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Spiritual "cause" for FMS?

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Hi everyone

I have Fibromyalgia and I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts as to what they feel the spiritual cause of these physical symptoms might be.

The reason I ask is, I'm a Reiki Master and am recently getting more involved in Shamanism and I've been trying to understand what thought pattern/change in energy/past life may have contributed to me having FMS.

I read somewhere that people with FMS may have past life resonance or a "weary soul" which in a strange way makes sense to me! I've also been told it's because I spend too long trying to connect/get back to spirit and therefore am not connecting fully in my body. Another example I guess could be Louise Hay's belief that Pain disorders are caused by Guilt...?

Any other thoughts??


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You already know all that Loiuse hay, enotions, cause effect etc.
There is no border line as such - 'here the physicality ends and 'spirituality' starts'...They are not two.
If there is a 'spiritual reason' why the suffering in the body affects so badly - is that You have to find out for yourself that you are not the body and you are not the mind. That body-mind apparatus is in place but ' You' is neither of them. Most are identified with mind-body apparatus. hence so much emphasis on health, emotions, happiness etc but as the identification breaks away from the body one understands that body does what it needs to and mind does its own thing too and you stand separate from it all.
Even now watch your body does what it does, catches cold gets better. gets infections get over them, one day beaming with energy another day quite listless etc etc etc Does it ever ask you for permission? No. It does its own thing. Body is governed by its own rules. You have very little to do with it. We refer to it as 'my body'. like my house. Yet no one makes mistake of confusing the house with their Self . What is mine is necessarily not my Self. Or why call it mine? Because I and body are not the same.

Modern age spirituality harps on about personal responsibility as top criteria to qualify as a spiritual being. yes it helps to become aware of emotional reasons, state of mind etc that effect body. and that can be a journey in itself. But that is not the be all end all.

So the spiritual cause for this disease or any other is to awaken you to this truth that you are not body-mind and go find out who you trully are... But how many people are ready for such enquiry? Very few. That is the meaning you may choose if you are spiritually inclined

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Hi Siany3

You might find it helpful to replace the word spiritual with consciousness, people often try and become spiritual at the expense of experiencing life to the full within the now. Consciousness is already here and now, it just requires acceptance (you do not have to work towards what you already are).

Tension between our aspects of consciousness (inner conflicts), will result in tension manifesting within our physicality (all is one), we have to find and rectify what is wrong within our levels of consciousness if we wish to resolve the outward indications of consciousness that are manifesting in diverse ways within our physical aspect.

In stead of getting side tracked by trying to establish a spiritual link to past lives, you might find it more beneficial to look within your aspects of consciousness within the now, what is within you right now which is not serving you in a positive, meaningful and wholesome way, what is disrupting your harmony and creating disharmony?

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I have no doubt there are spiritual, cognitive, social, political etc factors in the causation of many problems.

I would, however, say that we can be unduly quick to lean on those factors, and ignore the very physical origins of disease that exist within our heavily toxic, deprived and stressful lifestyles. We have certainly been brainwashed from an early age to ignore the environmental causes of disease that are staring us right in the face, because the implications of facing up to them are politically and economically very unpallatable.

Moreover, there is a huge propaganda war on to emphasis pharmaceuticals as the only cure, that when they have nothing to offer, we are left scrabbling for an explanation and hope of a way forward. We have not been educated to see health problems in a helpful way, so when big pharma or the medical system leave us high and dry - as they so often do - we are vulnerable to explanations of the esoteric kind.

For anyone of a moderate disposition, the first steps of that search begin with the psychosomatic world. Why is this false, or at least not adequate on its own? Because the health of the mind depends on the body and the environment also - the seperatedness doesn't exist. The physical world is in the mix somewhere - it has to be. Seldom, though, have we really exhausted all the possibilities for wellness. Seldom have we really made the changes that follow from even the existing conventional understanding of disease.

Here is a great quote from :

"I have seen the foolishness of conventional disease care wisdom. I have seen hospitals feed white bread to patients with bowel cancer and hospitals feed "Jello" to leukemia patients. I have seen schools feed bright red "Slush Puppies" to 7 year olds for lunch and I have seen children vomit up a desk-top full of red crud afterwards. And, I have seen those same children later line up at the school nurse for hyperactivity drugs.
I have seen hospital patients allowed to go two weeks without a bowel movement. I have seen patients told that they have six months to live when they might live sixty months. I have seen people recover from serious illness, only to have their physician berate them for having used natural healing methods to do so. I have seen infants spit up formula while their mothers were advised not to breast feed. I've seen better ingredients in dog food than in the average school or hospital lunch.

"And I have seen enough.

