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shingles on face

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I have shingles on my face, its been a nightmare for the last few days :(Dr did put me on high dose of Valtrex and yesterday I called and told him it was near my eye and on tip of nose so he prescribed eye drops (can cause blindness). Anyway, today I called the opthamologist and he said just to watch out for symptoms so I am really worried BUT also at same time, on the side of face with the shingles one of my root canaled/crowned back teeth is acting like its got an abcess (occasional stabbing pain)! I am praying that its just something to do with the whole shingles thing as at other times the upper teeth (same side) feel painful for a moment as does other parts of the face. I am also doing lots of holistic stuff and putting on St.Johns Wort oil dabbed on the lesions. Anyone have any hopeful input? The side of my face looks terrible, just what I needed at my age, already going downhill face-wise. Really feel worried and depressed. Thanks for listening, am formerly from Surrey and now reside in the USA.

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RE: shingles on face

sorry meant to say shingles in eye can cause blindness, not the drops Dr gave me 😀

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RE: shingles on face

Oh anneh, you have my sympathy. i had it about 18 months ago and the pain was horrendous plus i looked like something from a horror movie. I didnt have it near my eyes tho it was my neck and face.
i tried loads of things but to be honest nothing really helped , it was just something i had to see through
and the only advice i will give is be kind to yourself and get plenty of rest
hang in there it will pass
i will happily send you distance reiki if you would like

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RE: shingles on face

Well I really appreciate your response, makes me feel so much better to hear from someone who has gone thru this nightmare. I do feel better today altho still vague pain in teeth and also now swollen lymph node on affected side under jaw. I know for sure that it has stopped the spreading and now blistered lesions are opening up. Must have had a bunch up my nose, keep sneezing which of course hurts like hell when I blow my nose, nose covered in lesions. Yes I look like a monster and I hope I will eventually go back to normal, using St. John's wort infused oil on lesions I also used cooled herbal tea compresses during height of break out. I had shingles about 6y ago on my leg but never broke out, went to acupuncturist, took appropriate supplements (lysine/olive leaf etc) and the St.John Wort oil over the painful area, still lasted a couple of months but this time as it was on my face and threat of eye involvement I took the meds. I used homeopathic Hypericum for the stabbing pain. Unfortunately cannot take codeine painkillers so they were unable to give me anything for pain except Tylenol altho am now taking Advil for perceived inflammation in jaw. We are having a snowstorm here in MD today and also yesterday so that panicked me more knowing I couldnot get medical help if I needed it plus it is a weekend. I am praying that eye is now safe but unfortunately Dr did not elaborate about when I could presume so. Thanks again and yes, any supporting prayer is welcomed, have been thru alot in my 60+ years but this has been about the worst. Now I would like to know how to prevent this ever happening again, seems to have been stress related but I am normally of a strong constitution except for my nerves, they are my weakness and I seem to have been blessed with a stressful life[:'(]
Hugs anneh

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RE: shingles on face

You poor thing! I had shingles 20 years ago on my back and my GP at the time , an elderly chap put a thermogene patch on I thought I was going to die! Then I had shingles from my right arm pit, through my ear right around my right eye about 8 years ago, and even now when the wind is cold i am aware of the area around my eye, One thing that was wonderful was to make some chamomile tea and freeze it into ice cubes to put on the areas when they felt hot, as well as topically applying St.Johns wort oil, with bergamot in it as well. I took PETASITES tablets and the following tinctures HYPERICUM COMPLEX AND ECHINAFORCE all from BIOFORCE as my pain relief.
Now when I feel myself getting towards a stress headache or stressfull time I take VALERIANA tincture for about three days and am pleased to say i have not had it again.

