I went on a Feldenkrais course last week, and the teacher asked us to move our diaphragm UP while breathing in and DOWN when breathing out. I had always done the opposite. She said I should just try it out, as a different option. Any opinions? Comments? Experiences?
Yes! Yes....let's do us know what you think Mary.
I find it very hard to unlearn something I've been doing naturally for 60+ years! Surely, bringing the diaphragm 'up' into the chest cavity on an inhale, inhibits the full use of the lower lobes of the lung?
Yes that's what I thought, but when I have the time - when going for a walk, or lying in bed, to try this other method it does feel fine. And not difficult either.
When I breathe in raising my diaphragm (instead of lowering it), my lungs automatically expand sideways instead of not at all. Maybe I learned that on the Feldenkrais course.
Trying this technique and it is fascinating...
Do you really mean the diaphragm or the abdomen? The diaphragm has to move down to pull air in.
Interesting how it feels like the breathe going down...
My body stays in constant confusion lol.
This is super interesting... Testing it out now and finding it super strange! Very fascinating though
A week ago my superb yoga teacher told me the following: breathe IN from your nose going down to your abdomen; breathe OUT starting from your abdomen, back up.
Along with some other related suggestions to do with posture, this helped me no end and solved my indigestion for starters.
Of course this was for me, and other people may need different advise.
Yes, abdominal breathing is good for getting your organs to massage each other. 🙂
Yes, so true for me. In my yoga practice I truly enjoy the breathing practice and massaging my organs and mind! Breathe work has help me release and renew.
Try it on. Wonderful.