Started beginning of June. I was very tired/exhausted for no reason for 1 week and ended up collapsing. My blood pressure was low (105/65??) and my heart rate was100+ or so. Iturned pasty white to a gray in color and was very disorientated. Ended up in ER 6/7/07 and EKGdetected slight electrical delay (possible AV BLOCK).Sent home with a 48hr holter monitor which detected fast heart rate, slow heart rate, extra heart beats, delayed heart beats and heart rate into 30's when sleeping. 6/25/07 Cardiologist said I was anorexic and needed to eat salt and there wasn't a problem with my heart <-----MORON in my opinion. 2 days later I had an ECHO and an ECHO STESS. ECHO good, stress ECHO good but did detect everything mentioned above. Went back to work on 6/27 after and was feeling good again, but not great. Instead of feeling like crap 24/7 with good moments now it was the opposite. At this time I have been YUCK for1 month now.I returned to workThurs 6/28 and Fri and collapsed again Fri at 1245pm. Response team checked vitals and BP was 106/35 and heart rate 100+ according to the event monitor I had on which I got Wed after the testing. All blood tests were normal and being that I'm a Med Tech I have access to tests and those have always been normal. Fridays incident: vision went wacky became disorientated and fell to the floor turning white to gray again(hands purple) only early symptom that morning was feeling slightly tired about 9 am. I aslo had a CT scan of chest Fri which was normal.
STATISTICS: 32years, 5'6.5", 130 lbs and athletic, don't smoke/drink/use drugs. I'm not a health fanatic and don't really exercise anymore but in great shape. Resting HR is 55. I've collapsed several times this past month. Feel weak, tired, exhausted, heart feels like its pounding out of my chest at times, (even while sitting doing nothing)some chest pain but the most annoying thing is a bubble feeling in my throat which sometimes it feels like I'm suffocating. It does affected my speech at times....slows it drastically. I do not suffer from anxiety. Oh I do suffer from orthostatic hypotension (self diagnosed) For 20 years I have fainted from standing from a sitting/lying position. Completely lose consciousness, see black and have convulsions whenfalling to the floor and I'm "out" for up to a minute. I have several other symptoms including 'floating' feeling while laying flat on bed. Doctors are clueless!! Any idea anyone?? I've never felt like this in my life and it sucks! I'm rarely ever sick and always on the go! OH and I don't take medication or drink caffiene.
RE: fainting/palpitations/suffocating feeling
How about a mild form of Epilepsy, or have you been tested for that too....
I was a fainter, so is my daughter, and my mother, (my other daughter isnt or my sister), no explanations either, i havent had a 'turn' for about 8/10 years now, i know when i am going to faint, and i know that when i am coming around that i have fainted, when i am out i am completely 'out'. I have the black dizzeness before hand and a sensation that i am going to faint. I ues to feel faint if i got too hot, or once i cut my finger and fainted, i never knew when it would come on.
My daughter is the same, she, luckily only faints if she is unwell, bad throat etc. Once she fainted at the bus stop, a lady near her called the ambulance, she said she had an epeleptic fit, as she said her daughter suffers, i took her to the doctors, had tests at the hospital and they could not find anything that would say she had one. and everything to do with her head was fine.
The doctors told both of us that fainting is a way of the body shutting down when it needs to. He said that it would maybe get better in time. and it has.
The first one i had was around 8 ears fo age, i was in junior school at the time and funny enough my daughter was around that age too.
My mother who suffers with her heart, was having black outs recently due to low blood pressure.
Hope you get it sorted soon.
Sheangel 😀