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Post Viral Fatigue

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Hi, new to the forums. I'm hoping for some advice.

My symptoms started 6 weeks ago tomorrow, I woke up feeling dizzy and a general unwell feeling. This went on for a few days so I went to GP, he said I had a slight fever, blood pressure/heart rate was normal. He said it was most likely viral and these things sort themselves out within 1-2 weeks.

2 weeks passed and I was still the same, dizzy from waking up, maybe dizzy is the wrong word more a spaced out, detached type feeling. I also had pains on and off in the tops of my arms, back and chest, sometimes stabbing pains but mostly aches. And the general unwell feeling remained, like nervousness, butterflies that kind of thing, and slight nausea although I haven't actually been sick.

I went back to GP after about 3 weeks, this time they did blood tests and a chest x-ray, all came back fine. They did ESR that was fine also.

Now doctor says Post Viral Fatigue, he said a slow gradual recovery taking 2-3 months.

The thing I dont understand though is I can't seperate where the virus stopped and the PFS started, the symptoms have seemed the same throughout. Has anyone any experience of this. My body does feel quite tired, but i'm not tired in the sense of I could sleep all day.

Luckily i'm managing to keep up with work, but not feeling up to anything socially.

Is there anything else it could be or do I just need to wait it out 2-3 months?

Any advice appreciated.


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this is the first time I've joined in this type of forum, but I've found the comments posted here really helpful and hope I can offer support to a few fellow sufferers. I'm a 46 year old teacher. I'm normally fit and healthy, being a keen mountain biker. I fell ill with what I thought was a bad cold in late September. As usual, I had a few days off work then went back, thinking I'd recover completely by the end of the week. I spent the whole of the following weekend feeling ill and took the Monday off work, but went back on the Tuesday because I was due to be observed for my annual review. That was on 6th October, and I haven't worked since.
When I finally went to see my GP I was told I'd probably had swine flu and that I would most likely take another week to recover. By the following Tuesday I was starting to feel better, so I went to choir practice in the evening. Ouch! The next day I felt so dreadful I couldn't get out of bed, and I didn't recover for the rest of that week.
It's been the same story since then. My symptoms are similar to those experienced by others here; if I try to do anything in the least bit physically active - e.g. walking a few hundred metres or going to the supermarket- my arms and legs ache, I feel exhausted and I get a vague headache / dizzy / nauseous feeling.
My GP seems to be in denial about the whole thing, insisting it's nothing serious, but at the same time telling me to take it easy. Fortunately I have an open mind about the relative benefits of conventional vs complementary medicine and I'm happy to take responsibility for my own health. I've been visiting an excellent therapist who combines complex homoeopathy with reflexology, reiki and other therapies for a few years now. I'm going to see her on Tuesday and I'm sure she'll be a real help in kick starting my recovery. I'll let you all know how I get on.


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Hi, a message for Gabriel. It's been suggested that I have post viral fatigue syndrome, although I haven't had a final diagnosis. I still have further blood tests and screening etc to be done, however I have all the symptoms of CFS/ME etc.
I have been reading up on the lightning process and I am considering doing it too. I would be really interested in hearing how it has worked for you.
Good luck, hope it works.

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I recovered from post viral fatigue.....

Hi all,

I feel for all of you, hope you all get better.

I had post viral fatigue in 2004 after a long hard summers work were i pushed my body as far as i could possibly go for two months (during my phd).

Some time after I got a cold or some virus, but stupidly thinking that I am superman I blasted on through, carried on long distance running, drinking and playing in a rock band!

However, I didnt recover and remember complaining about a "floaty head" sickness and general fatigue. This went on for four months, although for the first three I just carried on like normal except not doing as much exercise.

I really started freaking out and got lots of tests (all negative). Stopped drinking (I did like beer and still do), carried on eating well enough (I have a monster appetite but when i was sick I was eating about twice as much as usual). But I think one or two things really helped me get well quick.

1. Strong multivitamnis - i took these [DLMURL] [/DLMURL]

2. Wierd chinese medicine - im sorry i cant remember the name, but almost sure it was this or something very similar

After the course of the chinese tonic things i remember a week or so later just waking up and feeling 100% one day, pretty lucky I guess.

However, now i feel sick again in a similar way 5 years on. Its my own stupid fault. Running and binge drinking after a virus, but before that stressing at work, instead of resting when i'm tired going out running, too much coffee, not enough sleep, very bad diet at times, drinking alot etc....

Can i ask, how many of you could put your illness down to these things? What about overexercising after illness?

