Hi All
I've been going through a particularly challenging time of late and have been seeking out things to try and help / recover with no success. I've been using quite a few different Australian bush flower essences but with the exception of the Emergency Essence they all have had negative effects so I've decided to stop them all.
I was doing a meditation yesterday and got a very strong feeling / message that "everything I need to heal is within me." If felt like a very clear and precise message. Trouble is, I don't really know what this means. My problem is that I'm very much a 'take action' person - there's a problem, I research the possible cures and go for it. And usually fail and make things worse (as in the flower essences).
I have seen / read this "everything you need to heal is within you" before you on various sites etc. But there's no advice / guidance as to what this really means in practice. Perhaps it means actually not doing anything, except looking after yourself, and hopefully it works out but that seems very vague to me.
So many conditions are psychosomatic, i.e. have a psychological component which then can take its toll on the body.
Since you say you are going through a particularly challenging time this denotes stress which makes it amenable to our own ability to heal! Psychologists say that stress is how we react to a situation, i.e. not the situation itself. With awareness we can change our reaction, i.e. catch it as it is triggered and can hence change gear. There may be very valid reasons for this which may be outside our control but how we deal with it is our choice. To some this may not be obvious since reactions can be kneejerk/automatic. It often takes awareness, reflection...observing the situation without the mind chatter, until we get the message it is trying to send us. You have already had confirmation that you can heal yourself.
Being a victim to a situation is a choice and we can choose otherwise, i.e. to tone it down. Having trust in our ability to ride out the issue also helps, i.e. empowering self. If you have intuition, then (by silencing the mind) this will guide you and the way forward will gradually be shown - or it could be an 'aha' moment!
You might be familiar with the law of attraction, e.g. what we focus on, we get more of. I am going through a particularly challenging time myself and I do my best not to turn up the volume on it and to offset it with as much positivity as I can with other areas of my life. I wish you well.
Sometimes we need to just be.....something that is very hard for many people. Ultimately all healing comes from within. ( although try telling that to some of my pharmacy/medical colleagues!!) and different approaches will work with different people. May I suggest since you already meditate you investigate mindfulness. Amy has beaten me to all the other things already 🙂
Thank you Amy and Tashanie; you're both right, of course. I've been in a similar situation a few years ago and I'm doing exactly all the same things as I did then. It didn't solve anything then and I know it won't solve anything now except wearing myself into the ground stressing out trying to solve it!
You hit the nail on the head Tashanie when you said sometimes we need to just be and some people find that hard. I find it almost impossible! As I say I'm very much someone who searches endlessly for solutions and putting all my energy into and getting nowhere, so I move onto the next thing and so on it goes. For me, actively not doing something goes against my whole nature but maybe therein lies the lesson. So for now, I will try and step back and go with the flow wherever that takes me.
Thanks guys for your insight.
Thank you Amy and Tashanie; you're both right, of course. I've been in a similar situation a few years ago and I'm doing exactly all the same things as I did then. It didn't solve anything then and I know it won't solve anything now except wearing myself into the ground stressing out trying to solve it!
You hit the nail on the head Tashanie when you said sometimes we need to just be and some people find that hard. I find it almost impossible! As I say I'm very much someone who searches endlessly for solutions and putting all my energy into and getting nowhere, so I move onto the next thing and so on it goes. For me, actively not doing something goes against my whole nature but maybe therein lies the lesson. So for now, I will try and step back and go with the flow wherever that takes me.
Thanks guys for your insight.
One of the things I was taught during my hypnotherapy training is that if you keep doing the same things, you will get the same results. Try something ...ANYTHING different that you haven't done before.. What the worst that can happen? It doesn't work and you are no better or worse off than you were before
Ultimately all healing comes from within.
I agree. But also, everything is connected. Healing comes from within the connectedness of everything and everyone.
What this means in practical terms is that, yes everything that you need, Ray of Light, is within you. But it is also within others who can help you (and within the plants, animals, rocks etc, although that's usually a step too far for non-shamanic types!). You don't have to do everything yourself.
Hi All
I've been going through a particularly challenging time of late and have been seeking out things to try and help / recover with no success. I've been using quite a few different Australian bush flower essences but with the exception of the Emergency Essence they all have had negative effects so I've decided to stop them all.
