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Clicking Jaw!

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Does anyone suffer from this? Lately, when I eat, my jaw clicks and it sounds awful. It can be heard by those around me! Don't know what started it and it doesn't hurt or anything.

Does anyone have a remedy - apart from applying WD40 to my jaw hinges!!


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RE: Clicking Jaw!

SueBee, id definitely suggest speaking to a cranial osteopath to ask them what they think, even maybe go for treatment if its the way to go!!x

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RE: Clicking Jaw!

I've got a clunk-click jaw. It used to be really painful - years ago. It isn't now but it just irritates me sometimes. I was told it was arthritis.

I can't take ibrufen or evening primrose. Also, a cautionary word on cod liver oil, as a family we have been advised not to take it because of the history of strokes and high cholesterol levels. Omega oils are, apparently, better.

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RE: Clicking Jaw!

Mine was misalignment of spine and tension.! still is!!

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RE: Clicking Jaw!

this can be stress related where the face tightens up. you may also be grinding your teeth in the night and are not consciously aware. relaxation techniques will help.

with love


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RE: Clicking Jaw!

I agree with pretty much all the comments given above. Anahata, as ever, has hit the nail on the head.

I've suffered from this for years on and off, primarily when I am under stress or simply not sleeping enough. It's pretty bad right now cause of recent stresses.

I found that my osteopath helped a lot in rectifying this problem.When I'm stressed I do tend to grind at night, I've been offered a gum shield but so far not taken this option. I will in the future though if I feel I need to. It not only prevents the noise and pain associated with grinding but also reduces the wear on your teeth. I have a friend who has one and swears by it for reducing her own neck problems.

Often there is a lot of neck tension and postural problems if this carries on, and once they are attended to the strain is greatly reduced if not completely removed. I also find that if I do a lot of yoga this also helps to eradicate and maintain the problem over time.

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RE: Clicking Jaw!

Thanks for that one Gussie - always sounds better coming from someone else, when the solution seems so obvious to me, but feel like that I could be misconstrued as peddling 'snake oil' at times.

The TMJ's like any other joints are prone to degeneration and inflammation (therefore pain, in some more than others), like any other joint. The tricky issue with TMJ's is that is very difficult to separate out temperomandibular& upper neck function. And dysfuntion of one can causethe a problem with the other.

The TMJ is not a simple hinge joint as one might think - it drops down, rotates and shifts forward - probably something we inherited from snakes - hence the snake oil! There's also a small cartilage disk in there that drops down with the mandible, which should be retracted, just before the mandible (lower jaw) lifts. If there's a problem with the mechanism, then the disk can get trapped on return and cause a 'click'. There's also the reverse senario on opening and if anyone's ever studied the anatomy of the jaw & submandibular mechanics, then they'll have a fair idea of why it's difficult to make generalisations about the proverbial 'clicking jaw'.

If it's just an occasional minor click, then I wouldn't worry about it. If it's constant, and especially if painful, then an osteopath should be able to treat and give specific exercises to help.

A gum shield may help in the short term, but is unlikely to address the underlying problem.

Happy comping - Andrew.

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hello bigvoice

I read with interest your post. I am having tmj problems. I also have a misaligned spine and atlas and am currently undergoing treatment for both. I wonder if you wouldn't mind letting me know the name and address/telephone number of the doctor in Bristol that you mentioned. It may be worth me contacting him

thanks sue

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I wonder if you wouldn't mind letting me know the name and address/telephone number of the doctor in Bristol that you mentioned. It may be worth me contacting him

Hello sweetssue46 and welcome to Healthypages!

It's very unlikely that you will get an answer to your question because this thread is over 5 years old and bigvoice hasn't logged in for a long time.


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You may want to try Bowen Therapy as it is good for bringing the body into balance and also has a TMJ move. A very gentle therapy, but may have surprising results.

Good luck


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I have this problem too, my jaw aches all the time, my neck is painfull down one side, it causes headaches, earaches and eye strain, and I've had jaw lock 3 times, haven't been able to speak for about 24 hours each time. My dentist diagnosed it and gave me a gum sheild which hasn't worked, it works best for those that grind their teeth togeather at night, it can be caused by mis - aligned teeth or uneven wear of the jaw joint. I've been refered to a surgon but haven't gone as yet cos I don't want surgery unless I have too. I've found that a warm hotwater bottle held to the side of the jaw works wonders when it's painful, also cutting chewy or hard things into small bitesize pieces so you don't over extend your jaw. When you yawn, supporting your bottom jaw by holding it can help, also when you sneeze. Also wearing aquamarine earrings or necklace is good for the jaw, I've tried it and did ease the pain. Stress brings it on, as someone else said, guess you tense your jaw muscles more when your stressed out. I also find having a cold makes it worse, maybe because it's a weak point. I've had this problem since my early 20's and it started with a painful neck that wouldn't go away, I suffered in silence for years before mentioning it to our dentist. Some kind of support group would be great, I,ve been told it's fairly common, but no one I know has heard of it, so, personally I feel kind of alone with it. Anyway, hope some of this will help someone.

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Yep I have been diagnosed with this too. It took a few years and several dentists!

I avoid crusty rolls, big burgers and anything that stretched my jaw too long. Going to the dentist is fun as I can't open very wide!

There are excercises that help, putting your tongue between the teeth at the back to relax the muscles etc. The hospital will be able to advise you but it is a pain, especially when it locks but mine has been better since doing the excercises

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Clicking Jaw

I turned on my 580EX today and was surprised by a loud clicking gear noise that only went away after I turned it off. I know I probably have three options.1 Learn a special chant from dphoto members to make it better,2 Open it up and try to fix it myself bad option,3 Send it home to Canon,Do any of you know the special chant?Sven

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