Hi,;) I was wondering whether anyone has any advise for me !
When I get up in the morning the muscle which runs from my neck down to my collar bone (platysma, I think!) is extremely tight and painful. When I relax my shoulders it is very uncomfortable. I have been doing some neck stretches but it hasn't really helped. I was wondering whether a good old massage would do the trick as I do get alot of tension around my shoulders and have lots of painful knots.
Lisa 🙁
RE: Painful neck
Hi Lisa
I have suffered in the past with a sore neck,but have yu tried a wheat bag which yu can buy from any health shops,pop in in the microwave fow 2/a half mins and pop on yuour neck,otherwise pop in in the freezer fo half an hour,it will do wonders. Smells lovely too,usually contains Lavender.
No money,try a hot water bottle,i will try and give yu some distnce healing
Take care
RE: Painful neck
Is your neck pain worse in the morning and does it ease off during the day? I was just wondering how many pillows you sleep with. Really you should only use one good firm pillow. Any more or anything too flat will cause your neck to be at an unusual angle when you sleep.
Just a thought.
RE: Painful neck
Hi Lisa,
give a firm massage/manipulation to the area directly under the little toe on each foot ( the shoulder reflex ) and then the same along the crease at the base of each big toe ( the back of the neck reflex ) for a few minutes.
These may feel tender, but it is very effective.
Love Ru x
RE: Painful neck
Yes the pain feels worse in the mornings. I only sleep with one pillow as I find it too uncomfortable with any more. I will see how it goes after trying the shoulder reflex on the foot and the wheat bag.
Thank you for your responses.