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Orthopedic Pillows for Neck Tension

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I just thought I'd share my experience here as the effect has been quite dramatic and it may be helpful to others.

I have suffered with severe neck and shoulder tension for years, and I often woke with neck pain and headaches.

Last year, my 'special pillow' (a very old and flat thing) became so lumpy that it was of no use. I eventually found something of a price that I thought was worth trying on a website that sells physio products to the public and the NHS (not sure if I am allowed to post links). It looks like a normal pillow but has a dip in the middle that your head goes into, so your neck is supported but your head is not pushed up. I love it! It's made such a difference. I do still get some neck tension during the day, depending on what I'm doing, but I never wake with it any more, and the days of waking with a massive tension headache are gone.

Apparently, you can achieve a similar effect by trying up the middle of a normal pillow so it's a butterfly shape, and laying with your neck on the narrow bit.

Anyway, hop this is helpful to anyone with similar issues 🙂

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I have similar problems and in the last 6 months I have bought 2 new pillows, 1 specific for neck problems and 1 fluffy feathery pillow. In both cases I have woken in the middle of the night with severe vertigo and sickness. So, I'm again back to my old pillow (must be 15 years old) and I'm just too scared to try anything different, as it is just such a horrendous experience. I went to the GP after the first incident, but he wouldn't believe a pillow could cause vertigo.... As soon as I stand up, vertigo disappear but will feel sick for another 24 hours.

I think I'll stick to my old pillow.

Always Trying
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Hi Nijiiro,

Glad you have found your ideal pillow! I suffer with neck/head tension too, and have tried quite a few 'wonder pillows' which have not gone the distance. I would be interested to know the name of the one you have found to be helpful; a fellow-sufferers recommendation is def worth investigating...

Many Thanks. x

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Earthlife, I sympathise - I wouldn't have parted with mine (which I'd had since the mid 90s :O ) if it hadn't become so lumpy! However in my case, it worked out in my favour in the end.

Always Trying, my lovely pillow is a pretty simple and inexpensive item called '66fit Cervical Pillow'.

I'm not sure if it's OK to post a link here to where I got it from. I'm not involved with the company in any way, but they were very good. It was a website that supplies physio products to the public and the NHS, and it was the first time I had used them. They were recommended on another website where I was reading advice about neck problems, and I was very impressed. They do free delivery, even though I didn't place a large order, they sent it to my office, and it arrived the next day! 😀

Always Trying
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Thanks for that info Nijiiro. Have looked at the pillow you mentioned and am quite tempted to order. Here goes!


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Ooh, I do hope you like it as much as I do! Let me know how you get on 🙂 xx
