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Somebody else with fatigue

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Hi All,

Im desperate for some advice and Im not getting a lot of support from my G.P., Im going to make another appointment for next week but hoped some of you may be able to give me some advise over what to say or things that I can do to help myself.

I went to the GP because of constant fatigue and ache's/pains a couple of weeks ago, Im 29 and have 2 children under 4 so thats a good enough reason in its self for being tired.

He took blood tests but here is some history:-

Generally healthy with a tendancy to have fatigue, very often feel anxious and although I wouldn't describe myself as depressed I've endured more than my fair share of difficulties.

During 1st pregnancy suffered chronic sickness throughout, then delivered early by c-section due to raised blood pressure and raised LFT's (pre-eclampsia and suspected liver cholestasis).
Blood pressure returned to normal imediately but LFT's took 9 months to lower ( never went completely back to normal) but I wasn't on any medication.
Second pregnancy - raised blood pressure, chronis sickness and raised LFT's from the begining, Doctors tested for various types of Hepetitus and scanned for gall bladder stones. Delivered early due to raised blood pressure and liver cholestasis.

My youngest is now 1 and the blood tests have just returned that I have high Bullirubin and an ESR of 53 ( told normal <20), GP doesn't think any more investigation needs to be done as he thinks I just have a virus.

Went to the doctors last week because a tender lump suddenly appeared behind my ear where my lymph nodes are, he says this virus will account for the raised ESR.

I feel as if I have had flu for the last 4 years, I do have good days but then usually do too much and feel rubbish for a few weeks.

Quite often my mind is muzzy, and I don't cope with stress well, I can get anxious and have paranoid feelings.

I'm a couple of stone overweight, eat reasonably well and do moderate exercise, I know I could do lots to help myself but most of the time I just don't feel able.

I would love to see an alternative practitioner but we are really tight on the money front at the moment and I just can't spare the cash.

I'm worried that something serious is wrong - can anybody offer any advice.



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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Sorry forgot to say,

Cold all the time - very cold feet and hands ( Doc says Reynauds Syndrome)

All other blood tests fine - anemia, diabeties, thyroid


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

is there another GP in your area who takes a more holistic approach to health? if so, it is incredibly easy to change these days. you might want to do some research into wheat intolerance as many of yr symptoms could be caused by this. also check out . a site run by a GP turned holistic. somevery useful articles/info here. good luck

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

when you get on the site just type in 'fatigue' in the search box. i think you'll relate to the opening paragraph!

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Am not sayng this is it, as it may well not be,but I was just thinking of M.E. I'll paste this brief account in from an email I have:

ME stands for Myalgic Encephalopathy (My-al-jik En-kefa-lop-athy)
The term Myalgic Encephalopathy indicates the pain in the muscles, neurological problems and general suffering that accompany this illness:
Myalgic: Greek origin meaning muscle
Encephalo: Greek origin meaning brain
Pathy: meaning suffering or sickness

There is no known cause of ME as yet, although in young people it most commonly follows persistent viral infection. It is often referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS).
The chances are it is NOT M.E. as it could be many things. Often with M.E. you literally can hardly stand up, or sit up, all day. I don't recall it being associated with feeling cold.


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue


Northern Lights - Thanks for the site - I've read some of the info and will visit my health shop tomorrow, will read all tomorrow when my mind is fresh.

Venetian - I had considered ME particulary as I am an over achiever and have very high expectations of myself and when I do have a good day I tend to do everything and tire myself, I also take on the worries of the world. I haven't plucked up the courage to mention it to the GP yet as I think he feels Im just a tired mum, maybe I am but my husband admitted today that my energy levels are just not normal and he covers for me lot because he doesn't want me to feel bad about how little I can do.

Thanks for the advice if anything it gives me more confidence to approach the doctor more confidently. ( I can't really change doctors because the areas gp's are oversubscribed and we only got in this one when we moved because the NHS wrote and said they had to accept us, generally they are okay but I suppose they have a lot of mums complaining of tiredness )


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Nowadays one tends to be registered with the practice, rather than a particular GP, so seeing another doctor in the practice isn't usually a problem.

Some GP's are more open to the diagnosis of post viral fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome than ME, so they may be a way in.

If they think that there is a virus still active, then ask is this normal for this length of time and ask what could be done about that.

You could also have your husband go with you as often memory loss & brain fog are aften symptoms with this sort of thing.


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Hi Andrew,

Sorry misunderstood your meaning over the GP, I have already seen all 3 GP's at this practice because you tend to get whoever is on duty that day.

I was pleased yesterday because the surgery rang and said that they had re-looked at my notes and didn't feel comfortable in not starting an action plan with me, they have said they don't think there is much they can do in the very short term, put have booked me in for more blood tests early april to keep an eye on me, Im happy with that for the moment.

I've started taking echeanacia and milk thistle, recommended to me from the health shop, and Im doing further investigations into what else may help.

I've stopped drinking tea and alcohol, and Im eating an Omega 3 seed mix.

I've also made sure that Im doing moderate exercize every day in the fresh air and this seems to be helping a little.

Thanks for your help


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

keep us posted. i assume you're also taking a food state mult vit/mineral as well? and zinc deficiency could be implicated, you only need 15mg a day but it's very important and hard to get enough of in the diet.

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Good to hear that they're finally looking into it for you.

Good luck - Andrew.

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue


Just an update,

Had a second round of blood tests, ESR was raised still (51) although very slightly lower, I had the flu last month and felt better afterwards than I have done for a while, thought this would reflect in the esr but obviously it didn't, doctor running the tests, plus some other screenings again 2nd week in may.