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16 months into this ordeal

hi there everyone
i have experienced the same that most of you have unfortunately. am better than i was in august 2008 but nowhere near fit enough to live my previous life.
i can't stress enough that i think what really got me into this situation in the first place was my inability to stop when one needs to.
it was during my second year exams when i delayed sleeping till about 3am every morning keeping myself up with 4 or so redbulls for a month or so. after exams i came down with a lame viral infection that only slightly impacted the pressure in my ears. fine now but at the time soon developed in something sinusitis/EBV like.
hope you'll all recover and i genuinely think as long as you push yourself to at least the house once a day to work/study a bit you'll get over this... a matter of time of course but surely we'll all get there.
i am studying virology and microbiology and that thing certainly doesn't behave like the usual acute infection. resembles retroviral like behaviour with bouts of both better and worse days coinciding with apparent active replication of the virus but no clearance (but as with most things we cannot predict any virus accurately and how individuals react). let's hope one day there'll be someone finding the causative agent as i am sure there's something living within us.

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Just been reading the various threads and issues and experiences and thought it would be worthwhile posting my experience.

Firstly, it is reassuring to know that I was not imagining my symptoms and secondly I have found something that has helped with my symptoms that does not cost anything but requires discipline.

I had flu in Nov 2009 I mean flu where i thought I was going to dye. Never been that ill ever. Went back to work after 8 days ( big mistake) came home after 2 days and have not been able to work since. got kidney infection, felt better but suffered from throbbing in legs mostly in the evenings and at night; had restless nights, some nights were worse than others. If I sat down or was standing too much, I had pain on one side of my back. I had general malaise, Lethargy and arms felt like I had been lifting weights especially in the morning. Some days I could not carry my handbag. Doctor said it will take time as I have had flu. had blood tests done, everything was fine and doc said I have to drink water and be patient.

After 8 weeks of it, I thought mind over matter, and I had enought of it so decided to ignore everything and went for a 1-2 mile walk; night was awful but decided to ignore that and next day walked another 2 miles. That night, I nearly called an ambulance as I had the most awful pains, cramps etc etc and could not understand it.

Then got a cold, a friend advised me that I should see a different doctor.
This time, she said, I am suffering from dehydration from flu (even after 8 weeks!), PVF and Post viral athropothy. Recommended echinaccea and vit c for building up immunity and to drink fluids and I should not over exert myself but set a goal each day, 5 min, 10 mins etc and if I had a bad day, next day I should rest but build up gradually.

I had also noticed that days where I did not have time to drink enough water, that night my symptoms were worse.

Well you will probably not believe this, drinking 3 l of water a day has made a massive differences to aches and pains, thorbbing of legs, arthritic pains on my hands, sleep is better too. Although still have bad days in terms waking up feeling general malaise, lethargy ( which is improved by using a day light lamp or a sad lamp) and sometimes aching arms.

I now know why drinking fluids during and post colds and flu is so important and wondered if that is what caused it in the first place.. I know I did not drink enough.

I am still taking it easy, and hope to build upto to 1 mile walk and learnt to listen to my body and feel good that it is not " in the mind" and these symptoms are real.

Anyway, thought it was worthwhile sharing.


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Just been reading the various threads and issues and experiences and thought it would be worthwhile posting my experience.

Firstly, it is reassuring to know that I was not imagining my symptoms and secondly I have found something that has helped with my symptoms that does not cost anything but requires discipline.

I had flu in Nov 2009 I mean flu where i thought I was going to dye. Never been that ill ever. Went back to work after 8 days ( big mistake) came home after 2 days and have not been able to work since. got kidney infection, felt better but suffered from throbbing in legs mostly in the evenings and at night; had restless nights, some nights were worse than others. If I sat down or was standing too much, I had pain on one side of my back. I had general malaise, Lethargy and arms felt like I had been lifting weights especially in the morning. Some days I could not carry my handbag. Doctor said it will take time as I have had flu. had blood tests done, everything was fine and doc said I have to drink water and be patient.

After 8 weeks of it, I thought mind over matter, and I had enought of it so decided to ignore everything and went for a 1-2 mile walk; night was awful but decided to ignore that and next day walked another 2 miles. That night, I nearly called an ambulance as I had the most awful pains, cramps etc etc and could not understand it.

Then got a cold, a friend advised me that I should see a different doctor.
This time, she said, I am suffering from dehydration from flu (even after 8 weeks!), PVF and Post viral athropothy. Recommended echinaccea and vit c for building up immunity and to drink fluids and I should not over exert myself but set a goal each day, 5 min, 10 mins etc and if I had a bad day, next day I should rest but build up gradually.

I had also noticed that days where I did not have time to drink enough water, that night my symptoms were worse.

