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Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

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Hi all!
I'm a total dentist-phobe and haven't been for any dentistry for at least 12 years! (How awful is that?!) For the last 18 months, I've had a broken tooth (lower molar) which has lost a large filling - resulting in a large crater with half a tooth shell around it. As long as I keep it cleaned out, I have no problems and have convinced myself that it will fall out in time (delusional!). However, I am concerned that I'm leaving myself open to future torture in the form of a dental abscess so am gradually summing up the courage to get myself a sympathetic dentist who will just extract it for me. I'm wondering if I could leave well alone & hope (coward as I am). Has anyone else had experience of the same please?
Happy smiles to you all!

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Hi Bellis
My advice would be to take yourself to the dentist, PLEASE.
My husband was much like yourself, until the pain really did take over[&:]
He's had an awful lot of treatment[:@] but is through the worst now. He never misses his check up's anymore.
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but, it's not going to go away[&:] until you've been to the dentist. Another idea would be to tell your dentist how you feel.
Hope this helps
Love & healing being sent to you.

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

I really really hate the dentist[:'(]

Before I moved I had a great dintist, If a needed any work, he used to give me some kind of relaxant, I cant remember what it was, but I am sure someone on HP can enlighten us, altough I new what was going on, it didnt hurt so I wasnt botherd, i was a little...... erm.....woosey, but it was worth it just not to be in pain any more, mabe this would help you.
I have had two children, and I would rather have a baby than suffer with tooth ache, thats how bad I am[8D]

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Hi Bellis

I know exactly what you are going through, both with the dentist phobia and the bad tooth. I too have a very deep set fear of the dentist which I aquired when I was little and was made worse by some very bad dentists later on in life. I won't go into the gory details!

Please, please, please try and look for a sympathetic dentist and go and get it seen to before it causes you more trouble. I had a tooth like that when I was a teenager and tried to ignore it until I couldn't bear it any longer, and then again in my twenties another one which unforutately developed an abscess. Make no mistake if you get an abscess you WON'T be able to ignore it, and if that does happen you won't be able to have an anaesthetic 'cause it won't numb a tooth with an abscess, and then you're in real trouble. I know, I've been there!!

I hope you don't think I'm trying to scare you, but I just can't emphasise to you enough to get it seen to straight away, and NO it definitely won't go away on it's own.

When you phone the dentists make absolutely sure they understand how afraid you are and if they don't seem sympathetic phone another one 'til you find one who is. I know how hard it is, but it'll be worth it in the end. Just take the first step and pick up the phone. I did and now I go regularly and you wouldn't believe the dental work I've had done and I can honestly say I have never experienced pain while having all this work done (fillings galore and three crowns, two of which I've had re-done. I pulled one out chewing bonfire toffee, never again [:o] [:o]) I now have a lovely lady dentist who is very good and gentle. Trouble is I wish I'd have done it years ago.

Sincere good luck
Susan x x

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Much of what you have said is very sensible, but I have to disagree about the anaesthetic not working if you have an abcess. IMHO, that is just not true. Although it might not have worked for you, that is not my experience, not at all, my dentist removed an abcess when I went in with a face like half a hamster, had an extraction, and I never felt a thing! Don't let's frighten people unnecessarily, just because of something that didn't work for us, eh?

There are dentists who specialise in nervous patients. Try an internet search, try your local council for a list, there's also a dental helpline that my doctor gave me for NHS dentist, and can I find it? No! But they are the nicest, kindest and most helpful people.

Good luck!


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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Hear hear, to Holistic.
You've got to get this seen to, an abcess could lead to a blood infection and people used to die of dental problems.

I had an abcess last summer and needed a root canal. There are some brilliant dentists out there nowadays, the anaesthesia was superb and the only discomfort came from having to keep my mouth open for so long.

So be brave and, as the Nike ad says, just DO IT! 😀

love and courage to you

PS If you're in South London, PM me and I'll give you my dentist's details!

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Hi Bellis

I've just re-read your original post, and if I understand it correctly, you haven't actually got an abcess - just a hole - and you're not in any pain. Am I right?