Hi Claire- That's interesting, I do have a lot of conflict within me, to do with the direction of my life and people/world in general, I'm constantly argueing with myself because my thoughts are quite extreme/radical against mainstream opinion and I find myself with a lot of inner conflict - maybe this is the cause.

Thanks SaffronXX

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Hi 😉

Yes inner conflict can have an effect on the body and our health - almost like the body can mirror what is going on in our mind 😉

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Any further news?

ESR is only an indication of degree of inflammation going on. Unfortunately doesn't tell us what's causing it, except if there's been no physicaltrauma then it's caused by the immune system. The options on that are infection, allergy, autoimmune problem or an attempt to heal degeneration of tissues.

RE. Inner confilct - I'd be more concerned if I was in agreement with mainstream opinions - that I would find worring! 😀

Moral & ethical dilemmas are all normal stuff and I agree it's important to spot them, recognise them and treat them for what they are, knowing that it's just stuff of life and not actually you.


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

😉 liked your comment on being in agreement with modern beliefs 😉 yeah thats enough sometimes to send anyone into stress 😉

I was meaning - maybe I didn;t explain very well - conflict inside - like I really hate this job but feel stuck, or being really unhappy in a relationship but not beleiving anything can be done etc etc, being shocked and so on!

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Hi - I've noticed some references in the posts to ME, and inflammation etc.

Your GP should run blood tests, urine tests, etc. to rule out a number of potential illnesses/reasons for your fatigue. Ultimately if you are in fact suffering from ME/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Fibromyalgia he will be able to determine this through a "diagnosis of exclusion".

Regrettably, you do need to be tenacious with your GP and press for tests to be done. Good luck!

Janice X

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Could you get the dox to arrange for you to see an Endocrinologist, as I think your liver problems are at the root of all this. That alone would make you feel shattered, and more so with small children dependent on you.

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Hi Saffron - just wondered where you are up to with the GP?

Also hows the conflict?

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Hi All,

Sorry you have all been chatting away without me, I have been on holiday in Devon for a week. Had a great time.

Having more blood tests on Tues. Doc says he is getting a range of tests done but was reluctant to tell me what so I will ask the blood nurse on Tues. Results will be ten days.

feeling okay at the moment, don't feel too stressed but have been grinding my teeth a lot so think I may be stressed on the inside.

Chegarty - Tried to PM you to let you know I got your message but saysyou are not accepting PM's. thanks for the offer of help - Im not really sure what to ask for.

Will keep you informed, will ask the Doctor about Endocrinologist

Thanks for all your advice/help it's appreciated.


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Hi, I know you said your thyroid levels were fine, but did the GP test you for thryoid antibodies? a positive result could detectearly onset ofa thyroid problem and maybe account for some of the symptoms but wouldn't necessarily show up on the routine thyroid tests. Also, it would be a good idea to get your ferritin levels checked. This is realted to the store of iron in your body, and a low result can have a very profound effect - and would explain the mind fuzzyness. I believe a healthy ferritin store is around 70, despite the 'normal' range being a very wide 12-150. So if you do get tested and the doc says it's normal, make sure to ask for a copy of your result, and if it's at the low end of the scale, then to get it up take ferrous sulfate and vitamin C with a meal. (vit C helps with the iron absorbtion.).

All the best,

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Hi All,

Just wanted to let you know that my g.p. has diagnosed me withM.E., appreciate any tips on helping myself, particularly if they are free as I have no money for alternative treatments.

Thanks for your help and advice


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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

what about asking your GP to refer you to a NHS homeopath? Big cities have homeopathic hospitals: Glascow, Bristol, etc...
(Stupid question, but I don't know what other complementary therapy is available on the NHs...none other?)

As for cheap things to do: get zinc, copper and vitamin B supplements. I belive in crystal healing so go to a crystal shop, talk to the owner and ask for energising stones (or post a message on the crystal forum!). The stones I could recommend are: amber, carnelian, amazonite, and aventurine, but there are hundred others! they should cost around £1-15 pounds each.

All my best.

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RE: Somebody else with fatigue

Thanks Fadette,

I will ask my doctor if he can refer me, it hadn't occured to me that they may be able to do this.

I'm already taking a Vitamin B supplement but will go to the health shop for zinc and copper.

Thanks for the stone recommendations I will follow up.

Cheers Saffron

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:(I am also in need of some advice. I am suffering from chronic fatigue. It is reallys starting to take a toll on my life these past 2-3 weeks. I can barely stay awake. My brain is fuzzy. I am forgetting everything. I can't even focus as I used too. I recently took some blood tests everything came back normal. I am slightly overweight though. I have recently lost about 10 lbs and I feel like I have gained it instead. I am a vegeterian. I take a multivitam everyday, along with 800 mg of folic acid and B Complex. Please help I feel like my life is slipping away. Did I mention that I am almost 25 and have an 8 year old. I'm an office mgr for a busy doctor and can't afford to fall asleep when completing reports.Any advice pls post or pm me ASAP. Thank all so much in advance for your help.
Lots of Love

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I would like to post an observation I have made in regards to post viral fatigue, that I became aware of recently.
I have had to have a colonoscopy and felt really good for about a week after, no symptoms at all. I assume because of the extremely powerful laxative you have to take, cleans out the whole bowel, eliminating build-up of toxins in some parts of the body.
I also wonder if I have food intolerances that are aggravating the pvfs too, it was suggested whilst at the hospital to see a nutritionalist, even though I eat healthy.
Maybe I don't have pvfs as diagnosed ages ago. Does anyone have an opinion they would like to share because I would be happy to hear anything that will help me at this point in time