I was doing a meditation yesterday and got a very strong feeling / message that "everything I need to heal is within me." If felt like a very clear and precise message. Trouble is, I don't really know what this means. My problem is that I'm very much a 'take action' person - there's a problem, I research the possible cures and go for it. And usually fail and make things worse (as in the flower essences).
I have seen / read this "everything you need to heal is within you" before you on various sites etc. But there's no advice / guidance as to what this really means in practice. Perhaps it means actually not doing anything, except looking after yourself, and hopefully it works out but that seems very vague to me.
Hi Ray,
Lets say for an example that you are deeply sad or angry (as you haven't spoken of your challenging times) and one relates to such emotions by referring to what you gathered in meditation.
There are so many levels to this regarding being able to heal one's self.
Firstly are you conscious of why you feel as you do for some are not conscious of why.
Either way everything points back at self so it doesn't matter what is being pointed at (if anything) regarding why life is pants ..
I think many can relate to the need to be more loving, gentle and forgiving of self and others, that way the life/prana/energy can flow without major obstructions.
There is an abundance of knowledge out there in relation to self healing. It is something for 20 years I have been doing on many levels. You will find many 'thing's complimenting other things, be it minerals, crystals, meditation, self enquiry etc etc, but fundamentally we all have the tools to heal self and at times a little or a lot of help from others is part of the whole ...
Most that are somehow lost unto themselves only need a little guidance / encouragement ..
I found white eagle does that in bucketfuls ..
Hello Crowan and NICE-1,
I like what you said Crowan about everything you need is within, but it is also within other people. I guess the trick is knowing when it is right to seek healing from someone else and then what type of healing.
NICE-1; like you I've been researching for about 15 years on various self healing techniques. So far, in my toolbox, as I call it, I have crystal healing, tuning forks, EFT, TAT, dowsing, aura soma and flower essences. Sometimes, some of them work, other times they don't. I'm always on the look out for anything new which appeals to me; is there anything you could suggest I could research?
It can depend obviously on what seems to be the problem regarding healing one's self / others.
For infections as an example I would work with certain energies that differ from depression, so it does depend on what exactly is being treated .
I am drawn deeply towards alchemy / transformation / manipulating energy. This type of working potentially has no boundaries.
Sometimes sitting in the quiet being open and honest with one's self regarding how they feel and as to why is one's best medicine, an open heart and a connection with self / God or whatever word suits, for going inwards is also going outwards in equal measure.
I also find that working with the violet flame extremely helpful (ascended master energies) angels, animal spirits, colours .. (sound, chakra pipes & drums, toning)
Like you said over time one has many strings to one's bow and acquires many tools. It really depends like with anything when it boils down to the job at hand, for one wouldn't use a hammer to cut the grass lol, so through experience one knows what tools work for one job over another..
x daz x
The alchemy / transformation / manipulating energy sounds interesting. I known when I have cranio sacral therapy that I can feel the energy going around my body and a time or two the practitioner has asked me to assist an area by gently shifting the energy from the strongest part of my body, which I can do.
Is this the kind of you thing you are referring? Can you tell me more?
The alchemy / transformation / manipulating energy sounds interesting. I known when I have cranio sacral therapy that I can feel the energy going around my body and a time or two the practitioner has asked me to assist an area by gently shifting the energy from the strongest part of my body, which I can do.
Is this the kind of you thing you are referring? Can you tell me more?
Any manipulation really that changes the state of energy that is of itself or of what surrounds it.
Allowing energy to flow and regenerate is part of the parcel. If there is a block or an obstacle in the body system whether it is physical, mental or emotional will end up stagnating and deteriorating on some level.
Just as a plant requires light for life so does the physical mind body matrix require light for life in a similar way, down to each cell or energy signature / imprint.
Lets take an example of a person who has a blocked heart both physically and emotionally. There are ways and means to transform the energy structure of the cells of the physical field of energy that is the heart and the emotional energy of the heart. One could begin to work with the fire element along with specific herbs like hawthorn and the B6 vitamin along with rose quartz crystals and sound frequency 341hz as examples. One could visualise the arteries clearing etc, etc. The emotional blockages respond with forgiveness and understanding the nature of the experiences attached and can be worked on in many ways, I find that Self enquiry really helps in this respect. Much easier to do when one has the intent to resolve one's issues rather than not, it's like the door is already open for self to heal self. One always has to be ready on some level to venture inwards.