Well you will probably not believe this, drinking 3 l of water a day has made a massive differences to aches and pains, thorbbing of legs, arthritic pains on my hands, sleep is better too. Although still have bad days in terms waking up feeling general malaise, lethargy ( which is improved by using a day light lamp or a sad lamp) and sometimes aching arms.

I now know why drinking fluids during and post colds and flu is so important and wondered if that is what caused it in the first place.. I know I did not drink enough.

I am still taking it easy, and hope to build upto to 1 mile walk and learnt to listen to my body and feel good that it is not " in the mind" and these symptoms are real.

Anyway, thought it was worthwhile sharing. I hope it helps.


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Hello all sufferers!

I am 23 years old, and have been diagnosed with pvf. As most of us proberbly have looking at these post's. i have been searching through hundreds of websites and boards to try and find some light on my illness. Problem is, its all negative.
I am normally a very active guy, play alot of sports, and love clubbing ect.

Seems to be a common factor with young blokes getting this illness, they can mostly all be accused of 'Over doing it'. I.e. spend all night drinking, and spend all day at work (and in my case the rest of my time looking after a completly selfish and extremely high maintenced girlfriend, and I am allowed to be bitter as she dumped me after i was diagnosed because she couldnt look after me). I was guilty of only ever resting when i physically couldnt keep my eyes open. So im having to learn to relax a little, a time to reflect maybe.

I have been ill for nearly 5 months now, but I am getting better, slowly. I started back at work last week (builder) which is a physically demanding job. I was surprised at how well I have been able to cope with it. On returning home from work normally at about 3 PM i sleep or rest in bed untill the next day. Maybe its just a case of getting out of the rut, and just doing things, without over exerting yourself.

One thing I think that has really helped me has been ACCEPTING that im up **** creak without a paddle. So ive stoped going crazy when i feel slightly normal again. trying to get a consistant routine and trying to allmost forget the waves of emotion and physicall well being- good or bad-. Ive realised that if I want to get better, im going to have to put myself on the bench for this year, maybe longer, because if you think that pushing your body to the limits is going to fix you, your a long way from getting better.

So everyone's case of post viral , me , whatever, is different. This is my story, but if it rings any bells with you, then here are some things that make me feel better.

Staying in different enviroments- friends family- just to break up the rut.

Laughter- If you dont know anyone thats funny, watch comedians, laughter really is helpfull!

Be Positive - Christ its hard to even write it but if theres nothing you can do about it dont try and fight it with frustration.

Metatone tonic- vitimin suplement.

I will be back to tell you in a few months that I am alot better than today.

If I dont come back its because I have completly recovered and have forgotten that I ever had this illness.

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Hi Ruislipdon

I know what you have been going through - having been there myself. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery - as yes, you need to learn to listen to your body and not push it so far and hard. You need to learn to relax, laughter is brilliant, keeping up with friends is important, reducing stress is vital - and to realise that being frustrated or angry wastes precious energy. A good wholefood diet can help to recovery and dealing with past traumas (EFT is brilliant for that) all help one on thr road to recovery. The best advice is from Dr Sarah Myhill who specialises in ME - see her website .

Wishing you a smooth road to recovery - listen to your body and don't overdo it!
All the best

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In my last year of university when i was working all hours i got these energy lows. But i carried on and after uni i took a play to Edinburgh, it was terribly stressfull and i struggled through by eating everything to keep my energy up. After this i got better. Then i got a job, a horribly stressfull job where i had to walk 30 mins to and from in all weathers. I worked there 6 months then in my summer holiday went and worked abroad for a few weeks and then went straight back to work. This is when things got bad. It started with feeling tired all the time then getting dizzy spells where i felt floaty and wierd. Then i get spells where i got shaky and felt faint. In a reccesion i thought i couldnt quit so i started taking vitimin B and B12 and kept going. It got so bad that i was shattered after my walk in and had to go home twice because i couldnt recover. Then one day i pretty much collapsed and had to be driven home. After that i was signed off for two months with post viral fatigue as all my blood results where negitive. My doctor said rest and i would be better after 3 months. I was so bad round early December i couldnt get up to hang baubles on the tree, going to the post box down the road was practically an impossibility. Then after christmas i had a week of feeling fine. I started execrcising again for 45 min or an hour a day, untill i went backwards again. I quit my job thinking the stress of going back wasnt helping. I now the end of March and i can walk 2 and half miles every now and then (to the trainstation and back) I could probably do this more if i tried. I feel ok most days but occasionaly i get shakey and dizzy, i cant concentrate and i dont feel quite all there. If i excercise i feel sore and tired the next day and i lose energy very quickly. I havnt been on a night out as im scared il get shakey and faint. Maybe its in my head maybe i should just go do more things? I havnt been back to the doctor in 2 months as i thought i was getting better and i really dont want to be diagonosed with CFS as it doesnt go down well with employers. However im 23 years old, unemployed and have no social life after 7 months with this. What should i do?

