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Pain gone pen

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Has anyone tried the pain gone pen,it is something else works wonderful if yu suffer from chronic back pains which i do. They dagnoised me with sciatica 4 years after a car crash.
I did have accupunture but it buggered up my sicatic nerve,now i have no feeling in my right leg. One of the physios where i work,suggested this pen,It costs aroud £50 pounds,but it is brilliant. Yu just press the pen,which contains crystals,no batterys,no mains onto the spot,and click 20 times.It sends electric shocks to the pain,and after 20 mins the pain is gone.

Wanted to tell anyone that this little device is brillaint.

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RE: Pain gone pen

dear white spirit

thank you for letting us know I also recommend Alexander Technique it has helped me a great deal.

blessings in abundance

kim xx

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RE: Pain gone pen

Yes, I carry this little gem around with me, because I suffer from constant neck ache and it certainly helps. A friend of mine was off work for 7 weeks with back ache and she bought this, within 2 weeks she was back at work (p/t) initially and now full time.

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RE: Pain gone pen

I use something similar but I think a lot smaller for 'zapping' insect bites. I am very allergic to mozzie's but since buying this zapper I can reduce the effects of the bites. It also contains crystals that when you 'click' they produce a current that affects the chemicals in the bite. Highly reccomend it, I bought mine from Asda's last year for under £5 and it lasts for 200 applications!

Love and light



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RE: Pain gone pen

Sounds brilliant - I can think of a couple of people immediately who I know would like to try this pen. Where do you get it from and what is it called?


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RE: Pain gone pen

I was about to ask the same question as Rachel, I know loads of people at work who could benefit from this one. I am sure it would also benefit my sister, who fractured her neck about 18 months ago in a nasty car accident with a drunk driver.


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RE: Pain gone pen

Reply to everyone,the website is called

The price is around £50,and it clicks around 500,00 clicks,having been using the pen for 3 years,

I brought it from the chemist(local),dont know if Boots do it

Well worth it,especially if yu suffer from chronic pain,yu can use it for a number of aliments,but not around the heart

All the best for now


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RE: Pain gone pen

The Pain Gone Pen is, I suspect, a repackaged, re-branded Piezo Electro-Acupuncture point stimulator that have been around for years. 😀

You can get these from acupuncture suppliers in the UK - we did have some, but we're out of stock. Prices range from about £15 - 40, depending on quality & the amount of zap they give. Having said that the more sensitive amongst us may not be able to tolerate the strongers ones. [:@]

A simple book on acupressure will give you some guidance as to which points to stimulate ( as well as locally ), such as The Gates & other general & specific apin relieving points. Also bearin mind that the origin of pain isn't necessarily where you feel it. A classic example would be sciatica that typically originates from the low back & occasionally from deep in the buttock. [:@]

They use the same technology as an electronic ignition type lighter, so if you're really on budget you could strip the top of one of these & use that. Make sure you complete the circuit by touching both poles - one with thumb the other the point being stimulated & make sure you get a good contact. If there's a gap, then you'll see the spark arc across & it'll hurt! [:@]

On a final note - it is extrememly unlikely that acupuncture would have damaged your sciatic nerve, unless it involved particularly violent repeated thrusting needle techniques. The reason being that unlike hyperdermic needles that cut through the tissues, whilst acupuncture needles are so fine that they squeeze between the tissue fibres. You can literally stick a needle through a nerve and although it may hurt, it won't actually damage it. [sm=scratchchin.gif]

The mast likely cause of your exacerbated symptoms was most likley to be that you have had a lumbar disk injury in the form of a herniation (bulge) or a prolapse. Depending on the area of numbess, then you really aught to have been referred to a neurologist, who may have considered an MRI scan & possibly offered you surgery if appropriate. If you check my profile you'll realise that this is not something I would suggest innapropriately. This may still be an option if the numbness isn't constant & hasn't been there so long as to be irriversible. [:@]

Another possibility is - pain & numbness can be caused by a simple 'facet joint lock' that is easily remedied by having the offending joint/s released with a manipulative technique. If your problem worsened after acupuncture & the acupuncturist had you lying on your front, causing the lumbar spine to fall into extention, then this is a strong possibilty & the sooner you get your back freed off - the better your chances of recovery. [sm=dance.gif]

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RE: Pain gone pen

Thanks Anahata, will have a look at the web and see what I can find. Interesting to see the words peizo electric, as this is course how quartz crystals are thouhtt to work. Is there any quartz in these pens by chance?


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RE: Pain gone pen

You can also order it or find more information here:
There is a special offer at the moment.

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RE: Pain gone pen

It's the same thing!

Wack a crystal & you get an electrical charge! [:@]

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RE: Pain gone pen

Very interesting - especially when you consider how many 'medical people' are so quick to rubbish crystal therapy.


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RE: Pain gone pen

The Pain Gone Pen is, I suspect, a repackaged, re-branded Piezo Electro-Acupuncture point stimulator that have been around for years. 😀

You can get these from acupuncture suppliers in the UK - we did have some, but we're out of stock. Prices range from about £15 - 40, depending on quality & the amount of zap they give. Having said that the more sensitive amongst us may not be able to tolerate the strongers ones. [:mad:]

A simple book on acupressure will give you some guidance as to which points to stimulate ( as well as locally ), such as The Gates & other general & specific apin relieving points. Also bearin mind that the origin of pain isn't necessarily where you feel it. A classic example would be sciatica that typically originates from the low back & occasionally from deep in the buttock. [:mad:]

They use the same technology as an electronic ignition type lighter, so if you're really on budget you could strip the top of one of these & use that. Make sure you complete the circuit by touching both poles - one with thumb the other the point being stimulated & make sure you get a good contact. If there's a gap, then you'll see the spark arc across & it'll hurt! [:mad:]

On a final note - it is extrememly unlikely that acupuncture would have damaged your sciatic nerve, unless it involved particularly violent repeated thrusting needle techniques. The reason being that unlike hyperdermic needles that cut through the tissues, whilst acupuncture needles are so fine that they squeeze between the tissue fibres. You can literally stick a needle through a nerve and although it may hurt, it won't actually damage it. [sm=scratchchin.gif]

The mast likely cause of your exacerbated symptoms was most likley to be that you have had a lumbar disk injury in the form of a herniation (bulge) or a prolapse. Depending on the area of numbess, then you really aught to have been referred to a neurologist, who may have considered an MRI scan & possibly offered you surgery if appropriate. If you check my profile you'll realise that this is not something I would suggest innapropriately. This may still be an option if the numbness isn't constant & hasn't been there so long as to be irriversible. [:mad:]

Another possibility is - pain & numbness can be caused by a simple 'facet joint lock' that is easily remedied by having the offending joint/s released with a manipulative technique. If your problem worsened after acupuncture & the acupuncturist had you lying on your front, causing the lumbar spine to fall into extention, then this is a strong possibilty & the sooner you get your back freed off - the better your chances of recovery. [sm=dance.gif]

It is the same.
Piezo pen is commonly used in sports, it works ok....
