Keep getting a severe pain in right ear even too painful to touch sometimes then to goes away. There appears to be no reason for it had teeth checked but nothing there. Also no head aches or anything with it and the Dr asked if it appears after eating but have to say no. It just happens at any time it likes.
Twice today it happened had client in london drove there perfectly alright then while there pain appeared, went away 15 mins later. Then came home had little sleep on sofa on left side and when i woke severe pain again. What is it.
Help me please.
RE: Pain in right ear.
Hi Tina,
This may be a long shot, but......this ear problem may be an indication that you are mediumistic. I had a severe earache in my right ear when I first began my training in circle. Again, there was no reason for it. However, as my attunement to spirit began to refine itself, the pain went soon afterwards.
If meditation and attunement to your guides doesn't help, then there is definitely a physical problem that should be checked out thoroughly. Give it about a week of meditation, and then visit your GP again if the pain is still as bad.
Good luck Tina. Please let me know how you get on.
Love, Patsy.
RE: Pain in right ear.
Hi Tina,
I too get a strange thing going on with my right ear since being on this path! I luckily don't get pain but a high pitched whine that comes and goes. It's NOT Tinnitus because it's not there all the time, but by sitting in a Psychic development circle I have now understood it is my way of knowing another energy has entered my energy field! Sometimes I would liken it to downloading didgital information?(but I haven't got a clue what!).
As Songstress says if you can't find an explanation then go back to your GP.
Love and light
RE: Pain in right ear.
Thank you patsy and reiliangel for replying. I do not do reiki or meditation i do
refleoxoloy and beauty therapy but still find these pages very helpful and interesting.
Am a bit worried about my ear as the pain comes and goes but went to doctor and he
just disregarded it as they do and said it was proberly a chill or leftover virus from throat infection i had two months ago. But it feels strange to me a pain that comes and goes for no reason and to be so severe yo can not even touch the ear. Thinking horrrible things like brain tumor or something like that getting paraniod about it. I Guess.
Anyway will wait another week and try another doctor.
RE: Pain in right ear.
Sorry I didn't see this one earlier. 🙁
If you've not found a solution, then it may be of interest to know that ear pain can be caused by referred pain from the upper neck. Typically from the facte joints between C2 & C3. Get these released & keep them moving with stretches & that may solve your problem. 🙂
As an osteopath & I would recommend osteopathy, but equally a chiropractor should be able to sort this for you. But do get into the habit of stretching your neck & work on your posture once the joints are released, because it will save you having to have further treatment. 😉
Good luck - And.