endogenous production of Cholesterol and facilitating the excretion of Cholesterol).


Red Yeast Rice lowers elevated total serum Cholesterol levels (by inhibiting the HMG-CoA Reductase enzyme that catalyzes the endogenous production of Cholesterol).

Hopefully, you will be able to piece together something useful from all that, the choices are endless.

Many people make the mistake of taking a single nutrient to treat a condition, even though they are possible suffering from multiple deficiencies/toxicities. You could pick a few from the list, perhaps with the help of a nutritionist who isn't just into food (food's quite deplete and often toxic these

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RE: High cholesterol

Hi Neo,

Thanks for posting on Amino Acids. I am currently on a programme that contains many amino acids, including Arginine and many many others. I have been on it for 3 weeks now and the results are amazing. i dont have cholesterol problems but i was hypoglycemic, verging on diabetes but it seems to be clearing up. The programme is very helpful in that it uses amino acids and other vits, mins and herbs to cleanse the system. it works on "all your issues are in your tissues" and for someone who had tried to give up smoking for many years i have found that i am greatly put off by the smell of smoke and the taste of it! horrified at this as i loved a cigarrette! but what the amino acids have done is balance out body chemicals and cleansing inside out. it is very interesting and the importance of proteins and amino acids in health will soon become very popular. Thanks for you info, it just goes to strengthen what i believe works.

with love


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RE: High cholesterol

Hi Tammy,

"All your issues are in your tissues"..... I love that. Nice one!

Glad to hear that your program is working for you.

I agree that we'll be hearing much more about aminos and proteins, especially peptides.

Peptide chemistry is fairly new, there are still not many good peptide chemists in the world (Neways has one), but with peptides we can do anything. Wanna lose a little weight on your left buttock? Here's a peptide for it. Want to change your hair colour? Take a peptide-pill! 🙂

I take a growth-factor complex that seems to be working well..... it's got IGF-1 and IGF-2, TGF and other growth factors. These are endogenous proteins.

Blessed Be,

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RE: High cholesterol

Nice bit of homework Neo1. 🙂

Interesting stuff.

Incidentally your web site link in your profile seems to be broken.

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RE: High cholesterol

This is taken from 'The Food Pharmacy' by Jean Carper

To reduce bad LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol:
First choice is oat bran. Next, oatmeal and dried beans, including plain old baked beans out of the can. Soybeans are great for adults and kids with genetically induced high cholesterol. Grapefruit- segments and membrane, not the juice- drives down cholesterol. Also fresh oranges, apples, yogurt, skimmed milk, carrots, garlic, onions, barley, ginger, eggplant, artichoke, unripe plantain, shiitake mushrooms, olive oil. Substitute seafood, including shellfish, for meat and chicken. All fruits high in pectin, which includes strawberries and bananas.

To raise good HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol:
Best bet is strong, raw onions- at least a half a medium onion a day. Substitute olive oil for other vegetable oils or saturated fats. Alcoholic drinks, such as wine, beer, spirits in moderation- one or two drinks a day- also boost HDLs.
Added advice: cut back on total fat (especially saturated fats like animal-type fat, and coconut and palm oils). This enhances the effects of the above natural cholesterol-fighters.


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Liv Bread

Reducing and maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is hugely important and doesn't mean you need to drastically change your entire diet. Simple things like swapping everyday products for a healthy alternative, e.g. butter, bread and cereals.

A personal favourite i found is new product on the market called Liv Bread, it contains beta-glucans which help to lower Cholesterol. The best thing is it fits in with my normal diet and it delicious too. Check it out [url]Liv Home[/url]