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Hi there - welcome to HP. Please read my previous post, click on Dr Myhill's website and read all about the problems you are suffering from and how to manage the symptoms. This illness may be labelled CFS or ME or PVFS or CFIDS - but basically it has similar symptoms.

The most important thing is to learn to listen to your body and always keep within your energy boundaries. In the long run you pay for doing too much, delaying your recovery. There are also dedicated websites where you can find more information.

Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery.

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Help with CFS

help with CFS
Please get yourself a copy of the book 'From Fatigued To Fantastic' by DR J Teitelbaum (Amazon) the book describes how many people after having a virus, have in fact damaged their hormone system ie hypothalamus and adrenal glands. he shows that regular use of the easily obtainable hormone DHEA and maybe even cortisol, can work wonders in a short time - and I can vouch for that. Also Andy Cutlers book - Amalgam Illness - also on the net, lays much of the blame for many ills on mercury poisoning. He gives solid scientific advice how to deal with this problem.

Best regards Robert Davies.

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It seems that almost every case of this includes people who worked themselves to death before they contracted it. Ironically, these are the people that would be effected the most by PVFS because it takes away the ability to be active.

I, too, was a very active person before I got it. My doctor tells me I "might" have PVFS - I don't see what else it could be. All tests are normal, and apparently I'm doing just fine. About 2 months ago I got sick very quickly, and was very ill for a couple days. I gave it a week or so and went back at working out. I worked out twice and instantly symptoms began popping up.

Since then I have done nothing but rest, and I have seen no improvement. This has got to be one of the most frustrating illnesses out there.

The only thing nobody else has mentioned is a sore throat. This whole time my symptoms have been 1) The achy legs and tiredness that have been described so well by everyone else and 2) A sore throat that is mild, but annoying. Has anyone else had this?

I wish more people would post stories of recovery, but I suppose once they have they just get on with their lives. I miss being active so much. In retrospect I overdid it right before the illness - I was working out 2-3h per day, 6 days a week.

I hope one day soon I can return to a healthy lifestyle.

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Hi Cosmos

Welcome to HP. Sorry to hear you have the dreaded ME/CFS/PVFS. Do have a look at all the other posts - forums, fatigue and pain disorders - and you'll find lots of info there. And, yes, sore throat is one of the symptoms - click for information, not only what it is about but how to get it sorted.

I might add that I am tons better, having had it for many years and I put this down to a wholefood diet, quality supplements properly prescribed and using [url]Emotional Freedom Technique[/url]. I still have to be careful but life is a whole lot better now. So there is light at the end of the tunnel, but you MUST learn to pace yourself - and being a fitness freak is not a good idea.

Wishing you all the best, and hope you find the answers you are looking for.

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Glandular Fever /Post Viral fatigue????

Hi Im also new to the forum, and would love to hear any advice anyone can offer me.

It started 20 years ago when I was 18. I was diagnosed with a severe form of Glandular Fever and was bed ridden for over 2 months,( even missed my 18th birthday!) All the usual symptoms : severe sore throat, fever, aching muscles, loss of appetite and extreme fatigue so weak couldn't lift my head from the pillow some days.

It took several months for me to improve after the initial bout.

Over the years I have had 3 children and numerous jobs so you could say I have had a pretty hectic life.

I have felt though that certain times I would seriously struggle with day to day life due to re occuring tonsilitis, aching glands in neck under arms and groin, aching muscles and fatigue. The doctors havent offered me any explanation in all of this time even though the know my history, just antiobios and painkillers all the time.

Lately in the last few months I have also noticed my grip has weakened and I often have a sponginess in my hands, which is very frustrating as I tend to drop things alot!

I went to the doctor and he sent me for ESR blood test which was 16 and CPF 3. He said to repeat the test in 2 weeks which I will be doing. So there is an inflammation but not sure where.

I have only just found out about the after effects of Glandular Fever as I am currently working as a community care worker and was told infact you can have reoccurant bouts of glandular fever even though I was told that you couldnt!

This has made me think now back to all the years I have suffered and wondered is it at all possible for it to linger for this length of time??? every story I have read its only been months not years like mine.

Thanks and any comments aprreciated, and for all those who are suffering these symptoms I certainly symapthise!

