Let me begin by saying I HAVE NO PROOF TO BACK THIS UP-ok, naysayers? In addition to having a 'skirmish with cancer' for the last almost six years, I have been battling glaucoma. Naturally, cancer has been getting quite a bit of my attention. I came upon something that could be of help to many. It is a carotenoid known as astaxanthin. My eye pressure was getting quite high, sometimes with a pressure of 28 in the left eye and 20-24 in the right eye. Within days of taking the supplement, pressure is 13 to 14 respectively. Lutein is an excellent source for this, but, alas, not a big money maker for anyone. I was impressed and so was my eye doctor today. Living in deep southwest Florida, my eyes have gone crazy with the pollen. Gee, redness gone and pressure down, say it ain't so !!!!:)
That's interesting Kat - astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant that comes from algae which produce this orangey-red substance, which also colours the wing feathers of flamingoes!
So pleased to hear that!
Let me begin by saying I HAVE NO PROOF TO BACK THIS UP-ok, naysayers? In addition to having a 'skirmish with cancer' for the last almost six years, I have been battling glaucoma. Naturally, cancer has been getting quite a bit of my attention. I came upon something that could be of help to many. It is a carotenoid known as astaxanthin. My eye pressure was getting quite high, sometimes with a pressure of 28 in the left eye and 20-24 in the right eye. Within days of taking the supplement, pressure is 13 to 14 respectively. Lutein is an excellent source for this, but, alas, not a big money maker for anyone. I was impressed and so was my eye doctor today. Living in deep southwest Florida, my eyes have gone crazy with the pollen. Gee, redness gone and pressure down, say it ain't so !!!!:)
Thanks for this tip Kcat. Though I don't have glaucoma, I do have occular hypertension, so I am going to try this. I am being closely monitored by the hospital and my next check-up is in February. It would be brilliant if this supplement works for me too. Will let you know.
Thanks once again.xx
I wish you the best, Moonfairy, in your pursuit of eye health. I was amazed what it did do me-I wish you the same !!!
Thank you, kcatdeejay. This may be helpful for me. I'll up the ante on the lutein.
i have an eye fluke; no doctors will help me. i have reduced it in size by taking naturopathic drops for parasites; my doctor (family physician) refuses to give me anything; the numerous eye specialists i've been to won't even acknowledge it. my mother had one and eventually went blind; no-one would help her either. the closest that i have gotten is treatment for roundworm, but still doesn't get rid of it totally. any suggestions?
Let me begin by saying I HAVE NO PROOF TO BACK THIS UP-ok, naysayers? In addition to having a 'skirmish with cancer' for the last almost six years, I have been battling glaucoma. Naturally, cancer has been getting quite a bit of my attention. I came upon something that could be of help to many. It is a carotenoid known as astaxanthin. My eye pressure was getting quite high, sometimes with a pressure of 28 in the left eye and 20-24 in the right eye. Within days of taking the supplement, pressure is 13 to 14 respectively. Lutein is an excellent source for this, but, alas, not a big money maker for anyone. I was impressed and so was my eye doctor today. Living in deep southwest Florida, my eyes have gone crazy with the pollen. Gee, redness gone and pressure down, say it ain't so !!!!:)
Thhis is interesting, I am curious though if your pressure was so high have you not been offered an operation? I have glaucoma, diagnosed in 2006, I spent a while on eye drops but then had an operation, my pressure was origninally around 30 but it is now in the low teens (touch wood my eye sight will always be ok) can't think of anything worse than losing ones sight. I am going to make a note of this remedy you mention and see what my consultant says when I see him in February.
good luck to you. 🙂
jeannie, strangely enough, I started this regimen just a short time before I was scheduled to have a laser procedure in my right eye. I had already had surgery in my left eye. It was just before the doctor did the laser on my right eye that they found the lowest pressure I had ever had in both eyes. As I had stated, the left eye was at 13 and the right eye was at 14 (prior to the laser). I go see the doctor on Jan 17th and will find out what the current pressure is.I don't mean to mislead anyone. I had the surgery and the pressure in my left eye was still quite high. Without the laser, my right eye was still around 21. I'll let you know what happens.
I am going to make a note of this remedy you mention and see what my consultant says when I see him in February.
hi Jeannie
I wouldn't be too optimistic that the consultant has heard of astaxanthin :confused: as it has only recently (last 10 years?) been isolated and used as an antioxidant.
I would suggest you research as much as you can about it and take this information with you, possibly to pass on to the consultant. S/he might or might not get round to reading it! As a potent antioxidant of the orange spectrum it is likely to be helpful to the macula (as are lutein and bilberry extract which have been well researched). As I have not looked yet, I have no idea about glaucoma. The is the spot on the retina vital to central vision.
All the best 🙂
My consultants aka doctors (six, to be exact), told me almost six years ago that I would die a horrific death from cancer. My faith in them is MUCH LESS now than it was then. Nothing further !!!
I wish you the best, Moonfairy, in your pursuit of eye health. I was amazed what it did do me-I wish you the same !!!
Just to report back, I had a check-up today and my eye pressures are much lower. They are down from 26 to 18 and 21 - top end of normal? I have been taking 4mg of BioAstin once a day so I am attributing the reduction in pressures to this. And thankfully still no sign of any eye damage, just ocular hypertension. Phew.:)
The consultant says to continue taking the xalatan though and to have a further check-up in 6 months.
Many thanks for your recommendation of astaxanthin Kcat.:hug:
Hi Moonfairy, You must feel a little relieved that is quite a good drop in pressure. What is this BioAstin you mention and xalatan??
