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Teeth whitening

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Has anybody tried having this done professionally?

I noticed some leaflets in our dentists and enquired and was told it was a light activated treatment and costs £480 but is very effective.

I have tried some of the pastes/products you can buy over the counter but they weren't much good TBH.

I used to often get a clean or scale and polish when I went for a check-up (all included in price) but they don't do that any more on the NHS and you have to pay £30+ for a scale & polish with the hygienist.

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One of the girls on my training course had it done- I remember it took several goes but certainly made an improvement.

I understand that you need to match the shade of white to the whites of your eyes- any brighter will look fake.

Personally I think attractiveness comes from within! 🙂

Best wishes

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I have!

Sorry, I know this is an old thread, but after considering it for a couple of years, I finally took the plunge and had mine done a month ago. I am not usually one for cosmetic procedures at all, but I was really bothered by noticing in photographs that my teeth were significantly darker than anyone else's, and particularly yellow at the sides. I had a lot of orthodontic treatment in my teens and have lovely straight teeth, and think my smile is possibly my best feature, but the colour was spoiling my pride in it.

Anyhow, mine cost £99 and the process involved cleaning, protecting the gums, and applying a beach solution for 15 mins and shining a UV light on the teeth. After 15 mins this was removed and reapplied and the light put back in place. They did 4 consectuve 15 min sessions and my teeth are now 3 shades lighter at the front and 5 shades lighter at the sides, so not only are they whiter but they are more even. It's not dramatic or fake looking, but my close friends could notice the difference, and it has made me happier and more confident about my smile! 😀

Be warned though - you can only eat white food for 72 hours afterwards 😮
