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ears, nose and headaches,

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A little background, being a stereotypical male and not wanting to bother my gp I went around 2 years ago to chat to him about my health, I am 47 now , weigh 17 st 1 lb big built, I used to play rugby and have always been very healthy. I started to feel lethargic, my back and lower legs became spotty, red almost boil like spots appearing, the lower legs often feeling so itchy, at the same time I started to feel muzzy in the front of my head, like a feeling of extreme tiredness, with a dull headache.
He sent me for bloods, they all came back normal, good cholesterol levels, excellent blood pressure, his words not he was shocked due to my size. He just told me it was stress.
Ok, two years on, things progressively got worse, I now have my ears doing this thing where they seem to close up, I can hear myself talking like I am underwater, they don't easily pop when I hold my nose, when they do this I become extremely light headed, people have told me I look unbalanced when it happens, I know it feels disconcerting. The headaches and dull feeling in myhead are becoming the norm and not the rare thing they were, it is making me irritable because my family have told me my moods swing quite rapidly. The crazy thing is I can sense it happening but feel unable to control it. Yes I do have stress in my life, but these episodes happen even when I haven't been stressed. It is all making me feel depressed.
I went again last night and asked to see a different doctor, she has sent me for bloods again, She checked out my ears and said they look fine, but mentioned the tube running from my ear may be collapsed, would this bring on the headaches and dizziness, over the last 6 months if I get up out of a chair I get really dizzy and on occassion black out and have to hold on to something to stop myself falling. I ride a motorbike and when my ears pop and the real muzzy sensation sets in it scares me, so I don't want to ride it right now. I feel so tired mid afternoon and I try and keep my energy up with bars and fruit etc, but I just feel foggy and dizzy and want to sleep.
A friend mentioned sleep apnea apparently I snort when nodding off and wake myself up sometimes.
I don't smoke, rarely drink, I consume less than 5 units a month.
I just want some guidance as I am at the end of my tether.

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hello there,

Hope you are doing fine by now.
I am not an expert at all, but according to your symptoms, but it might be helpful to check information on eustachian tube disfunctions like patulous eustachian tube,,,other option could be some neck problems...I have a friend who feel dizzy and her ears feel painful and clogged, she recovered with a treatment from an ostheopat. Even allergies could have this kind of reactions...check the report of Alexander Atckinson: A cure framework for overcoming patulous eustachian tube...
Best wishes,

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Joined: 13 years ago

Hi Ian

Have you been seen by an ENT surgeon? If not, I would suggest your GP refers you to one.

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Joined: 12 years ago


Maybe you need some relax e.g. 2 or 3 months holidays? Other advice it to conduct detailed medical examination?

[url]what is parkinsons disease[/url]