"Don't bother looking in the history books for what has slaughtered the most Americans. Look instead at your dinner table. There's an old saying: "One fourth of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-fourths keep your doctor alive." We eat too much of the wrong things and not enough of the right things. Scientific research continually indicates nationwide vitamin and mineral deficiencies in our country. We spend over two million million dollars (two trillion) each year on disease care in America. Is it any surprise that doctors consistently place among the very highest incomes? "

Reiki Pixie
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There is a quote from K's link:

The old Chinese saying is "When you are sick of sickness, you are no longer sick."

Which comes from the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by Lao Zi (I think?), and is from my experience very true. Once we allow our inner wisdom / consicousness to drive us to a more perferrable state of being, health (ie a state of wholeness) can be improved.

As for psycho-spiritual aspect of FM, I'm sure there is but isn't that weary-ness also a reflection of the food that we eat, the environment that we live, and the thoughts/feelings that we have?


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Ah yes RP, and that gives hope wherever we decide to begin breaking our vicious circles - with our perception, our nutrition, our occupation. If we chip away in all those areas, the changes all feed off each other. The area so often missed out is the structure and the adaptations it goes through. These adaptations can maintain our state as well as helping us deal with our environment.

In fact the musculoskeletal system has been somewhat gloomily described as 'the graveyard of the emotions'! Make of that what you will.

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Wise words here kvdp, and very well expressed. I like the quote!

I've had FM for some 30 years. It is now under control because I have found the cause - gluten intolerance - something that the medical profession poo-poo. But if they looked at the studies being done they would realise that food intolerances can impact on the body on many different areas. Another theory that is also dismissed is the suggestion that FM is a precursor to hypothyroidism (Dr Pall). So there are definitely some physical causes.

However there may be predisposing factors from other aspects of ourselves, as clarified by jnani, where illness is possibly used as a medium to redirect our focus (as happened in my own experience), but I feel it is not the path of choice. A debilitated body can struggle to cope with experiences on other planes when the focus is too strongly on the physical (in order to try and get better, if that is the aim, or even to remain incapacitated if that serves a purpose).

My suggestion is to get some tests done before looking to the possible spiritual causes.

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I've had various tests and am on a low GI diet, I'm currently on medication from the dr and am exercising as suggested. I have to say that my question was more for what other people might think the "??" (please replace with whatever term you wish to add here that isn't in the medical profession) cause/contribution might be.

I certainly don't have my FMS controlled to the level I would like, and probably could be a bit kinder to myself when it comes to working long hours. I am functioning in my 9-5 but still plodding along with pain and severe fatigue (I'm not sure how I do it some days!) I also have severe hypermobility which causes painful joints (more fun and games! :))

You've certainly given me food for thought and I particularily like the "In fact the musculoskeletal system has been somewhat gloomily described as 'the graveyard of the emotions'! Make of that what you will." idea 🙂

Keep 'em coming! 🙂

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Well, top of my list of tests would be vitamin D. Do you know what your levels are?

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Hi Siany3

Are you trying to accept and control your symptoms by diet, nutrition or repressive drugs etc, or are you trying to define the underlying cause so you can get rid of it?

Reiki Pixie
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Hi S3

Following link has an interesting FM case study:

Not suggesting that this is a definitive example of FMS with TCM treatment, but an interesting use of diagnosing and treating a client, which may give you further insights. Notice how information is taken and used, shame that often medics don't think that way.

Best wishes


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Hi all,

I just want to say it's great to read all your different approaches which all have, among other things, the common thread of taking responsibility. Whether you are doing so by looking for underlying causes or by questioning your doctors wisdom, by eating healthy wholefoods or by eliminating toxins in there many forms from our lives, it all requires the same initiative and proactive approach. Like some of you have said, the spiritual and physical are not separate and I think we can address either of the two first as long as we don't exclude the other.


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Hi Siani,

I’m coming to this rather late, but have been away for a few weeks, down under. I will put links to two healings of fibromyalgia below that you might like to read.

To my understanding, the spiritual is all that is real, harmonious and perfect, therefore, there could be no “spiritual” cause for disease. Actually, as I understand it, there is no more a real cause for dis-ease than there is a real cause for 2+2=5.

Mary Baker Eddy explains:

[COLOR="Blue"]The cause of all so-called disease is mental, a mortal fear, a mistaken belief or conviction of the necessity and power of ill-health; also a fear that Mind is helpless to defend the life of man and incompetent to control it. Without this ignorant human belief, any circumstance is of itself powerless to produce suffering. It is latent belief in disease, as well as the fear of disease, which associates sickness with certain circumstances and causes the two to appear conjoined, even as poetry and music are reproduced in union by human memory. Disease has no intelligence. Unwittingly you sentence yourself to suffer. The understanding of this will enable you to commute this self-sentence, and meet every circumstance with truth. Disease is less than mind, and (the divine) Mind can control it.
Without the so-called human mind, there can be no inflammatory nor torpid action of the system. Remove the error, and you destroy its effects. (Science and Health 374)

(Many Reiki practitioners study this book and find it so helpful in their healing practice)

[url]'I could be healed'[/url]

[url]Healed of fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis[/url]

Love and peace,


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sorry if I am of no help here but Id like to say kvdp has said some very intelligent and articulated things here.

