Does anyone here have tinnitus, or have a friend or relative who is living with it? I have a handful of clients with tinnitus in varying forms and I'm interested in finding out if anyone has any lifestyle or treatment advice that has helped them live with their tinnitus. Has anyone had good results with Hopi ear candling for example?
Many thanks,
RE: Living with tinnitus
I have just qualified in Ear Candling and have been taught that it has varying results for tinnitus sufferers, probably depending on how serious the condition is. Those that only suffer mildly would probably benefit more, but it is something that is definitely worth trying.
RE: Living with tinnitus
I have a relative who was diagnosed with tinnitus a couple of years ago ... she is very anti-pill-taking and so she refused the prescribed medication (the name of which escapes me right now) .. we have had some success in lessening the symptoms with reflexology although the problem is that we live some distance from each other so her treatments are not as frequent as they should be to maintain or improve the situation .. however I send her distant Reiki healing on a regular basis in between the reflex treatments and she gains huge benefits from this. Next time I speak to her I will ask her if she has any "life-style" tips that she uses that may help. If I come up with anything I will get back to you.
RE: Living with tinnitus
Martin, (him indoors), suffers with tinnitus, he puts it down to years of listening to scaffolding poles being dropped!!! The only real problems I actually encounter are somtimes he talks a little bit too loud, If anyone talks quietly eg whispers he dosnt hear, and the constant " did you hear that" when he thinks he heard something! After a recent MBS show he is really intrested in having a Hopi ear treatment, when he eventually get round to having one done I will let you know if it helped.
RE: Living with tinnitus
Thank you everyone, that's all helpful stuff. I was interested that your person was prescribed something Heather, because my people have basically been told to live with it. It must depend on the type of tinnitus. One of my ladies is meaning to have a hopi ear candle treatment so I'll be relying on her for feedback too. She says her symptoms are mildly annoying so I hope she'll get some benefit. I'm treating 3 people with reflexology and reiki who have tinnitus but I'm not seeing any of them regularly (though I would like to). I think reinforcing this with distant reiki healing is definitely worth a try though.
RE: Living with tinnitus
Hi Siobhan
Both my parents have this.
My Mum has it badly along with Menieres syndrome ahich affect the inner ear.
She is also very deaf. The tinnitus noise is really bad at times. Her consultant suggested she take Ginko Biloba which has helped. It increases the blood supply to the brain (and ears).
I also treated her with reflexology (as one of my case studies while training) and as I was pressing around the ear and eustachian tube reflex the noise changed and then stopped, we were really amazed.
We experimented with the location on her hands and feet. It varies a bit from person to person. on her hands it was between her second and third finger and went up it a bit.
So she used it herself when it is bad and she cant sleep. It sometimes doesnt last for more than about 12 hours so you have to teach them to do it on the hands for self help.
They can also prescribe a special type of hearing aid to act as a cloaking mechanism to help the noise, not necessarily to aid the hearing if hearing ok otherwise.
Good luck. Let us know how you get on
Jan x
RE: Living with tinnitus
I have tinnitus, albeit I think it is mild - resulting from rifle shooting in my teens in an enclosed range without ear defenders.
I don't take anything but from a lifestyle viewpoint I hate silence. I prefer some background music if I need to concentrate. However, when the background noise is high (e.g. noisy bar) I cannot hear the person next to me! Seems strange but thats the way it works for me.
RE: Living with tinnitus
I used to have in the left ear for about 6 months, until I got one of my osteopathic collegues to release my upper neck for me. I won't bore you with the physiology of why this may help. [sm=sleep.gif]
Mine too was caused by excessive noise in a club - both ears were ringing for several days after & the left just carried on. There probably a minor ongoing injury to the eart, as it does creep back a little on occasions - I just try & keep it stretched out & get it tweaked now & then. 🙂
Might be worth trying. 😉
RE: Living with tinnitus
Hi Siobhan,
My friend's mum suffered from Tinitus for ages, until we attended a 'Healing with singing bowls' course.
Basically Tibetan singing bowls were placed on and around a person's body and gonged to give a vibrational energy that passes through the body. With one 'wack' of the one next to her head, the tinitus was gone and has stayed away for a couple of months so far.
Not saying it's for everyone, but if you'd like more details I'd be happy to send them along.
RE: Living with tinnitus
I have tinnitus and have tried beta-histine from the GP and those wierd candle devices to no avail. It disappeared for five minutes during the practical session of a holistic massage class, when I was receiving massage around the temples. The silence was great but the tinnitus was back soon after. I tried to reproduce the "five minute cure" several times without success.
RE: Living with tinnitus
Dear Felipe - only found this one by following a link from another. From what you say, by the means by which it was once relieved, then it almost certainly sounds musculo-skeletal in origin.
Really if it's not been there that long, then it's certainly worth trying an osteopath or chiropractor. I've never seen anyone with tinnitus that didn't have a stiff upper neck, but of course that's not necessarily the cause, but it would certainly reduce the chance of it resolving.
It's all to do with the sympathetic nerves that actually travel down the spinal cord from brain, exit the spine in the upper back, then travel back up the neck to feed various arteries that supply various areas in head. The arteries in turn feed the hearing apparatus, but the longer it goes on - the more the less likely that it will be able to recover.
RE: Living with tinnitus
It took me a while to remember where I got my ear tapping for tinnitus exercise from - here it is. A couple of clients have used it and say it helps. I use the whole thing in (Pilates) class occasionally and clients love it. The tinnitus bit is at the end. Good luck, Sharon
Awaken your senses by touching your ears
You might be wondering in what way your ears relate to your brain. You can increase concentration by massaging your ears for 10 minutes. In addition to being a sense organ, the ear is responsible for balance. Additionally, there are about 200 acupressure points in the ear that connect to all parts of the body. By stimulating your ears, you can improve your five senses and overall balance.
Massage your ears
‡@ Grasp the upper part of your ears with both hands.
‡A Try to flatten out the ear folds.
‡B Pull your ears softly from top to bottom.
‡C Grasp your ears and roll them Benefit Relief of anxiety and increased tolerance to disturbing noises.
Relief of anxiety and increased tolerance to disturbing noises
‡@ Place your index finger over your middle finger. Press your ears closed from behind.
‡A Use your index finger and tap the back of your ears according to number of years for your age. The sound should be similar to the sound of a drum.
Eliminates stagnant energy and strengthens the nerves of the ear, improves hearing and prevents tinnitus.
Keep your eyes closed for a second and feel your body. You should feel your head getting clearer. This is a great way to begin your day!
RE: Living with tinnitus
One thing you might like to try for tinnitus is EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. If you haven't heard of it (lots of stories on the Mind Therapies forum) it involves tapping on acupuncture points while focusing on the problem.
I had a look at the EFT website, (where there are hundreds of case studies for all kinds of ailments) to see if there were any for tinnitus. The consensus seems to be that it's not easy to treat, but that some people are getting some good successes.
Here's one example:
The main EFT site is at where you can download the manual for free self help, find a practitioner near you. In any case I'd check out the tinnitus articles of which there are quite a few.
Any questions, I suggest you ask on the Mind Therapies forum; there are several v. experienced people there who could help.
All the best
RE: Living with tinnitus
It seems this post has been dead for a while so I thought I would wake it up.
My wife has had Tinnitus for a while now atributed to an eating disorder that she used to have. She suffers from the ringing in the ears as well as echo's. Is there anbody else who has had echo's? We have also trided the ear candles with very little/temporary results. I intend to try the reflexology route and mybe hypno therapy.