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No Ear Wax – Should I be Concerned?

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For a number of years now, I haven’t produced any ear wax. I went to the doctor about
2-3 years ago and he looked in both ears, saw they were free from wax and said I didn’t have a problem.
First, should I be producing ear wax and is it a problem if I don’t?

Time has gone by and for about the last year or so, I have pains around my head which feels like a small pressure build up. I can make my ears sort of click, as if ear wax is present, and there is also a strange sensation where I feel my whole head clicks.

Also to mention that my sleep hasn’t been good for sometime now and only manage 4-5 hours at most a night. I have felt a bit light headed recently and also within the last couple of weeks, have been forgetting usual things I have known or been doing for years.

All the above could be unrelated and just one of those things but there is a worry there is something going on.
Could there be ear wax building inside my head that can’t make it out through the ear.
Anyone have any thoughts/advice.

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Joined: 18 years ago

Sorry can't answer about lack of ear wax but think it best if you go and see your doctor. Feeling light headed and getting forgetful could be caused by a number of things so best err on the cautious side.

Best wishes