There has to be change from one state to another and this is where the art of self healing - self alchemy come into it..
It doesn't really matter what we associate the transformation with or too, it could be someones impure lungs, it could be one's cowardice traits.
So depending on your own challenges at present you can work with energy in a similar way. If you feel that your present situation no longer serves you then as you have already done so started to try and change things about it.
Sometimes (if I shift back to the heart condition as example mentioned above) a person may try and change their diet in order to help their heart and choose margarine instead of butter, or cutting down to one cake a week lol so changes made only reflect the level of input. Some changes made don't really change anything much if their changes made are skin deep.
There is also the case where one cannot change a thing as one has made their bed the way it is for a reason so one has to take that into consideration but one can change or transform the energy of resistance to acceptance so you see on some level transformation can occur.
There are so many levels to this and in my case it was more about transforming myself from who I thought I was to who I am (roughly speaking)
Along the way there are many things that surface there are many self aspect that come to light, we essentially open our eyes to ourselves, we strengthen our strengths and weaken our weaknesses, we purify the impure we bring light to the dark etc etc ..
Like said there are so many levels and really a lengthy book still would not contain how deep this self healing rabbit hole goes but I hope I have at least scratched the surface somewhat.
I do many of these things, such as sound healing, crystal healing, supplements, chakra work - but I'd never considered it be energy manipulation but I guess that's what it is. The only thing for me is because I'm hyper sensitive, I can't work with too many things at the same time and have to make sure that they complement each other; so for instance I couldn't use sound healing, crystals and essential oils for the same thing as that for me would be system overload.
Hi All
I've been going through a particularly challenging time of late and have been seeking out things to try and help / recover with no success. I've been using quite a few different Australian bush flower essences but with the exception of the Emergency Essence they all have had negative effects so I've decided to stop them all.
I was doing a meditation yesterday and got a very strong feeling / message that "everything I need to heal is within me." If felt like a very clear and precise message. Trouble is, I don't really know what this means. My problem is that I'm very much a 'take action' person - there's a problem, I research the possible cures and go for it. And usually fail and make things worse (as in the flower essences).
I have seen / read this "everything you need to heal is within you" before you on various sites etc. But there's no advice / guidance as to what this really means in practice. Perhaps it means actually not doing anything, except looking after yourself, and hopefully it works out but that seems very vague to me.
The feeling that you felt so strongly is exactly that. Drop everything, Alll techniques, all healings, all inner moving, striving....and be. Just sit and rest....breathe.....Prana flowing in deep rest is pure benediction.
Strive no more....to get better, to self improve, to heal, to grow spiritually....nothing..whatever it is that I want to attain to, must now come to me. If I just be, all comes flooding to me
Be? How exactly? By not wanting a solution, not seeking the opposite of what is happening naturally. Relaxing into what is....be it circumstantial, emotional, mental or physical...whatever it is...I am ok with it. It is totally fine by me. I seek not the opposite, but relax into what is arising on its own in this moment.....is the state of rest, in this state, you open up to receive what is constantly there and showering incessantly.
Inner stillness is the way of all healing without any techniques, methods, props. All methods, ways are subtle disturbances....they keep you unsettled.
I would pay attention to what that feeling was...When an inner feeling arises so strongly, it's commands must be obeyed without further ado. Sit with you, many many emotions will arise, you breathe into them with acceptance....that is what it means that everything is within you
Thank you, Jnani, I understand what you are saying and in moments of peace and good energy I feel this way. It's when I take a dip, it's so tempting to reach for a flower essence, a tuning fork - and I agree that it does sometimes cloud things. But I am trying real hard at the moment. Thanks for your words.
The feeling that you felt so strongly is exactly that. Drop everything, Alll techniques, all healings, all inner moving, striving....and be. Just sit and rest....breathe.....Prana flowing in deep rest is pure benediction.
Strive no more....to get better, to self improve, to heal, to grow spiritually....nothing..whatever it is that I want to attain to, must now come to me. If I just be, all comes flooding to meBe? How exactly? By not wanting a solution, not seeking the opposite of what is happening naturally. Relaxing into what is....be it circumstantial, emotional, mental or physical...whatever it is...I am ok with it. It is totally fine by me. I seek not the opposite, but relax into what is arising on its own in this moment.....is the state of rest, in this state, you open up to receive what is constantly there and showering incessantly.