Personnaly I think both levels: emotional/spiritual well being and physical factors can impact on your heatlh.

But I do think the easiest way to find out and remedy would of course to test for:

- vitamin and mineral deficiency (finding the doctor who would accept writing the prescription isn't easy because in my own experience they often get upset feeling like you re telling them how to do their job), especially Vit D (just found out I have a VERY low Vit D level, after years of testing for everything, ultrasound and coloscopy included).

- intoxication from heavy metals such as copper, lead, mercury, nickel, tin etc. I dont know if it s done in the UK, because I had to send my urine samples to Germany (from France).
just as an example, my dentist patient was taken to hospital by ambulance after years of pain and suddenly having powerful electric bolts all over her jaws. when they did the thorough toxic metals testing they found that she had incredible high levels of something called strontium, if my memory is good. amalgams the problem werent the problem as first beleived (although probably responsible for her poor health up to a degree) it was those high doses of toxic metal. She has no idea how she got that metal. but that s modern life for you: the water we drink, the clothes we wear, etc etc.
And government, health organizations, the whole pharmaceutical industry and especially the ordinary people: you, me, on average everybody doesnt want to look that way. it's too scary, too complicated, looks out of our control and even understanding, and therefore we seek a reason in ourselves such as emotional unbalance or spiritual maladjustment, which, sorry if I offend anyone here, seem more poetic and less frighening than intoxication or irradition.

I do hope you will find a way out of this illness and pain.

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Hi everyone

I have Fibromyalgia and I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts as to what they feel the spiritual cause of these physical symptoms might be.

The reason I ask is, I'm a Reiki Master and am recently getting more involved in Shamanism and I've been trying to understand what thought pattern/change in energy/past life may have contributed to me having FMS.

I read somewhere that people with FMS may have past life resonance or a "weary soul" which in a strange way makes sense to me! I've also been told it's because I spend too long trying to connect/get back to spirit and therefore am not connecting fully in my body. Another example I guess could be Louise Hay's belief that Pain disorders are caused by Guilt...?

Any other thoughts??


I'm a Reiki Teacher/Master (1997) too which I use in other healing modalities as well. I've had FMS for several years now and have searched countless ways to understand it.

In a blog I have, I've talked about FMS and the metaphysical causes. One medical intuitive you mgiht be interested in looking up is Deb Shapiro. She wrote regarding FMS.......

“Fibromyalgia (FM) means pain in the soft fibrous tissues in the body. It is a newly recognized illness featuring widespread chronic pain, stiffness, tenderness, deep fatigue, and sleep disturbance. It can come and go and is of indeterminate length. The exhaustion may be so draining that it can make it hard to function, eith mentally or physically, and there appears to be abnormal sensory processing, which increases the pain experienced. There also appears to be a strong connection to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)–some experts say the two are simply variations of the same thing–as FM also has a possible post-viral cause and the two illnesses share many of the same symptoms……As with CFS, this illness implies a loss of purpose or direction and a loss of spirit. It is as if the desire to participate and enter into life has drained away, leaving you without intention or motivation.” Deb Shapiro YOUR BODY SPEAKS YOUR MIND"

And on the muscles of the body.....

“The muscles enable all the bodily systems to function, such as circulation, digestion, breathing and nerve impulses. Their freedom of movment is essential for optimum health. When the muscles are restricted, whether through tension, tightness, or lack of tone, your energy will be unable to flow smoothly, and you may suffer from related problems. Stress release and emotional expression are therefore essential for muscle ease. Exercise is also vital–it not only releases muscular tension but psycho/emotional tension as well.” Deb Shaprio YOUR BODY SPEAKS YOUR MIND

With Fibromyalgia the body and nervous system reacts to ongoing stress by secreting hormones and enzymes, etc, similar to those from actual physical trauma. But because the stress is ongoing, the brain continues to be duped into sending out these stress hormones, creating an overall imbalance.

I've noticed alot of intuitive people get fibromyalgia and chronic pain in the back and neck. The reason I think this is because our back is our intuitive guidance system, it tells us when something is going right or wrong in our life.

Another person you might want to look up another intuitive healer, Mona Lisa Schulz. She's written on FMS as well.