However, I am concerned that I'm leaving myself open to future torture in the form of a dental abscess

Dare I ask if you're doing "worst case scenarios" - I'm a real expert at these, BTW!

Is it not possible that this tooth could be saved? I have one at the front which my dentist cunningly made out of white filler material - he virtually built me a new tooth from the ground up as it were, and you can't tell it from the real thing. A bit like a crown. Maybe yours could be crowned.

Go on - just go and ask! It might not be as bad as you think. 🙂

Very best of luck. Rescue Remedy is great in such situations.


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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge. I know you're all correct - I was just hoping however naively, that the thing would just fall out! I have got as far today as looking in the Yellow Pages! One step at a time but I WILL sort out a dentist - I know it's for the best. I wonder though why people are so intent on saving teeth that have clearly gone past their best. Friends who have restorative or reconstructive dental work all seem to suffer horrendous problems as a result.
I appreciate the time given to replying to my plea - I'll let you know the outcome - SOON!!
Smiley smiles!
XxX [&:]

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Nice touch Holistic;)
I was postin while you were Bellis, just askin how far you've got.
One day at a time, it won't be as bad as you think.
Why don't you put up a post in healing and prayers the night before you go (you'll get a lot of support) and it all helps.

Love & Blessing's
Crystallove X

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Don't let's frighten people unnecessarily, just because of something that didn't work for us, eh?

Excuse me holistic but I'm not trying to frighten anybody unnecessarily, I know what extreme fear of dentists is like,,, I would never do that to anyone. I was merely trying to point out that it's much better to get the tooth seen to than wait for it to get worse. Theres no point burying your head in the sand is there?

my dentist removed an abcess when I went in with a face like half a hamster, had an extraction, and I never felt a thing!

It's hard to comment on your particular case as I don't know the details but, with respect, I think you were very lucky you didn't feel a thing, dentists don't usually pull teeth that have abcesses attached to them without a course of antibotics first. I'm not going to go into the details incase I 'frighten people unnecessarily' but I do have experience of these things otherwise I would have kept my mouth shut!

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

To you Bellis

Well done for picking up the yellow pages, one step at a time eh!! As I said I've had extensive dental work done and I never had any problems at all,, only the ones that were my own fault e.g. the bonfire toffee.

I also agree with Holistic, it may be possible for this tooth to be saved you wouldn't believe the teeth my dentist has save me you wouldn't have thought it possible. I know what you mean about whether or not a tooth is worth saving but I can't afford to let any of mine go without a fight 😀 and all because I didn't go to the dentist when I was younger.

By the way sorry if I scared you it wasn't intentional.


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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Hi Bellis
You may or may not want to hear from me, I'm a dental nurse!

I totally understand what you are going through right now. At my practice we see alot of nervous patients so you are not alone by any means.

The sad part of my job is that we tend to see people when they are suffering from pain, rather than them coming in every 6 months allowing us to monitor their oral health and carry out small retorations before they begin to suffer toothache as a result of not attending on a regular basis. This is often the case with children, whos first experience is associated with pain and they carry a fear into adulthood.
My personal opinion is that in the majority of cases it is better to try and save your teeth so they last your life time, for a number of reasons. Depending on how bad the break is you may only need a filling, however if you have left it too long the nerve of the tooth may have been exposed if this is the case then bacteria may have enter the canal and infected the nerve, which would mean you require a root treatment. This is a two visit process. For some reason (most probably dating back to the bad old days of dentistry) there are horror stories surrounding root treatments. To put it simply a small opening is made in the top of the tooth to gain access, then using tiny files the dead infected nerve is removed, then an anti bac cream is left inside the tooth and a dressing is placed over the top. Once the dentist is happy that all infection is gone the tooth will be sealed with an inert material and a new filling is put on the top. X-rays will be taken during this treatment and if necessary a prescription will be given. The most difficult part is having to keep your mouth open, as your jaw can get tired.
I hope this has helped to put your mind at rest [sm=wave.gif]

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Sorry I forgot to add, an extraction is one visit and cost about £10, and a root treatment takes two visits and cost between £30 and £70 and then you have x-rays and a filling to pay on top of that. These are NHS prices who knows what it would be for private treatment!

