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Migraines and bleeding feeling

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Has anyone ever experienced migraines so great it feels like their head is bleeding? I am presently taking Aleve which does not seem to help as I am allergic to both aspirin and Tylenol. Thank you for any help and suggestions.

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I used to suffer those terrible ones. It went on for a long time too. But 5-6 years ago EFT sorted it for once and for all. I suggest learn EFT. it is easy and you can continue to work on yourself.
wish you luck

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It is possible to have bleeds in the head, and they could create migraine symptoms, so you should certainly discuss your symptoms with your doctor. Only he can arrange the necessary referrals to get this investigated, if that is what is required.

In any case, Aleve is another NSAID, and haemorrage is a possible adverse effect, so again, I think you should discuss this problem with your GP to determine if this is really the best medication for you. If bleeding is a factor you would probably be better off on something else. I mention this because a good friend did suffer a lengthy migraine, he finally got it checked out when the symptoms changed for the worse. It turned out he had had a minor brain haemorrhage, whether this was what caused the migraine, or whether this was the result of 2 weeks of nurofen, will never be known. Incidentally he made a good and speedy recovery and is fine.

That said, whatever the direct cause of the symptom, this is a warning of underlying factors that can and should be addressed, and a suitable holistic therapy is potentially a very good way forward. Factors to consider include:

1) stress - many people get migraines on Saturday, after the stress of the week is reduced. This means the are overdoing it during the week. It doesn't mean they need strong medication on Saturday.
2) nutrition - weakened blood vessels are just one of many possible results if we are compromised nutritionally.
3) systemic coordination - the balance of distribution of resources can lead to many kinds of problems, including congestion of fluid, inflammation, irritation, referred pain etc etc. It takes an holistic therapy to sort all of this out.

Good luck.

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Like it has already been said, get yourself checked with GP.

I suffered horrible migraines and I looked for the triggers and reduce them as much as possible. I also had a course of Reflexology, which has helped tremendously and the number of migraines I've had has reduced significantly.

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Thumping migraines.

I have treated many migraine clients, everyone different in the way of the visual, flashing
images, blurred vision, slow increasing pain, lack of co-ordination, mood swings, the pain can last from a couple of hours to 4 to 6 days, some clients have tried everything, drugs, diet, therapies, ect. I treat the body as a whole, the holistic therapies i use is a mixture, I may use 4 moves from one therapy, 2 from another, possibly one very small move outside the box that i have developed over the years of practice, no one person is the same . My aim is to get the best results in the shortest time possible, change of lifestyle, diet, fitness, Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, trigger therapy, manipulation, i use combinations that sometimes the clients are truly amazed at the results in a short space of time.

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I have treated many migraine clients, everyone different in the way of the visual, flashing
images, blurred vision, slow increasing pain, lack of co-ordination, mood swings, the pain can last from a couple of hours to 4 to 6 days, some clients have tried everything, drugs, diet, therapies, ect. I treat the body as a whole, the holistic therapies i use is a mixture, I may use 4 moves from one therapy, 2 from another, possibly one very small move outside the box that i have developed over the years of practice, no one person is the same . My aim is to get the best results in the shortest time possible, change of lifestyle, diet, fitness, Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, trigger therapy, manipulation, i use combinations that sometimes the clients are truly amazed at the results in a short space of time.

Hi, I used to suffer from horrendous migraines which started at the age of 36 and have now virtually ceased at the age of 52.

My migraines initially were 1 - 2 days just prior to the onset of my period by the age of 49 they were interspersed throughout the month and averaged 12 days per month.

Initially the pain was manageable with over the counter drugs, in my early 40's I was taking prescribed a variety of medication, the most effective a Rizatriptan which you take just before the onset.

I must have read every book known to man on the subject and tried every possible alternative therapy; the one thing that did help me was Neuro Linguistic Programming. My partner an NLP Master Practitioner taught me several techniques which did help. I later on trained to become an NLP Practitioner myself and now help others in a variety of ways.

Finally at the age of 49, by chance my GP found that I had a very large ovarian cyst growing on my left ovary, so large that it necessitated a total hysterectomy to remove it. Apart from migraines I had no symptoms that I could attribute to this. This brought about a major life change during which NLP really did help me to keep a hold of my life.

Now I rarely experience migraines but I am very aware of my own triggers.

Triggers: one of these would not generally activate a migraine but several together appear to be too much for me personally: hormone fluctuation, work overload - particularly when trying to meet excessive short deadlines - pushing myself to meet these deadlines and process information too fast...we are after all flesh and blood not machines, dehydration, lack of deep sleep, long gaps between meals, anger/upsets, attention to detail, long periods working at a PC, floresant lights.

When I meet fellow sufferers I spend some time listening to their descriptions of what they think are their triggers, it would seem that there could be some correlation between those who organise things very systematically in their minds (what I call the scheduling syndrome!) and migraines. I do not have actual data on this but have read some details on typical profiles of a “migrainer”

Using NLP I taught myself how to slow down internally, identify the pain in a multi sensory way and change its form.
