Might be of interest:
The Atkins diet, which contains 50 or fewer grams of carbohydrates per day, was by the most effective diet in lowering blood pressure over a year.
Interesting article and as I am a fan of low carb very appealing figures.
Also my hubby had a routine blood pressure check and it was sky high luckily with no symptoms. The gp quizzed him on his diet and suggested cutting out the snacks of salty peanuts and salty flavoured crisps and two weeks later after substituting for 'salt and shake crisps' and not using the blue salt sachet, his bp is almost normal!
Thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing this piece of information. Yes, I already had read the benefits of a low-carb diet. Good shape. And healthy inside. It is just really hard to avoid their appeals. The sugars know how to steal your heart and then leave you destroyed (evil pun). What mode of diet do you switch to comabt low b.p, though ? Other than mdications, I will try anything suggested.
Black Garlic is said to help against blood pressure problems. But i did not try it out myself yet. Any experiences?
Thank you for sharing this piece of information. Yes, I already had read the benefits of a low-carb diet. Good shape. And healthy inside. It is just really hard to avoid their appeals. The sugars know how to steal your heart and then leave you destroyed (evil pun). What mode of diet do you switch to comabt low b.p, though ? Other than mdications, I will try anything suggested.
Try increasing your salt intake. This seems to have had good results for many people.
Try increasing your salt intake. This seems to have had good results for many people.
Crowan - sodium increase should just be slight for hypotension - more important is an increase in hydration, otherwise it could tip the scales the wrong way.
Have you read "The Salt Fix" by Dr James DiNicolantonio? Very interesting book.
That's really great article. I have been on ketogenic diet on and off for over a year and half, and in November went strict. My diet currently consists of a lot of salmon (about five to six times a week) and assorted olives per day. I went to the doctor Monday and had the lowest BP reading in years. I'm hoping this means eventually I can go off to meds. This is enough right here to keep me strict ketogenic diet.
According to the best [url]cardiac surgeons[/url] a person who is suffering from hypertension they follow these diet plan
Foods to be included for Hypertension diet:
Grains, vegetables, fruits ([url]fruits and vegetables[/url] are good sources of potassium), skimmed milk, lean meat, and certain fish can be given.
Foods to be avoided for Hypertension diet:
Salt in cooking or at the table, Ajinomoto, baking powder, preserved foods such as pickles, canned foods, potato chips, papads, ketchup, sauce, baked foods such as biscuits, cakes, peanut butter, frozen peas, shellfish, and dry fish, etc.