I was wondering if anyone could help me. Since January, I realised I couldn't sit crosslegged or do the cobbler pose in yoga class anymore. Not 6 months ago I was able to do it and fold over forwards. Now my knees are up around my ears and it is very uncomfortable. I get pain in my groin, hip and sometimes down my leg.
The osteopath can't understand why I haven't responded to her treatments, the doctor told me in Feb that by the time I waited for physio it would go away.
All I can think of is I slept on the floor for 2 weeks over Christmas, and had really cut back on exercise and yoga during Nov and Dec. Before that I was quite active, and had more energy. Now it is a stuggle to get to a weekly yoga class, but I go because my hips feel more open afterwards.
I'd really appreciate advice on this, because the constant low grade pain is very tiring. Anyone have any suggestions?
RE: Can't sit cross legged anymore
Have you thought of exploring some feldenkrais ?
RE: Can't sit cross legged anymore
Hips are large weight bearing muscles with very strong muscles acting across them, so once they start shortening / going into spasm they're tricky to calm down.
Groin pain with restricted hip movement tends to suggest that there's degeneration in the joint and the joint capsule may be involved as well (shortening).
With restricted hips I tend to use western acupuncture to needle the shortened muscles before treating osteopathically, I find that this is more successful than osteopathy alone once they've past a certain point.
If there's no progress with that after a few treatments, then I suggest NAET to try and address the osteoarthritis in the hope of saving the joints in time. Usually refer back to GP advising orthopaedic referral to get the wheels in motion. That's on the basis that the wheels move so slow that we've usually cracked it by then, but it's also a back up plan just in case.
If there's still sufficient cartilage in the joint, then there's a chance of recovery if you act now.
At the very least start taking glocosamine sulphate/hyrdochloride, chondroitin &/or MSM. Celedrin also looks promising. All these things should help you system compensate, so likely to be a life time prescription. BTW I believe you can get glucosamine on prescription from GP.
If not keen on taking supplements long term, then suggest NAET.
RE: Can't sit cross legged anymore
Oh no that all sounds really serious. I would have thought the doctor and osteopath would have mentioned osteoarthritis, and taking glucosamine. But neither of them said anything. I'm a little worried now that I've done something irreparable, and I am going to be old before my time...I'm only 43, not too old is it?
BTW what is NAET and feldenkrais? I'm off to look at your websites. Thanks for all the advice...Kxx
RE: Can't sit cross legged anymore
Sorry, didn't mean to alarm you, but with the little info given - most likely senario is early arthritis of the hips, especially if you're stretching them regularly and they're not improving. Suggest at least 3 times a day.
If their still not improving talk to osteopath or GP about possibility of x-rays, which may or may not much at this stage.
Sounds like you'd been keeping on top of it with the yoga and they've stiffened when you took a break from it.
There's more on NAET in the Allergy and Arthritis forums or do a Forum Search on it with my username as author.
RE: Can't sit cross legged anymore
Thanks Andrew,
Actually another visit tothe osteopath revealed possible inflammation of the fluid sac (is that the bursa? if so, I didn't realise you could get bursitis in the hip). So loads more stretching and more treatment is on the cards. Still the inflammation has been going on for a while. How am I going to go camping with a senstitive hip, I don't know. Still I've got a few more weeks to sort it out.
Thanks for all the info anyway, it's good to get more opinions...
RE: Can't sit cross legged anymore
That's good news, in that it's not the main hip joint.
Bursitis can be a tricky one to treat though, but I think your with the best option on that one with an osteopath.
The two main bursae of the hip that tend to flare up are;
- The trochanteric bursa this is on the outer part of the hip. If you move your hand forward from the lower buttock, then it's the boney lump you can feel up from mid line of outer thigh.
- The ischial (sitting bone) bursa - these are found around the back in the lower midline of buttock. Particularly irritated by sitting on them. [:@]
I was wondering if anyone could help me. Since January, I realised I couldn't sit crosslegged or do the cobbler pose in yoga class anymore. Not 6 months ago I was able to do it and fold over forwards. Now my knees are up around my ears and it is very uncomfortable. I get pain in my groin, hip and sometimes down my leg.
The osteopath can't understand why I haven't responded to her treatments, the doctor told me in Feb that by the time I waited for physio it would go away.
All I can think of is I slept on the floor for 2 weeks over Christmas, and had really cut back on exercise and yoga during Nov and Dec. Before that I was quite active, and had more energy. Now it is a stuggle to get to a weekly yoga class, but I go because my hips feel more open afterwards.I'd really appreciate advice on this, because the constant low grade pain is very tiring. Anyone have any suggestions?
Change osteopath .....
Check hip alignment and sacrum.... and of course during the check you will also check sij. I am pretty sure there will be the answer