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

I can tell you exactly what it costs privately as I've had an appointment with the endodontist today and need two root canal fillings. The molar will cost £600 and the premolar is £400!!! Scary, but not as bad as toothache??

See the thread on this forum 'Do We Have a Dental Nurse/Dentist on HP?'


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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Hi all
have read this post with lots of interest along with lots of cringes!!
Have to admit to being one of those terrified of dentists, need mum and hubby
to make sure i dont bolt for the door,lol.
Have to agree that fear started as a child but was through a bad dentisit who
was struck off. Now i have to wait till the pain comes before even thinking of
going through those doors. Had managed to find a sympathetic one till he
dropped the drill onto my teeth.............. didn't see me for dust,lol

The reason for interest........... a few weeks ago I lost the filling in one
of my back teeth which then broke in half! There's no pain, nothing and
it will probably take it to start hurting before i'll go, and it will need to be a on visiter thing
cant face going back to soon!!!!!!

So have lots of sympathy for all who fear dentists ( even hubby can't use the drill
whilst I'm around, I become a slavering wreck,lol)

yala, the saliva was running hi as i read your post a pictured it happening, cold shivers
ran down my spine!! Yugh!
Take care all,

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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

DC I do sympathise, but please look in your Yellow Pages to see if there is a dentist in your area for nervous patients.

The one I saw today, advertises as such. All the staff were obviously very well trained in customer services and the dentist explained everything, gave me all the options, asked me if I needed to ask questions and told me to phone him anytime if I could think of any other questions I needed to ask. He even shook my hand when I came in and when I left. They offer sedation, when necessary as well. I know my treatment will be expensive, but I understand that they see NHS patients as well (it's just that I was referred by my own dentist).

Please look around for someone sympathetic before you get the pain and then end up having to endure what could be another horrible experience.


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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Reply to all:

Well, you can always try doing a deal with the Tooth Fairy. But then you run the risk that the Tooth Fairy might share the view of my former dentist: "Bucket job" he used to say, though bless him, he always did his best to help me keep them, knowing I didn't do whole apples, corn on the cob, or spare ribs. (Recently moved -don't currently have dentist)

So when push comes to shove, or pull comes to ...

You get some nice plastic replacements on the NHS that only need sticking under the tap a couple of times a day, and a wonderful sense of freedom combined with revenge - you can't ever hurt me again, you horrible teeth, ha ha.

The tooth fairy can keep her "sixpence". She drives a hard bargain anyway. And I have a great new smile 😀


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RE: Rotten tooth - extract or leave?

Ditto what everyone's already said.

I'm a dentist-phobe, however, only with treatment, I can do check ups without any problems.

I told my Dr and he prescribed me Lorazepam ( a mild relative of Diazepam I believe) as an anti anxiety to take before my treatments. I have a lovely sympathetic dentist and I have been able to reduce my prescribed dose each time I have treatment.

I had root canal on one tooth last year and I had another tooth taken out last week - no drama's!

Good luck!

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I have a rotten tooth, it's totally away now, not visible anymore. the thing is, the root is still there, but it's not sore. It's been over a year and it's never been sore.

Has anyone ever heard of a case where the root can be kept in? Just have the gum grow back over etc.

The reason I ask is because I just had another tooth extracted and it had big balls at the bottom of the root. It was the worst experience of my life and I don't want to go through it again.

I'm still getting over the last extraction, so regardless, it will be a while before I would get this one taken out. Hopefully I don't need to.


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Hi, I think I have a rotten tooth but the pain really hurts and there's a bump on my gum and I have dentist tomorrow but don't know if the tooth is gonna fall out tonight or not and I get headaches and pain in my ear and eye, can you help me I don't know if it's severe or not

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Hi Suzanne,
It certainly sounds severe, and if it's causing you pain in your ear/eye area, then there could be some infection too.
Hopefully by now you've made it to the dentist and they've got your sorted.