Inner stillness is the way of all healing without any techniques, methods, props. All methods, ways are subtle disturbances....they keep you unsettled.
I would pay attention to what that feeling was...When an inner feeling arises so strongly, it's commands must be obeyed without further ado. Sit with you, many many emotions will arise, you breathe into them with acceptance....that is what it means that everything is within you
It could be said that dropping everything and doing nothing ....Is just another technique .
Everything is in place. Everything has an energy signature in life / nature..
If your dying of thirst .. do something about it .. go and drink some water, don't sit there and do nothing..
I do many of these things, such as sound healing, crystal healing, supplements, chakra work - but I'd never considered it be energy manipulation but I guess that's what it is. The only thing for me is because I'm hyper sensitive, I can't work with too many things at the same time and have to make sure that they complement each other; so for instance I couldn't use sound healing, crystals and essential oils for the same thing as that for me would be system overload.
I understand the problems relating to sensitivity .. At a point in time I was overloaded myself with certain energies effecting my nervous system.
Sometimes the dam needs to break in order for a flow to resume,
I think that a combination of energy work at times that compliments one's state of sensitivity can be the best course of action.
Manipulation of energy is a word I use that is rather more the dam breaker than a subtle change of energy.
It could be said that dropping everything and doing nothing ....Is just another technique .
it is another technique if you say so...and who can stop you from saying that?
'Thirsty' ones go on a life long quest to quench their thirst and yet it is only ever quenched when all seeking, wandering stops...when all techniques drop off, all yearning falls off...one attains to doing nothing. It can never become a technique. It is the very demise of all effort
it is another technique if you say so...and who can stop you from saying that?
'Thirsty' ones go on a life long quest to quench their thirst and yet it is only ever quenched when all seeking, wandering stops...when all techniques drop off, all yearning falls off...one attains to doing nothing. It can never become a technique. It is the very demise of all effort
Doing something compared to doing nothing are both experiences had.
It's not really my thoughts on it that make it be as it is ..
You either do something or nothing.
Both intentions / actions / non actions just allow / create a different result .
The search only stops when one realises there is no more searching to be had .. until that point one has to reach that point.
Everything has it's time and place ..
Suggesting that someone for example should not look or do something regarding finding or realising themselves will fall on deaf ears when one is lost unto themselves ..
You seem to promote doing nothing but this has not always been the case.
You are at a place to promote nothing and yet the great masters suggest effort is required when needed, self enquiry is good enough for Ramana and niz .. and many a great sage ..
Doing nothing for some will ...erm do nothing for you ..
Some require do do rather than not ..It really depends on where one is at ..
it is another technique if you say so...and who can stop you from saying that?
'Thirsty' ones go on a life long quest to quench their thirst and yet it is only ever quenched when all seeking, wandering stops...when all techniques drop off, all yearning falls off...one attains to doing nothing. It can never become a technique. It is the very demise of all effort
I disagree that the seeking has to stop in order for a quest to be fulfilled. Where is your evidence for this? Many find what they are looking for by going on a quest. Staying indoors (as it were) has its limitations.
Doing something compared to doing nothing are both experiences had.
It's not really my thoughts on it that make it be as it is ..
You either do something or nothing.
Both intentions / actions / non actions just allow / create a different result .
The search only stops when one realises there is no more searching to be had .. until that point one has to reach that point.
Everything has it's time and place ..
Suggesting that someone for example should not look or do something regarding finding or realising themselves will fall on deaf ears when one is lost unto themselves ..
You seem to promote doing nothing but this has not always been the case.
You are at a place to promote nothing and yet the great masters suggest effort is required when needed, self enquiry is good enough for Ramana and niz .. and many a great sage ..
Doing nothing for some will ...erm do nothing for you ..
Some require do do rather than not ..It really depends on where one is at ..
I appreciate Nice_1 your love of philosophy. I am not philosophizing in a general sense as you seem to point out in your reply to my post.
Not promoting nothingness or fullness for that matter. .not talking about general concepts but merely responding to the energy of Ray of Light
"Everything has its place and time" as you say..... I wrote what I wrote because this is the time to say this....not to say what is relevant to you or some people out there or in some general sense, not as a philosophy....but bowing to the command of energy in which the question arose.
