I was looking up the health effects of mobile phone base stations when I found this.......
Wilson's Syndrome (Hypothyroidism Type II*): The Stress Connection & Potential Therapy For Chemical & Emf Sensitivities
James B. Beal, EMF Interface Consulting
P.O. Box 2112, Wimberley, TX 78676-7012
512-847-3076 E-mail: emeffects@aol.com
Since June of last year it has been most exciting, gathering information on a new therapy which seems to offer, at last, to the chemical and electromagnetic field (EMF) hypersensitive individual, a substantial hope for recovery from a host of troublesome symptoms. (Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue seem to be involved also)
Many other persons in this world (primarily women) may also benefit, who suffer various related psychophysiological, life-threatening and non-life-threatening symptoms relating to hypersensitivity. These are symptoms which do not respond well to the modern medical approaches of test, drug and surgery. Tests do not show any clear-cut pathologies; the prognosis is normal; however, the patient knows that he or she has some sort of severe system disturbance. Some medications offer temporary relief and 'dulling' of symptoms, but the quality of life is severely compromised and side effects may occur, as the medications usually become stronger and stronger to get the same effect. Addictions and a long-term variety of medications and doctors may result, with no cure in sight.
This new therapy, and its implications relating to stress, seems to clarify a lot of 'miraculous cures' and 'spontaneous remissions" which relate to drastic life style changes, practices of affirmations, visualizations, and meditation, certain exercises, diets and healing environments. Of course, I am aware that the hereafter-mentioned system metabolic thyroid hormone T3 therapy probably wouldn't be required in the first place if we all knew how to handle stress in a positive way!!
One way to determine if this therapy will benefit you is TO DETERMINE IF YOU HAVE A CONSISTENTLY LOWER-THAN-NORMAL BODY TEMPERATURE! If your body temperature during the day averages below 980F over several days you may have Wilson's Syndrome (discovered in 1988), a hypothyroid metabolic imbalance which WILL NOT show up on any thyroid tests yet developed. Note that low temp is not always associated with fibromyalgia. The fairly simple treatment is with the readily available and inexpensive Thyroid hormone, T3 , which is the body SYSTEM metabolic regulator at cell surface and interior (NOT PRIMARILY IN THE THYROID GLAND). The thyroid gland is highly sensitive to various types of mental, physical and chemical STRESS and inherited genetic tendencies to react to stress. Stresses produce a metabolic reaction (the 'fight or flight" response, which becomes "locked in". (The body seems to become "thyroid hormone T3 resistant" at the cell level.) T3 is made by the principle thyroid gland hormone T4, which levels can be measured.
For persons with testable T4 thyroid gland problems the use of medical artificial T4 will bring relief temporarily (because T3 is generated by the new T4 and sometimes included in the T4 medication, but effectivity tends to go down with continued use). Artificial thyroid hormone T3 must be carefully administered in 5-10 *g steps, over many days, by a knowledgeable physician in a "ramp-up" treatment process (beyond the maximum normal dose of 25-30 *g). Patients must reliably monitor and report their symptoms, pulse and body temperature each day. Dramatic relief of symptoms is usually obtained before the 250 mg super-dose (considered the 95% response level). Patients seem to vary enormously in the amount of initial T3 super-dose required to bring symptom relief. This will bring low body temperature back up to normal for awhile until relapse. Note: this type of therapy not recommended for persons with a history of heart problems.
A lot of major and minor physical problems, caused by the low body temperature and enzyme dysfunction, will then also disappear. A few days from fi