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RE: shingles on face

oh you poor thing i said tried loads of things even accupuncture but it didnt work tho the therapist was soooo kind he also introduced me to some very simple qi gong exercises which help fight stress. The weekend before my breakout i had a major stress/panic attack then on the monday morning a few spots appeared which my husband recognised as shingles so i got to the doc quick and was able to take anything he gave me lol....but the pain was like nothing I had ever had before and although my friends were lovely i could see them recoil when they saw me.
The doc told me that the virus had probably been in my system a long time and it was a month before the spots cleared up i was off work for 5 weeks. he also told me that my severe stress reaction was probably due to the virus being in my system and that the stress had just brought it all out. i also lost a lot of weight but that was no bad thing lol

once you are over this you should do all the things you can to help keep stress at bay in he meantime i will send you healing each night to work while you sleep.

by the way i was under the illusion you couldn't get shingles more than once am i wrong in thinking that?

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RE: shingles on face

Sorry to hear you also had this horrible affliction.:( You mention it was around the right eye, did they do anything special about it - was your eye damaged? I guess you are in England but was wondering where you purchase the products you mention? Thanks 🙂


You poor thing! I had shingles 20 years ago on my back and my GP at the time , an elderly chap put a thermogene patch on I thought I was going to die! Then I had shingles from my right arm pit, through my ear right around my right eye about 8 years ago, and even now when the wind is cold i am aware of the area around my eye, One thing that was wonderful was to make some chamomile tea and freeze it into ice cubes to put on the areas when they felt hot, as well as topically applying St.Johns wort oil, with bergamot in it as well. I took PETASITES tablets and the following tinctures HYPERICUM COMPLEX AND ECHINAFORCE all from BIOFORCE as my pain relief.
Now when I feel myself getting towards a stress headache or stressfull time I take VALERIANA tincture for about three days and am pleased to say i have not had it again.

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RE: shingles on face

Yes I hate to tell you it can come back more than once, I have a friend who has had 4 attacks[:'(] Btw you mention anxiety/panic attacks, I have them too, they are awful aren't they[:@] I just spoke with a friend and she said she had shingles in her eye/forehead/scalp while travelling in Singapore with her daughter. It was a nightmare for her and she bought the biggest sunglasses she could find so that she could walk around without scaring people. Fortunately no damage to her eye either so I am feeling encouraged.

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RE: shingles on face

Hi Anneh........Rhus Tox 200 (homoeopathic remedy) is great for shingles. Also apply infused oil of hypericum to the skin.

The best way to take homoep. remedies is to pop one in a small bottle of water, sip, then shake the bottle before subsequent doses. Keep topping up the bottle with water all day, and leave a little in the bottle at the end of the day so you can top up next day. You don't add any more pills. One pill lasts one week......

Then if the symptoms persist, start with a fresh bottle and another pill....

Wish you lots better

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RE: shingles on face

Thanks for the homeopathy tip, never thought of doing that, its like you are succussing it again which I know is what strengthens the remedy (for lack of better description). I called the opthamologist office this morning and because of bad weather I said I could not come in today but that I had no apparent symptoms of eye problems and they called back and Dr said I should be ok. Then today on the internet read something that indicated that if it is near your eye your eye IS damaged from it so now I am confused and feeling panicky. Did the person on this forum who had eye involvement get any eye problems? I also hve stabbing pain in upper jaw/ear area but I am sure its associated with the nerve. The skin is starting to heal and the lesions are weeping so that part is definitely on the mend. I am applying the St.JohnWort (Hypericum) oil. Thanks again, will be glad when this nightmare is truly over.:(

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RE: shingles on face

My eye was not really affected apart from a tendancy to weep in cold wind, but it has now developed a dryness that I have to use false tears for, but as I have hit that age when we are told to expect things to alter, it may be that, but good luck and I hope you got my email direct to you.

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RE: shingles on face

Dear Anneh;)
Oh! I am so very sorry my dear! My aunt had it all over her stomach and back in October last year & heaps of useful advice was given here on Hp, for which she was most grateful. See
However, I'd like to recommend that you try a zapper and maybe even 'stronger' electrotherapy like Rife resonance therapy. 😀
All the very best dear one,

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RE: shingles on face

Hi Anneh,

Yes, shingles really is an unpleasant condition. I suffered from it many years ago. At the time, I found that there was little that I could do to alleviate the problem and I had to sit it out.
However, I discover that the condition may well have been triggered off by some anxious times that I was encountering around that time.
I wonder if something has been nibbling away at your mind over the past year or two? You say that you have re-located from UK to US. Such a move could easily have placed new and unknown strains upon you.
Try to step back for a while from your potions and lotions and relax your mind, realign any doubtful parts of your lifestyle. Maybe you are now distanced [physically] from several of your loved ones and your more recently acquired confidants, whilst being fine people, are not quite the same as those old well-honed relationships, which you were subconciously reliant upon.