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ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia could be Lyme Disease

For some people in this forum I'm sorry to tell you that it is possible you have Lyme Disease, which is very complex. There is a lot of mis-information online, so it's important to look at the sites named below if you want the truth. Part of the reason for misinformation is the cost of conventional treatment which includes long term intravenous anti-biotics.
I used to be full of energy, very fit & active, earning my living as a studio potter. Life was good.
Then, I had acute bronchitis for 1 week & was too ill to work or socialise again. Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and ME later called CFS. After 10 years I found out about a private GP Specialising in all causes of Fatigue. He diagnosed me with his accurate tests, as opposed to the NHS unreliable Western Blot test.
He found:-
Lyme Borreliosis.
Looking at lyme and myths will take you to a very thorough description of it; lyme uk ipetition also has good info & good links ). It would be very much appreciated if you'd sign it. We're trying to get early diagnoses & treatments instead of the current situation of ignorance & denial. The sooner it's diagnosed & treated the better chance of full recovery, before it has time to spread into all parts of the body.
Cryptostrongilus Pulmonii (Microfilarial Worms),
Chlamydial Pneumonia ( is a very good site;
Bartonella Like Organisms.

There are several other opportunistic/co-infections.

After 6 years of gradual treatments, to avoid severe die-off reactions, I am slowly getting better. For the first time in many years I no longer feel half dead. My energy is up from 5-10% to around 20-25%. I'm hoping this trend will continue so I can have a life again.

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Please Help 🙂

Hey There 😮

I've only just joined and I'm hoping for some help if possiable... Ive just been diagnosed with M.E / Fibro / Post viral stress... I'm not sure if the docs are just calling it this as they are unable to detect whats actually going wrong...

I first got ill aout 3 years ago I collapsed whilst out and i was unable to speak or say what was wrong and had a weird pain in my head as if my brian was shaking. My parents fetched me and rand nhs they told them to monotor me.. I was fine for about 6 months and then it happened again. This time tho I los my vision for about a minute and i couldn't get up of the floor.. whist crawling to get help it seamed as if everything was getting furter and further away... After about 10/15 minutes I was back to normal but my head still felt weird!!

Everything was fine againuntill about about 2 years ago i started getting flushes all the time and dizzy spells whilst working. After about 2 months of that i started to feel anxious as if something terriable was going to happen id have shooting pains in my head all the time and got really tired... Working in a school with 5 yearolds wore me out so the docs put me on the sick.

18 months ago was when I got really ill. My tounge would tremble. My vision and eyes would shake my muscle trembled all over my body. I felt sick.. hardly ate but drank way too much!. I had what i can only call *Brain shakes* as if the brain was hitting the walls of my skull It was awful!!.. I slept all the time. My temp was thro the roof.. resulting in me making 14 trips to A&E within a month. They kept saying it was sinuses and a virus and to keep drinking and take antibiotocs for a week follwed by paracetamol will i felt better. This lasted about 2 months...

I started to feel better and signed myself off the sick and went to work.. I however only lasted 2 days as i was so tired. I am still on the sick now 2 years later. I have had a few bloods taken and they all come back normal!!! I have no idea how!! I have also had a ct and mri scan and that was clear..

I still feel so ill.. I get trembles all over my body. My tounge shakes. My eyes flicker. I cant go outside withought sun glasses. I do not put the lights on to watch tele or my eyes hurt. I seel sick alot. I alway have a bad belly. I "burp" about a thousand times a day. I have buzzing sounds thro my years. I get alot of headaches as if my heads in a vice or someones pushing down on my head. I have water blisters all over my hands. i feel generally un well. I have become allergic to every single tablet / anti biotic.. I get bad flushes and vertigo. I see rain spots sometimes. I havent left the house for 3 months now as im too nervous!! PLEASE HELP xx

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Hi there Hotbrush - welcome to HP.

It sounds like you have an awful lot to cope with - not nice :eek:. There is no way I can offer a solution to something so complex, but I have a couple of suggestions.

There are two medical doctors who may be able to help - firstly Dr Georges Mouton, [DLMURL=""]see here[/DLMURL], or nearer to home for you, Dr Sarah Myhill, see . Both doctors have done extensive research into biochemical imbalances and may be able to offer some help.

Travel and costs may be an issue with Dr Mouton - but he is very good indeed. Dr Myhill will also be most helpful and would refer you on to anyone she thought it appropriate. She specialises in CFS/ME/PVFS and has had results when others have given up. Unfortunately the NHS tests don't cover the imbalances present in these health problems

I wish you well on your path to enquiry about your illness and finding a cure.

