Does anyone else here get these nasy things? They are also known as 'tonsilloliths'. I only found out the name of these things this year. I've met a few people over the years that get them and they also seem to have gut problems as well, e.g. IBS and IBD (like me).
They are UNSPEAKABLY disgusting. I can feel that I've got one lodged at the back of my throat, it's been there for weeks, but I can't even see the damn thing. I hope that it goes soon.
When I had a really bad episode of tonsillitis a few years ago, my entire tonsils were coated in that white stuff. My right tonsil was eaten away virtually entirely. And each time you get them, you tend to get more pits ans scarring, which allows for more bacteria to get in and you get them all over again.
Vile, vile vile.
Does anyone know how to treat or prevent these things?
Is that what those things are???? I've definitley learned something new today - possibly one for the "I didn't know that" thread lol!
I get these occassionally but never knew what they were and never mentioned it to anybody because I thought it was just a wierd thing exclusive to me! So I can't help with advise on how to treat or prevent them....although I have noticed that they are less frequent when I am being good about drinking lots of water.
Elaine x
I get these occassionally but never knew what they were and never mentioned it to anybody because I thought it was just a wierd thing exclusive to me! So I can't help with advise on how to treat or prevent them....although I have noticed that they are less frequent when I am being good about drinking lots of water.
Yes, I've found them to be worse if I've had a blocked nose and therefore dry throat if I haven't been drinking enough water.
I think it's helped slightly that I gargle twice a day with mouthwash, but with all the pits in my tonsils, I think the bacteria and debris that gets in is virtually unreachable. I've read that some people use those water jet interdental things to flush them out.
A lot on the internet mentions them as often being the cause of bad breath, but everyone who I know who gets them has 'normal' breath. You only realise how bad they smell when they come out. That's the worse part! They really are disgusting.
Hi my daughter had a real problem with recurring tonsillitis until she had them out .she suffered way to help remove food and slime from them is to gargle with salted warm water after every meal to remove the particles of food.
it has to be a daily and regimented routine.hope this helps xrayne
Thanks, Rayne.
I hadn't heard that, it must be worth a try.
I belong to the generation which routinely had its tonsils removed at a very early age. Can't say I've ever missed them!
I get these occassionally but never knew what they were and never mentioned it to anybody because I thought it was just a wierd thing exclusive to me! So I can't help with advise on how to treat or prevent them....
Me too... have done since my teens and only recently realised that it wasn't just me and my Dad that suffered from this annoying thing.
I used to try and squeeze 'em out but that seemed to only make matters worse and left me with an even worse unpleasant taste/smell coming from the tonsil area. So I ignore them as best i can and find that leaves the least unpleasantness and only occsionally notice anything there.
You must have been the same generation as me Sunanda coz all of the cildren got their tonsils removed when I was young. I can still remember being in hospital with loads of other kids.
Tigerlilly I would say try gargling with some tea tree or TCP diluted with water.
Love and Light