Soar's kind offer of Distance Reiki is not to be forgotten. I wonder, have you tried some local Reiki?

Finally, in what is probably on balance, a fairly unhelpful writing, note that I have not suffered a recurrence of the condition and I am talking 1970's.

So, yes it will be painful but it will subside and I am sure that your life will improve in the not to distant future. Forget worrying about what you see in the mirror, we all look different, even when we are not unwell, focus upon the more relevant aspects of your daily living.


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RE: shingles on face

I have read in natural health mags that pear juice or Aloe vera gel are really good for shingles pain. You can juice the pears and eat the pulp. If you try it and it does work could you let us know please as useful info.

Hope you are better soon
Best wishes

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RE: shingles on face

i am in my early 20's and also suffered from this recently it spread till it got to my crown. i used...calomine lotion...i tried rubbing ginger on it soaking in epsom salts/oatmeal baths. took vitamin b5 and some homepathic tablets i.e rhus tox......toothache abcesses...i rubbed salt in to the gums then mashed up some ginger root and chewed on it burns seemed to work for me. otherwise you can resort to....clove oil, mangoes/papaya.

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RE: shingles on face

Dear Anneh, please see my recent post under the what to do for a cold thread near the top of first page about putting a piece of 100% cotton in your ear the size of a small marble and tapping it in gently until it doesnt seem to want to go in any farther and I am very very confident tht will rapidly cure shingles which is due to the chicken pox virus. But know that this and no other immune stimulating therapy will work during the time you are using your computer due to the effect of the radiationon the body. Thanks Steve Lord

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RE: shingles on face

Dear Anneh,
I developed shingles on my face that went into my right eye this past July. I lost 30 lbs. in 3 weeks and was quite weak from the lost of weight and pain.
If someone had mentioned shingles to me before I got them I would have just thought "what is the big deal". I am also a cancer survivor and this is almost as bad. I still have post-neurological pain and each day is an adventure. Some days it feels like I have ice growing on my forehead down to my eye. The other day, it felt like I was being stung by wasps. That lasted all day and was so real it brought tears to my eyes. I am hoping that one day, I will wake-up and this nightmare will be over. I hope the same for you.

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HI i have just been diagnosed with shingles I have it on my face it feels like a clawing sensation head back and it's spreading. I have had it once before but this has been a larger outbreak. it aches and trying to sleep last night wasn't happening.

I put a post on energy changes as my energy has been up and down and I wondered what the cause for this was.

I am not taking anything from the doctors as yet I am trying a high vit c complex a mix from holland and barrats for stress you take it 3 times a day and it's meant to calm the nerv endings who were really helpful. i just doubled up in the shop as it hit my back.

glad to see the new changes it looks a lot nicer I love the colours it's really summery.thumbs up as it seems and looks a lot securer.


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Hi mardigras

I had shingles on my face last October and it really was horrid. I would strongly recommend that you go to see your GP ASAP, and get some anti-viral tablets. I had them, as well as eye ointment because it was very near my eye. The only thing that I found soothed the blisters on my forehead was a witch hazel gel - at least it helped me get some sleep.

Hope you feel better soon.


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I am taking rhus tox

should be avoiding the sun but I am quite pale and well i decided i need a bit of a glow.

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I had shingles a year ago, i tried vygone( which i found on youtube) It works for me bec it stops the outbreak, until now its not coming back. hopefully this one really works, i think others should give it a try too and tell us the outcome
I had shingles a year ago, i tried vygone( which i found on youtube) It works for me bec it stops the outbreak, until now its not coming back. hopefully this one really works, i think others should give it a try too and tell us the outcome