Love and Light

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hey there,

i have had pvf on and off my entire life but i think it has been getting worse over the last 6 months, a variety of random symptoms that have culminated with 6 weeks illness and no improvement. I have found that being blood tested for mineral deficiencies and then taking supplements really helps, although it does always reurn for me i do get back to 100% in 6 months or so then it is 9 months until i go down again.

i really recommend this and hope it helps someone

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Hello all
I do recommend that sufferers see a qualified homeopath. S/he will be able to help not only with the changing symptom patterns but also on a holistic, constituional level to get the immune system back on par. Homeopathic treatment should help the condition lose its hold and ensure that once banished, it does not return,
For more info, you are welcome to contact me. I am registered with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths and based in Nottingham.
All the very best

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Hey There 😮

I've only just joined and I'm hoping for some help if possiable... Ive just been diagnosed with M.E / Fibro / Post viral stress... I'm not sure if the docs are just calling it this as they are unable to detect whats actually going wrong...

Do some research on dysautonomia - another 'general' diagnosis (and no simple cure) but I wonder if you might find that your cluster of symptoms matches those typical of dysautonomia, which could give you more clues about how to deal with the daily challenges. Passing out and falling over are frequently reported, as is a heightened state of anxiety.

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Hi, I have had it for over 16 years - I will spare a list of details as you are probably too tired to read them anyway! Tried EVERYTHING! The only things that helped at all were reflexology BIG TIME and changing nutrition with the help of a skilled therapist from the Institute of Optimum Nutrition.
Finally after seeing an endocrinologist about my 12 year long thyroid condition he was amazed that I had never been referred to the Chronic Fatigue Clinic at Kings Hospital in London and immediately wrote the letter for me. I went there for 2 and a half years and it was absolutely brilliant.
I had been completely against pyschiatrists with good reason, and thought graded exercise was just plain stupid.
However, the way I was looked after there was so kind and compassionate and they really really helped me to arrange my life in a different way which has made a massive difference and I have a fairly ok quality of life. She said that as I had been ill for so long before they got to me I would never be recovered, but that they could hugely improve my quality of life and my energy levels - they were right.
Ask for a referral. Keep an open mind. Get past the first interview which is with the pysch team for some weird reason but nothing sinister and then embrace the programme. You are never pushed to do something you aren't comfortable with, just supported and offered help along the recovery road.
Good luck
Love Melanie x

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Interesting thread with some good posts; I hope all of you are making progress. Patience is key, I find. Patience and very healthy, stress-minimal living.

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Going mad with fatigue

Im a 29 year old female from Australia and after having been sick I'm now suffering from really bad fatigue.

For the last eight years I've been suffering from really bad sinus infections (most were viruses). Waking up feeling stuffed in the head, tired and cranky became something I became used too. I managed to work 2 jobs whilst going to university full time and doing unpaid work as an intern at a movie studio. I was working an almost 80 hour week.

This ended 9 months ago. University finished but I kept getting sicker and sicker. I was managing with one part time job and was doing ok until 4 weeks ago. My normal doctor was away so I went to a different clinic. The doctor there was pretty awful. I have been suffering from chronic sinus infections for 9 months and all he did was say it was hay ever. When I argued with him he relunctantly gave me a script for antibiotics and literally kicked me out.

The infection didn't go away. I was coughing constantly and I knew thus was not normal as I had recovered fast previously.

Last week I woke up with extreme pains in my legs, back, shoulders and neck and almost a splitting migraine around my temples and my face. I struggled for 2 days before going to doctors. I had a temp bordering on 104. I went home with strict instructions and 4 hours later had to be rushed to hospital after throwing up for 5 hours.

Doctors at hospital said it was an extremely severe bacterial infection in my sinus. They drained my sinus and put me on like 7 medications. It's been 3 days since I've left hospital but I still feel extremely fatigued. If I walk around more then 5 minutes I either feel like I'm going to pass out or I just feel really really sick. I go to bed early and wake up reasonably early but I still feel exhausted. Yesterday I accidently dropped a tablet on the floor and picked it up. I had to sit down on the nearest chair after that and I trembled for about 15mins before I was ok to move.

My sinuses are clear for the first time in 8 years but this is tampered by this constant tiredness. I've been in hospital before for a week with pneumonia so I know recovery can take awhile and I'm patient but even then I was able to move around quite on without feeling like I was going to pass out.

Im eating plenty of vegetables and keeping hydrated. I notice if I drink the electrolyte drink the doctors have me I feel almost normal for about half an hour and then I'm back to feeling exhausted. The black circles under my eyes are getting blacker each day and it's just frustrating as I never knew having a fever could cause this much havoc.