Sometimes philosophy is ok, yet mostly life can do without concepts.
Personally, I am not great fan of philosophy, only in direct response to life.
The op already has an inner direction that is urging him to do not much, but to stay put in his being...my response being merely and directly to that energy.
....You say, "some require to do rather than not". Where do others come in this? When it is such a direct question that his inner feeling is telling him that everything is within him. He is clearly telling where he is at....then why bring all kinds of spiritual scenarios, and requirements thereof into it?
I don't see any need of it, but hey, if you do, good for you
Sometimes we need to just be.....something that is very hard for many people. Ultimately all healing comes from within. ( although try telling that to some of my pharmacy/medical colleagues!!) and different approaches will work with different people. May I suggest since you already meditate you investigate mindfulness. Amy has beaten me to all the other things already 🙂
what does mindfullness mean? Im new to this and im seeking out support coz im going through a hard time
what does mindfullness mean? Im new to this and im seeking out support coz im going through a hard time
I appreciate Nice_1 your love of philosophy. I am not philosophizing in a general sense as you seem to point out in your reply to my post.
Not promoting nothingness or fullness for that matter. .not talking about general concepts but merely responding to the energy of Ray of Light"Everything has its place and time" as you say..... I wrote what I wrote because this is the time to say this....not to say what is relevant to you or some people out there or in some general sense, not as a philosophy....but bowing to the command of energy in which the question arose.
Sometimes philosophy is ok, yet mostly life can do without concepts.
Personally, I am not great fan of philosophy, only in direct response to life.The op already has an inner direction that is urging him to do not much, but to stay put in his being...my response being merely and directly to that energy.
....You say, "some require to do rather than not". Where do others come in this? When it is such a direct question that his inner feeling is telling him that everything is within him. He is clearly telling where he is at....then why bring all kinds of spiritual scenarios, and requirements thereof into it?I don't see any need of it, but hey, if you do, good for you
You wrote what you wrote as did I for it was the right time for both of us to make our thoughts known.
Speaking of working with an array of helpful tools whether it is working with sound is direct experience of it.
Taking care of the mind-body by means of nutrition / herbs / minerals / crystals are direct experiences.
My philosophy is putting together what compliments a certain condition / illness / challenge.
You have your own philosophy in regards to doing nothing.
Ray has expressed that self healing or the power to heal self is within self which is correct, but as said there are things that can compliment one's inner workings. Ray has spend 15 years finding what works and what doesn't.
If Ray did nothing 15 years ago then ray would not know what works and what doesn't now.
The man lost unto himself would not know any different if he hadn't entertained the enquiry.
Niz would not of realized himself unless he didn't self enquire ...
It depends on where one is at, that is why I said "some require to do rather than not". What applies to you in the moment may not apply to ray or myself in the moment ..
You would have to know ray as you know yourself to say do nothing ..
My input has been relating to the many helpful combinations there are that compliment self healing ..
Self healing can encompass as many levels as necessary, hence the mind-body-spirit-soul connection .. Finding the right combination is a journey unto itself and if one doesn't engage with the journey then one will only know what not engaging brings to the table ..
Hi all
I'm really appreciating the conversation this has produced.
Yes, I have been pursuing healing techniques over the years and whilst my knowledge has built up, in terms of the physical healing, it's pretty much got me nowhere. That's why I was so drawn to jnani's thoughts of doing nothing. I've often seen references to healing taking place when you stop and just be. This goes against my whole nature as I'm very much a doer. So this 'just being' is something I wanted to look at more.
I have for the last week or so stopped taking flower essences which were causing more problems and it feels good to just come back to myself and see what maybe within.
Hi all
I'm really appreciating the conversation this has produced.
Yes, I have been pursuing healing techniques over the years and whilst my knowledge has built up, in terms of the physical healing, it's pretty much got me nowhere. That's why I was so drawn to jnani's thoughts of doing nothing. I've often seen references to healing taking place when you stop and just be. This goes against my whole nature as I'm very much a doer. So this 'just being' is something I wanted to look at more.
I have for the last week or so stopped taking flower essences which were causing more problems and it feels good to just come back to myself and see what maybe within.
It really depends on what physical ailments one is trying to heal.