Hi Moonfairy, You must feel a little relieved that is quite a good drop in pressure. What is this BioAstin you mention and xalatan??
Hi Jeannie
The is the name of my prescribed eyedrops I use which reduce the eye pressure by opening the drainage channels. I have to keep using them.:)
Yes, I am very relieved the pressures are down. I was getting so worked up about going today but thankfully all is well - the field test and photo of the eye were fine. It has left me shattered tonight though - nervous energy perhaps? :o:o
Oh yes, silly me I forgot this had been discussed earlier by Kcat. I did say I would mention it to my consultant.
I also remember when I was first diagnosed with glaucoma I was given those xalatan (my memory) but then again it was 5 years ago, they did not work for me that is why I ended up having eye ops but I did get lovely thick eyelashes AND a tash! Touch wood my pressure is in the low teens now. I am fed up though as I have constant discomfort in my eyes, night and day like there is gluey hairs stuck to my eyes and then like bits of sand added to them, plus talk about itch I could rub day and night and have to keep getting cold pads to stop me from doing that as I know it can only make them worse. Now just for a little added bonus I have this frustrating twitch day in day out.
Feeling out of sorts today with one thing and another for sure. Anyway you can relax now for another 6 months. 😮
Oh yes, silly me I forgot this had been discussed earlier by Kcat. I did say I would mention it to my consultant.
I mentioned it to mine yesterday but she showed very little interest. 🙁
Sorry to hear you are stil having those eye problems Jeannie. That itch would drive me wild too.:(
Yes, my next test will be August, so I can relax for now.:):)
Observation Moonfairy, I always thought your Avatar was an eye :rollaugh:
Observation Moonfairy, I always thought your Avatar was an eye :rollaugh:
Maybe you should have gone to Specsavers Jeannie.:hidesbehindsofa:
Moonfairy, I just saw your post on your eye pressure- GREAT NEWS !!! I am so happy for you !! My last eye doctor visit went very well, also. Eye pressure variance 1-2 points in each eye. The doctor was amazed again at how my pressure has come down. Wish I had made this discovery prior to my first surgery. Despite that fact, I am still experiencing the lowest eye pressure I've ever had. One of these days I 'may' tell the doctor what I have been doing, but don't know when that will be. Stories like yours energize me. I always feel I have a debt to pay for those who got me on the natural health path for my cancer. I wish you health !!
I am just wondering why this thread is under Head and Neck problems?
I am just wondering why this thread is under Head and Neck problems?
This is because eyes are in the the head.:D:)
The BioAstin is the trade name of the product I took which contains the astaxanthin which Kcat has written about. I have just ordered some more capsules of the internet and they come by 1st class post.
Hello Moonfairy, could you possibly tell me how you choose out of the vast aray
available, strength etc,
Hello Moonfairy, could you possibly tell me how you choose out of the vast aray
available, strength etc,
Hi Jeannie
I just did a Google search on 'Astaxanthin' and didn't find any side effects for it. It looked like it didn't matter which capsules of it I took, except that I think I recall the 4mg strength was adequate to be taken once a day. Anyway, I just decided to go for BioAstin from this . Their service was good too. I might try a different one next time, probably cheaper.:)
Let me know if you do try the astaxanthin and which product, Jeannie. I find it very interesting. BTW, how did your eye appointment go? Hope all was ok for you.
Thanks for info, I showed my consultant info about Astaxanthin but he just thrust it back at me a**h*** no he isn't really, he is in fact very nice but it is so frustrating when they won't even entertain the idea of something out of the normal 'medical' world.
My pressure was very slightly up and I told him about the discomfort I am having, he just said to bathe them every day with cooled boiled salty water. I have done but they are still bothering me greatly. I have to have the yukky Fields test in May, I just can't SEE the point in that test it is (to my mind) totally unrealiable and it is about time they moved with the times and got something more sensible.
I am going to order some tablets today anyway...
Thanks for info, I showed my consultant info about Astaxanthin but he just thrust it back at me a**h*** no he isn't really, he is in fact very nice but it is so frustrating when they won't even entertain the idea of something out of the normal 'medical' world.
More or less the same happened to me. I showed my consultant the jar and she was not interested.:( Too alternative for her I suppose. 😉 But I really do believe this has lowered my eye pressures so am going to carry on taking them.
My pressure was very slightly up and I told him about the discomfort I am having, he just said to bathe them every day with cooled boiled salty water. I have done but they are still bothering me greatly. I have to have the yukky Fields test in May, I just can't SEE the point in that test it is (to my mind) totally unrealiable and it is about time they moved with the times and got something more sensible.
I am going to order some tablets today anyway...
Sorry to hear this Jeannie. Have you tried using comfort eye drops? There are some called Blink I sometimes use, which are very soothing - intensive tears. Just a thought ............... 🙂
I hate that field test too. I always dread them but seem to do them ok. This time they didn't set up the lens properly at first and I had to tell them it was all blurry.:rolleyes: She then changed the lens. Phew.:)
jeannie, unfortunately, your consultant's response is very typical. That is the reason I pretty much keep to myself what I am doing with regard to natural remedies. I have stated before that my faith in 'the drug pushers in white coats' is at it's lowest ebb-I just don't trust them. Take a myriad of prescription drugs with horrific side effects-that's OK, but stay away from any natural products with NO side effects. I'm still waiting for the US FDA (Friend of Drug Advocates) to approve ANY natural remedy-glad I didn't hold my breath !!!
I have NO PROOF of this, either, but you may want to Google 'astaxanthin and sun burn' and see what you may find there. I am in the sun almost daily with temps around 92 F and never get a sunburn. Read up on the explanation-very interesting !