hi guys,im a 29year old male im a regular gym goer and i think in generally good health and i know this has probably been discussed in HP, but i'd like to know if anyone has experienced these symptoms. i have been feeling what can only be described as a pressure on the top of of my head going all the way to what feels like the base of my windpipe. this can lead to me feeling quite sick. some times i wake during the night with tingling skin and sweating. my ears feel blocked and i make crackling noises in my ears for some strange reason, but iv had my ears checked and are fine. im going for blood tests next week which i think are being tested for all sorts of things. any input greatly appreciated.
all the best.
Hi Jocky,
If the doctors don't find any physical problems through the tests and other examinations, it is possible that these could symptoms of anxiety/tension - have you been under much stress lately, has there been anything that could have made you feel anxious/panicky?
Hi masha, thanks for posting back. I probably should have mentioned that i have had panic/anxiety attacks before but it wasn't treated i just read some self help books and listened to guided relaxation videos online which seemed to help. But the pressure feeling seems to just be going on a little to long this time, so i await the blood work results and see what the doctor says.
Take care.
Please do rule out any medical reasons behind this. I am going to sound nuts...It sounds like you might have opened to energies previously unperceived. The symptoms that you describe are quite familiar pressure on head, ears, swaet , tingling. sickness etc
Can I suggest relax into these sensations. Just relax and relx more and more and some more. The movement of energy becomes smooth.
Sometime a spontaneous movement of kundalini can bring on these sensations. Lots of people go through spontaneous activity of kundalini energy.
Whatever it is relaxing into it is always going to help
Well lots of things may be involved here, but my first thought is about the chains of muscles involved in jaw action, which cover the area you describe. Could it be you are clenching your teeth in the night (bruxism), usually a result of stress?
Thanks guys for the input, much appreciated. My gp mentioned to me that i should be tested for thyroid disorders and glycimia disorders but this is after the blood work. Comes back. Kvpd do you think my friend has a point and try sleeping with a gum shield at nights?
Take care
Kvpd do you think my friend has a point and try sleeping with a gum shield at nights?
Definitely a point and worth a try. Would you please let us know if it helps? (or at least indicates that this may be part of the problem).
However, the cause of the tension needs to be considered, as well as the other various possible diagnoses. I would recommend you check in with a GOOD osteopath, and also look to your training technique with a coach (are you lifting appropriate amounts, keeping sufficiently relaxed through the moves, using good form etc).
Remember that the most important exercise of the lot is the the recovery afterwards, without that no benefit is gained. Also, how is your work-life balance? 29 is an age where we can start to lose the illusion of invincibility and need to get more rest.
i'll certainly give the gum shield a go and let you know how it goes, yeah i'd be confident in saying my training methods are pretty sound, ie exercise form, recovery periods and diet i train once every 4-5 days but when i do its intense for roughly about 20-45 mins. work life isn't too stressful, i work outdoors a lot and the pressure seems to ease untill i stop for lunch or just try and relax oddly?
take it easy guys.
It's possible that you have a slight disc problem in the neck, trapping nerves. I had severe pressure on the top of the head for about 3 years. A friend had something similar and was advised to try a neck collar for support. It worked for him so I tried it and after about a week every thing was back to normal. I was furious with the medical people, as they had all missed it. The neck can cause all sorts of weird problems.
I agree the cervical disc is another possibility. In reality, several things usually come together to produce a problem, and I would always advocate getting it properly assessed in an holistic manner. Bear in mind if discs are involved the situation can be precarious, and self-treatment needs to be properly guided by somebody competent. I would hesitate to just slap on a collar and wait, as this is still a stab in the dark and could create other problems. If the practitioner you are seeing (including your Doctor) keeps drawing blanks, then keep shopping around for an answer.
hi guys, orderd my new gumshield on friday so hopefully have it soon and see how it goes. its funny you should mention neck problems scommstech because i do tend to get a sore neck when tring to get to sleep, and i also get really bad acne on my neck so i don't know if there could be link there??. thanks for the input guys.
Hi Jocky,
Has your GP considered a sinus infection?
i have been feeling what can only be described as a pressure on the top of of my head going all the way to what feels like the base of my windpipe. this can lead to me feeling quite sick. some times i wake during the night with tingling skin and sweating. my ears feel blocked and i make crackling noises in my ears for some strange reason,i have been feeling what can only be described as a pressure on the top of of my head going all the way to what feels like the base of my windpipe. this can lead to me feeling quite sick. some times i wake during the night with tingling skin and sweating. my ears feel blocked and i make crackling noises in my ears for some strange reason,
I just thought it was worth a mention as I can relate to your symptoms in your first post as I suffered with similar ones after developing a severe sinus infection as a secondary infection to viral meningitis. (I'm not suggesting that you have V.M.!!)
Make sure that you are not dehydrated, that the air you breathe in is not dry and keep dust etc to a minimum.
We have 4 pairs of sinus some of which are located quite deep inside our head.
hi gaiaholistics, well he looked in my ears if you can call that checking for a sinus infection and said they were fine, and i recently had an extensive eye examination which was fine. sometimes i get the feeling that my gp just isn't listening and he really just wants you out the room.