Hi all,
My 18 year old daughter has a wisdom tooth coming through and is in a lot of pain since last night. She is quite cynical about mind-body therapies so is not accepting my offers of help with EFT etc.
However, she is very willing to try any potions, pills, gels etc - and I wondered if anyone can recommend something that could help with the pain and inflammation (she's had paracetamol and has been using Bonjela, but with limited effect).
Thank you
An old-fashioned remedy from the kitchen cupboard is clove oil or clenching your teeth on a clove over the affected tooth as it has some anaesthetic properties.
It depends on where the pain is from - if it's gum-based, then the clove may work - however if it is due to the tooth growing crookedly then a dentist is the only answer.
Hope it gets sorted soon.
Love and Light
Yes definitely clove oil or a clove 🙂
I know how she feels, poor love, I had 2 erupted wisdom teeth (v v v painful, thought it was earache 🙁 ) and 2 that were growing under the back teeth (lower jaw), had them all removed, best thing ever lol x
Poor thing - and unfortunate she won't try EFT for it.
When my wisdom teeth came through it was agonising and my face came up like a balloon each time. My dad (a dentist) wrote me a prescription for ... i think it was DF118? - a very high potency pain killer. In the meantime she might try cocodamol (paracetamol and codein), which you can get over the counter at your local chemist. That may well take the edge off it.
Also she can try hot drinks, holding them over the offending site, which helps the tissue to expand. On the same principle, a hot water bottle or a heat pack would help too.
Bonjella doesn't work. They used to sell it for teething babies and it didn't work for that either. My dad was rather rude about it.
Dentist tomorrow.
Really feel for your daughter, Masha - and for you, too. Not easy to watch this. 'Course, you could always do a bit of surrogate tapping ... after you've tapped on your own anxiety.
Good luck.
Hi Masha
This is a coincidence because I'm enduring terrible tooth pain myself. I have an appointment scheduled for Tuesday 15th (yep, 10 whole days away) and am trying to deal with the tooth until then. I have a big 1.5 hour session booked, and I can't see what the dentist can do in a simple 20 minute emergency appointment... hence trying to hang out until then.
I have found something that works: very high doses of ascorbic acid. The pain comes from an infection/inflammation. Vitamin C bolsters your immune system and helps it to fight the infection. I take about a third of a teaspoon of ascorbic acid when the pain starts to flare up. I find, at the moment, that this is 2 or 3 times a day. The ascorbic acid takes about 1.5 hours to really knock the pain down, however will start to reduce it in 30 minutes. The down side of taking such high doses of vitamin C is that when your body reaches saturation level (i.e. as much as it needs... bearing in mind that you need more when you are ill or fighting infection) you get loose bowels - diarrhea.
I have very bad teeth. Proof that I do indeed have rubbish teeth, and that ascorbic acid works - have a look at the [url]yet another tooth infection[/url] thread I started back in 2004. Tell your daughter to look after her teeth!
Ava x
p.s. gargle with a bit of water after taking ascorbic acid, because otherwise you'll be damaging the enamel. And wait at least an hour before brushing after taking ascorbic acid.
Hi Ava
Tooth pain is horrible and seems to hurt more because it's in the head for some reason.
I really do appreciate what you're saying and acknowledge that infection is incredibly painful. A tooth abcess is not an experience I would care to repeat.
You might find a soluble pain killer, held in solution over the site of the pain and then swallowed, provides some local relief.
However, with wisdom teeth, major pain is generally as a result of impaction, rather than infection. A tooth is emerging where there isn't quite enough room for it. As a result, it's having to push other teeth out of the way and/or adjust its own position as well as break through the gum, with pain as a result.
Teething is no fun - babies don't like it either. They instinctively want to chew, pressing down on the gum and manipulating it to help the teeth break through it. And they cry because it's so painful - a lot!
I used to give mine homeopathic Chamomilla 30 - available from if you can't find it locally - which seemed to work like magic. Once we discovered that, we all got a good night's sleep, which also helped.
Love the ascorbic acid idea, though, Ava - vit c is so useful for all kinds of things 🙂
ps ibuprofen 400mg if she can take anti inflammatorys (not asthmatic or stomach ulcers ect) is really good to and can be used in conjunction with either paracetamol or the paracetamol/codine mixture. ie ibuprofen breakfast, lunch,tea pacracetamol based every 4 hrs in between,
The ibuprofen helpswith the inflamation as the tooth grows also tho you need to check that there is no infection (dentist or doc) as this will need antibiotics too :)x
gentle hugs for here toothach is soooo baaaaad ((((0))))))
Thanks so much everybody, I really appreciate all the advice!
My daughter actually succumbed to some tapping with me after all, though she was extremely sceptical - she was quite tearful and frustrated at first, but after a few minutes of EFT was able to fall asleep (she couldn't sleep through the night because of the pain) and slept for several hours. Now she is feeling much better, but attributes the effect to paracetamol (which incidentally hasn't worked for her at all over the last 24 hours).
Many thanks for all your suggestions again - I will discuss them with Anna - I am guessing she may not agree to tap with me again, as of course it could not have been my "voodoo" that made her feel better 😉
However, with wisdom teeth, major pain is generally as a result of impaction, rather than infection.
Ooh, sorry if I got that wrong. My wisdom teeth came through without any incidence (which is ironic given all the dental problems I've had in every other regard!) - so I thought that folk who had to have them removed did so because they got infected? I didn't realise that impaction was the cause.
Hence, apols to Masha for misguided advice! But I'm delighted that your 'voodoo' worked! Well done on a positive outcome!
Ava x
This has been a very interesting thread. My bottom teeth have started to come through - so far I've had no pain - touch wood.
I didn't know you can use EFT for pain?... Can someone tell me how please?
Masha - the wisdom teeth reflexes are in the tops of the little toes and fingers. Applying pressure to these points can help. x
Hi Urban Hippy - you know my son calls me a hippy!
This is very, very basic, cos I have no idea where the pain is, what the background is, how severe, causes or anything else.
But you could try this initial approach for pain and see how you go:
On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being there is no pain and 10 being the most pain you could imagine, how painful is whatever it is?
Setup: while tapping on the sore spot or karate chop say three times : "Even though I have this pain in my [whatever] I deeply and completely love and accept myself"
Then tap on each of the points saying "This pain"
Measure where you are on the 0-10 scale
Repeat until the pain is 0 on the scale.
If it doesn't shift, then there's something behind it that isn't being addressed and you'll need either to work on that yourself or to see a professional, many of whom are listed here on HP, or you could go to to find a qualified practitioner in your area.
You can use EFT for anything.
I had to make a blend last night for my cousins daughter, lavender, tea tree and roman chamomile in Jojoba, she said the pain has dulled alot today