i keep getting very itchy eyes....
im not sure whether it is because they maybe strained, tired, stress.....?
i dont think i have conjunctivitis because i dont wake up with my eyelids stuck to each other!!!!!!however i sometimes have a little more sleep in my eyes when i wake up than usualllll
can anyone help please?
Thankyou x
RE: itchy eyes....
As long as you're sure you don't have conjunctivitis, you could bathe your eyes with some saltwater solution.
Something that is really soothing is to steep a chamomile tea bag in half a cup of boiling water and leave to cool. Top up with some cold mineral water and soak two cotton wool pads in the solution. Lay down and put over the eyes for ten minutes. This is very soothing and reduces puffiness. The solution can be bottled and kept in the fridge for a few days.
RE: itchy eyes....
i think i'll try the tea!
thanks lesley!
RE: itchy eyes....
also putting calendula flowers in water and allowing them to soak and then bathing your eyes with the calendula is excellent for itchy eyes. I have quite a few problems with itchy eyes and conjunctivitis and it works wonders for me.
RE: itchy eyes....
Oh my - I've been having this same problem, only this morning I did wake up with my left eye stuck together with a string of "stuff" - sorry, don't mean to be gross! It wasn't that wretched, actually, but my eye burned real much and for a while I could barely open it, it hurt so much. Guess I'll look up conjunctivitis - I'm not familar with that one and now I'm sort of scared!
RE: itchy eyes....
I have noticed that depending on what time of the month it is (ladies obviously ;)) my eyes become dry and itchy. SO hormones might be playing a part?
Another possibility is pollen, I think March is the start of hayfever/pollen allergies.
Justjeni, it does sound like you may have an infection of some type, conjunctivitous is highly contagious so do not use the same fingers/tissues etc for both eyes, use seperate, clean tissues or cotton balls to clean each eye.
Colloidal silver is also handy for eye irritations and infections as well as allergic reactions. It is safe to be sprayed or dropped directly into the eyes.
Another natural eye soother is pure rosewater. Rosewater is generally good for skincare, adn smells delicious 😀
RE: itchy eyes....
i have been having problems with my eyes too. it started with my right eye feeling like something was in it. i eventually tried brolene but as it didnt work i went to docs. he said it was conjuntavitus. i was a little surprised as my left eye was ok and i didnt have the itchy, soreness in either.
anyway, he gave me anti biotic drops and that did work but took a few days.
bathe them in warm water or saline, anyway... it cant hurt, although the water should be bolied (and cooled!) first.
RE: itchy eyes....
My daughter's also got conjunctivitis. When it gets to that stage usually the only thing that works is antiobiotic drops. Brolene didn't help on her either (boy does that stuff sting), so we are now waiting for a prescription for chloramycetin, which may or may not be ready this afternoon!!
RE: itchy eyes....
In Chinese Medicine this sounds like a combination of Liver Blood Deficiency ( the liver blood nourishes the eyes) and liver heat.
These kind of problems are signs of internal disharmony and so need to be treated in this way rather than useing topical applications.
Acupuncture and/or herbs would work well for this problem
Chyrysanthemum tea would be a good start.
best wishes, Tony
RE: itchy eyes....
thanks tony, i had been thinking about acupuncture for my back.....could kill 2 birds......
RE: itchy eyes....
The herb Eyebright is also excellent for redness, irritation and conjuctivitis. Steep in boiling water until cool then bathe eyes with it.
Also, there are Taoist healing sounds for transforming excess or stagnant energy in the organs. The eyes are connected with the liver in Chinese medecine and the Five Element theory. The sound for the liver is "shhhhhh"( like the sound you make when you are telling someone to be quiet). First you make contact with your liver by placing your hands over it. It's located under your right hand side ribcage, with the bottom edge of the liver extending out under the rib cage. Smile at your liver and feel into the energy there, see if you see any color there too. Then you make the sound on exhale and let it last for as long as the exhale, imagining excess heat or stagnant energy leaving the liver. After each sound, place hand over liver and feel into it, imagining the color green emanating from it. Do sounds in multiples of three, i.e.- 3 times, or 6 times, or 9 times. When you are finished, take a couple of minutes to just sit and do nothing. This is important, as this is when much of the transformation takes place and completes.
Intuitive Integrative Healing
RE: itchy eyes....
What a beautiful way of healing, the sh way. Do you have similar treatment for IBS.
RE: itchy eyes....
Hi Gillibean,
I'm sure you know about diet and supplements for this condition. I do want to mention one supplement, which came to me to tell you, and that is aloe vera juice. It is excellent for soothing and healing mucous membranes, hence wonderfully healing for intestinal ailments.
The Taoist sound that could be helpful for IBS is the Lung sound, which is
SSSSSS (like the hissing of a snake), follow the instructions for the liver sound, except using the SSSSS sound instead, and visualize the color misty white for the lungs. This sound transforms sadness, grief, and depression into courage and surrender. In the Chinese Five Element theory, the lungs correspond with the intestines and skin. I meant to write in my other message that the liver sound transforms anger and controlling behavior into creativity. The best book to read about the Taoist healing sounds is "Taoist Ways to Transform Stress in to Vitality" by Mantak Chia.
Another healing modality that is excellent for the intestines is Chi Nei Tsang (Chinese Abdominal Massage). A good book to read is "Healing from Within" by Gilles Marin. Chi Nei Tsang theory is that our naval is our center-when we grow in the womb, we attach to our mother's uterus through our navel, and we grow outward from there, so our naval is our very core, our root self. Also, our digestive tract digests our emotions as well as our food. Undigested emotions get stored energetically in the intestines and cause blockage and stagnation, which disconnects us from our core and prevents us from moving forward. Chi Nei Tsang is specific massage techniques for the intestines, digestive organs, and the navel itself, that involve deep breathing and listening to the areas being touched with gentle smiling hands and a receptive, patient, listening approach. The blocked areas need to be attentively "heard", you may hear gurgling or you may feel emotions, receive impressions, colors, flashes of memory. The energy of listening helps the block to release and resolve. The breathe is the bridge that connects, and helps flow. It is wonderfully relaxing, relieving, opening, and centering. It can be painful if an area is particulary sensitive or blocked. You get to decide if it's a tolerable pain or if it's too much and the touch needs to be eased up. The navel technique also involves the Five Element Theory, the Chinese ba-gua, and windgates-which are portals at certain points around the bagua that open to release negative old energy and let in healing energy. After a session, I have seen the effects immediately noticeable in my clients faces (and my own, when I've had session), which look tranquil and open, naked as in unmasked- very beautiful. The rest of the body is positively affected as well, where tensions are held, remarkably they can be released, and alignment can occur just from working with the belly. I do Chi Nei Tsang on myself almost every day- in the morning, it prepares me for my day and helps release emotional "stuff" that has accumulated in the night from my dreams (which often happens). At night it prepares me for sleep, is soothing and relaxing. When I have a headache, anxiety especially where I feel it in my stomach, it is very relieving. It helps me when I feel like I'm coming down with a cold or flu which I feel it is due to emotional congestion (sadness and anger is usually the combination) I have averted getting sick altogether by doing this.
For IBS, whatever you try, be gentle, and be mindful of the urge to push yourself. I have recently come to terms with a lifelong tendency to push myself, the awareness of which, along with making the choice to slow down and be gentle in the moment, has changed my whole world.
Intuitive Integrative Healing