I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow but maybe I need to have mineral supplements too?

I'm going crazy feeling like a normal 29 year old with the body that's like a trembling leaf!

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Hi there and welcome to Healthypages :wave:

You certainly seem to be struggling! It's not nice feeling so ill. I think you need to listen to your body - it is telling you to rest just at the moment. You are not the only one who has been there. There certainly seems to be a whole lot going on with you though. A look at information [url]like this[/url] could put you back on track.

There are a number of things you can do to help yourself.

Firstly may I suggest you have been overdoing it by working such long hours (even if you felt it was necessary!) and overwork can result in [url]adrenal exhaustion[/url]. This needs sorting out by a professional (the Dr if s/he is amenable) or a holistic doctor) - it will mean blood tests and hormone support programme until you are firmly on your feet. So when the doctor comes, ask if this can be tested for.

Secondly you are likely to need the support of a full range vitamin and mineral protocol. I would suggest quality products - not those off the chemist's shelf. For this a Nutritional therapist or holistic therapist will be able to suggest what is necessary after a full assessment. Certainly high dose B vitamins and a regular intake of vitamin C 1000mg and zinc (3 x a day) to help support the immune system. Your general practitioner doctor is unlikely to be able to advise you on these as they aren't taught (at least not in UK) about using extra vitamins and minerals therapeutically, only the (minimum) recommended daily amounts.

Thirdly, I'd get yourself tested for food intolerances - intolerance to milk and milk products for example, can predispose one to sinus problems.

If you can get someone to help you at all while you are so unwell then that will help. If you can get them to make you freshly prepared smoothies and or so much the better. They must be consumed within half an hour of them being made to get the full benefit otherwise you start to lose the essential enzymes and they start to break down. The nutrients in the [url]smoothies and juices[/url] are much more available than if the food is cooked or just chewed, and should be on top of not instead of your general diet.

Hope you start to feel better soon - and keep us posted!

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post viral fatigue in just one kind of side-effect, It's due some blood reaction in our cells,
so by this conditions, Consultant with Doctor, Take some new therapy.

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I am currently 40 weeks into a regime 48 weeks for viral blood disorder commonly known Hepititas C.The treatment is combination of anti viral tablets and a weekly injection of interferon to help my immune system. The systems for any type of viral infection are basically the same. Flu type symptoms in varying severity . The breathless feeling you having could be from the most serous types of infection can cause anemia also your heamaglobin levels can drop causing dizziness and a feeling nausea but not being.sick.My nurse has said that the factor in how long you feel symptoms from a viral infection can be down to your immune system and the type of viral infection. I hope this is helpful.If I can offer any further support or advice please ask.

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Hi all,

After reading many post, felt like I should share my story.

Instead of being diagnosed with glandular fever, I was diagnosed with Influenza B first in late August, term three of year 10. I had viraginous blood tests, two nasel scraping and one throat swop. It wasn't till the second nasel scraping that I was told that I had influenza B. I took 3 weeks out of school and I was on my way to a full happy and cheerful recovery :). After about one month recovery I was back to school for term 4. I went back for three weeks and the suddenly fell ill again. I was feeling unbearably tired and exhausting, couldn't not get out of bed, runny noise, sore and dry throat. I would pretty much just lie on my bed with my laptop on its side watching the seasons of Suits. Great show by the way. After even more bloods nothing came up. One day we decided to do another on and by lucky it came up positive with glandular fever. I had to take the rest of term 4 off. After 6 months recovery I was getting better but I was at the most annoying part (in my opinion) where I was better but I was in that state where I didn't feel right. I decided to pull out of the sport I was playing . After more blood tests, the result came back with everything being perfectly normal.

I took the plunge and went back to school to start year 11. After three days of school I started to feel really tired again. This time my spleen and liver had been enlarged to a concerning size. The doctor started testing for other things and still nothing. I was then referred to a paediatrician as I am 15. The paediatrician order me to get some x-rays, two ultra-sounds and an MRI. Yet again everything was normal except one ultra-sound where my glands were huge! There are looking a the chance of Lymphoma, some parasite or if it just Post Viral Fatigue. My bet is that its just PVF.

At the moment I am still ill and have had 7 month recovery and haven't been back to school as you might be able to tell of many grammatical errors and the lack of sophistication of my writing.

As from today I am starting to gain more energy and I was wondering if anyone had even suggestion/tips/tricks that might help. For example, I heard vitamin B is good to take during a time like this.

On another side note I would like to ask for your opinion on with you would choose.

I am in this situation where I have to decide I am going to do with school as I cannot pay the term fees and not go to school. The following choices are:

One is to drop out of year 11 for the year and then come back when I am ready and repeat year.