I myself have never ventured into flower remedies to heal anything although heal thyself from bach explained the nature of disease wonderfully well.
Understanding nutrition, understanding the body is a lifetime study and sometimes one can not help their ailment/s through not knowing enough about what causes the ailments in the first place and not understanding what natural products work well.
A friend at work suffers from psoriasis over most of his body and continues to take the doctors prescription drugs / steroid creams and continues to eat a junk food diet.
To do nothing about his situation / ailment will do nothing for his ailment.
As said it really depends on what your or anybodies issues / challenges / ailments are when we start advising what is the best course of action ..
Hi all
I'm really appreciating the conversation this has produced.
Yes, I have been pursuing healing techniques over the years and whilst my knowledge has built up, in terms of the physical healing, it's pretty much got me nowhere. That's why I was so drawn to jnani's thoughts of doing nothing. I've often seen references to healing taking place when you stop and just be. This goes against my whole nature as I'm very much a doer. So this 'just being' is something I wanted to look at more.
I have for the last week or so stopped taking flower essences which were causing more problems and it feels good to just come back to myself and see what maybe within.
Ray, you have said it all. You don't need to work on yourself anymore. you have been ripening, by doing this that and the other...and within you now the effort is coming to an end. When you are ripe enough to just sit, Techniques methods, healings etc don't work for you anymore. They still work for others, but you are not them.
Your time has come to go beyond effort.
The very road that takes you to your destination cannot be clung to. Most do. in the end the path has be left behind....which is what is happening to you. Something that does not happen very often
Very pleased for you
NICE1: I've studied nutrition and supplements for about 10 years or so. I don't eat any processed food; my diet is pretty clean and I'm not on any medication; I haven't even taken any simple painkillers for several years.
Neither of the two things I'm trying to heal will be helped with supplements; it's a trauma, so it's going to be my emotional reaction to that and no amount of EFT, TAT, mindfulness has made any impact. One of them I've decided to let go (prompted by jnani's view of letting things go). I've invested enough time and energy in trying to resolve it, so I now want to try the "doing nothing" scenario. I feel there is some progress too as it's not on my mind all the time, seeking, researching, trying things which ultimately cause a new problem.
Ah o.k. now we have established that it is trauma based then I can relate. I had suffered mental and emotional abuse for over a decade in my life experience thus far so know all about trauma. I know that popping any kind of pills won't do that much to resolve the trauma but B vitamins help loads in regards the the stress told upon the body / adrenals as you probably know.
Like I said one has to know what the issue is when one goes about resolving / healing.
What I have realised is that even past life traumas come back to haunt you if they are not resolved, I had three years of self healing the trauma relating too that. Ignoring, it, doing nothing about it doesn't make the issue go away ..
If you want to go down that route because you are exhausted of trying this and trying that then perhaps you are ready to take some rest-bite and I can understand that. Rome wasn't built in day lol.
I kept on and on with getting to the heart of myself with daily meditation / enquiry and yoga was part of the parcel of that process.
I think with all respect that your prompt to ask for help and guidance on your challenges doesn't reflect someone that is in a place within one's self that is beyond effort (not that you have implied that you are).
The saying what you put in is was you get out goes without saying ..
If you have come to terms / accepted the trauma and have forgiven self / others relating too it then like most fires they will eventually die out all on their own .. If you don't feel that you have dealt with all of that side of things then consciously or subconsciously you will keep the fire alight .
"past life trauma" - well, I have one of those to deal with as well which has showed up in this lifetime as one hell of a phobia which was triggered at the tender age of 5. I tried cognitive behaviour therapy which made the situation worse to the extent I could barely function. This is an example of me trying to sort things and making it worse. Following the CBT I had six sessions of hypnotherapy which got the phobia down to a point I could cope with it with my usual coping mechanisms. I also saw a medium who explained that this had all come from a past life death at the age of 5 - the same age as a situation here triggered it. Anyway, it's more manageable now.
Yes, I have accepted the trauma (not related to the phobia) done that much EFT and TAT on forgiveness, acceptance and on and on. In terms of the 'letting it go' view, I figure that if my body wants to hang onto the trauma, that's up to it - in my mind, I'm more than ready to move on. I'm kinda hoping that with all the work I've put into healing from it over the last ten years that maybe one day the physical will catch up with the mental/emotional.