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strange head pressure?

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hi there, this is my very first time I have written anything on a forum so here we go. have had some very strange symtoms for some time now, and I would like to know if there is anyone who has had similar symptoms to mine, have had no real diagnosis. strange head pressure usually starts at the back of the head or can go ov er the entire skull, shooting, stabbing type pains in the skull or scalp, shooting pains in chest and arms. the head pressure varies in severity, but can cause nausea, dizziness with vertigo like symptoms with light headedness. these symptoms have been of a concern for some time now and is most worrying as it has stopped me functioning on many levels, as going about my everyday life. so if there is anyone out there that could offer some form of information, have checked many sites concerning(headaches,arthritis,pagets,hypertension, etc) believe it or not have actually been to the doctors once or twice?

thanks for listening
you all have a real nice day and stay healthy..

6 Replies
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What did the doctor tell you? Have you been referred for a CT or CAT scan? If there has been no resolution to your symptoms you should ask for a referral.

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I would go the the doctors and tell them you are getting concerned

don't try and diagnose it yourself

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action affirmative.

thanks jabba and bluefloppy. since reading you're replys have taken affirmative action , and seen my doctor and am now awaiting an appointment with a neurologist probably next month.

once again thank you.

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Hi Dennis,

Of course it's very sensible to get a thorough medical check up.

You may find reading Jon Kabat-Zinn's book, Full Catastrophe Living helpful. There are all sorts of specific examples of how the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program has helped people with a wide variety of chronic pain issues. There's also plenty of stuff online.

I think this is the only alternative approach that has been developed within a clinical model*. Its efficacy is supported by a significant evidence base built up within the conditions needed for clinical trials. The MBSR program itself is and eight week course that uses body scans, simple yoga techniques and mindfulness meditation techniques (which come from the Buddhist tradition but are entirely secularised in this course).

The program was originally designed for stress reduction and then used for chronic pain management. There are many remarkable stories, in Kabat-Zinn's book, of how this approach has helped people on their path to healing and rediscovering wholeness in their lives.

Best wishes,


*please correct me if I'm wrong here, anyone.

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I had a similar problem. Turns out it was a nerve in the neck getting trapped. A neck brace for about a week resolved the problem.
Couldn't relate it to head pains, clamping sensation. Even the Experts missed it.


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hi dennis, i totally relate to your symptoms. i currently am having similar feelings of pressure at the top of my head spreading down to what feels like my windpipe, causing my throat to be almost constantly dry. i also find when the pressure is there i start to sweat and feel that i'm going to be sick. i'm due to see my gp next week because im quite concerned about it.

hope you feel better soon buddy.