The second one is to drop out of school and just go to TAFE and finish year 11 and 12 there in 6 months. If I did TAFE I still receive a school leaving certificate One reason this one would be good is because once I recover I would be able to take my sport to the next level. One reason I wouldn't want to do this one is that fact that I would barely see my friends and I would start to loose the strength of the relationship that I have with them.

The third choice is continue on with school and go on to term 2. One of the reason I would want to continue on is that I am able to be with my friends, being able to walk to the library with them and study, to be with my grade, to be with people me age.

I have moved a bit. I once lived in New Zealand and then moved to Australia. We lived in one part of Australia and then moved to another due to our sport. For me making new friends was hard because of the differences so for me to repeat year 11 for people I don't know and how already have there groups is a hard thing so I am not really keen on doing it.

I want your honest opinion.

Thanks for ready 😀

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Hi, new to the forums. I'm hoping for some advice.

My symptoms started 6 weeks ago tomorrow, I woke up feeling dizzy and a general unwell feeling. This went on for a few days so I went to GP, he said I had a slight fever, blood pressure/heart rate was normal. He said it was most likely viral and these things sort themselves out within 1-2 weeks.

2 weeks passed and I was still the same, dizzy from waking up, maybe dizzy is the wrong word more a spaced out, detached type feeling. I also had pains on and off in the tops of my arms, back and chest, sometimes stabbing pains but mostly aches. And the general unwell feeling remained, like nervousness, butterflies that kind of thing, and slight nausea although I haven't actually been sick.

I went back to GP after about 3 weeks, this time they did blood tests and a chest x-ray, all came back fine. They did ESR that was fine also.

Now doctor says Post Viral Fatigue, he said a slow gradual recovery taking 2-3 months.

The thing I dont understand though is I can't seperate where the virus stopped and the PFS started, the symptoms have seemed the same throughout. Has anyone any experience of this. My body does feel quite tired, but i'm not tired in the sense of I could sleep all day.

Luckily i'm managing to keep up with work, but not feeling up to anything socially.

Is there anything else it could be or do I just need to wait it out 2-3 months?

Any advice appreciated.


Next time you visit your doctor, you could ask them if, a vertebral artery test is necessary. Its simple and quick.

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One answer - Sauna

Sauna the heck out of yourself

Last year I got poisoned at work with toxic paint fumes. I had severe chemical bronchitis for 5 full weeks. It was sheer hell.

I researched and came across a sauna protocol using niacin & vitamins to remove the toxic load from the body. At this point I was coughing badly (deep whooping cough) 3-4 hours every night & the phlegm was far worse than flu

I set about to detoxify my body & save my life. I sauna'd for 2-3 hours per day. After 20 hours the coughing subsided. After a 60 hours much of the illness was gone.

I did 100 hours in 2 months for as close to 100% recovery as I could get.

OK now that did damage my bronchi - that was the whole problem & these things take time to fully heal. So when flu season came this year I got hit hard.

I had swine flu for 4 weeks - awful normally I beat the flu in 1-2 weeks

Now I am about to under take the heavy sauna again although I am 95% well again I can tell there is some lingering fatigue & occasional cough.

Now I know how to get rid of it. 2-3 hours sauna per day until its gone. With drinking at least 5-6 litre of water in there & come out for a quick cold shower every 15 minutes or so.

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Hello Everyone,
I am 32 years old male. I too got viral infection and even after 6 weeks was having mental fatigue quite often. So much that I couldn't keep up with my daily activities.

Being in India ayurvedic treatment was readily available. My uncle who is ayurvedic doctor told me to take below for a week:
Take about 15cm stem of Giloy plant(Tinospora cordifolia) and crush it, 2 black cardamom and 7 basil leaves. Put them in 400 ml of water and boil it till it is reduced to 100ml. Filter out the liquid and drink 100ml in morning 30 min after breakfast and 100ml 30 min before dinner. Make sure not to eat anything 30 min post talking this liquid. I use to have it lukewarm just like herbal tea. If it feels bitter then honey can be added.

After taking above medicine 3 to 4 times I started feeling a lot better. After a week I was quite normal. I stopped taking the medicine on 8th day. I again started experiencing the same symptoms. I was told by my uncle to continue the medicine but without black cardamoms till I am totally fine and slowly reduce the frequency to once a day and then stop it. Though he mentioned I can take it life long to build up very strong immunity.

Today 3 weeks after the treatment I feel normal again. I reduced the frequency to once a day after 2 weeks.

Please do consult ayurvedic doctor before taking above medication.


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