Hi Everyone,
My Mom who is 90 this year has been diagnosed with polymyalgia. I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. What I want to know is: What's the difference?
It seems to me that Mom's symptoms are very similar to mine so how come she has poly and I have fibro?
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
I have several elderly clients with polymyalgia rheumatica - affecting their necks, shoulders and hips and seems to go hand in hand with severe arthritis. Very painful, but greatly helped with very gentle massage. I haven't yet tocome across anyone under 65 who has been diagnosed with PR.
Fibromyalgia, on the other hand,seems to target muscles and ligaments, but the joints are generallynot affectedand I have many clients who have been diagnosed with this - some as a last resort as the doctor can't think of anything else! The Arthritis Research Campaign have good descriptions of each condition - [link= http://www.arc.co.uk ]www.arc.co.uk[/link] There lots of informative sites on the net - just type in polymyalgia to any search engine.
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
very difficult conditions to manage all of them - and sad to have anyone you know who suffers from them. Modern medical treatment is with Steriods. With some it leads to depression and on occasion suicidal feelings on these drugs.
The concencus of opinion is that medical drugs for this condition will result in kidney or liver failure if takne long term.
It comes down to a choice, 90% of the time betweenquality of life over quantity of live
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
People I know with fibromalgia and similar conditions find great relief and improvement when they make improvements in their diets. For example, cutting out fat and sugar as much as possible, animal products, processed fooda and additives. I would advise seeing a nutritionist for the best results.
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
Thank you very much for replying to this discussion. I was asking because everytime Mom describes what is happening to her, it sounds so much like what is happening to me, except for the Fibro Fog, that is...
Mom has been put on steroids and they helped her a lot but she doesn't stay on them long. Once the pain is gone, she is off them again. We've noticed that her problem is more pronounced when the summer comes. The heat just knocks it out of her so now she has a really good air conditioner and that seems to sort things out fairly well.
I have been interested in the food factor in any ailments that are chronic. To that end, I have begun to cut out sugars and to drink more water.
I have noticed a difference in several things. I have more pep for one thing. My irritable bowel is not as irritable for another.
Take care,
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
PMR is very definately a problem in later life and usually follows a distinct pattern, so there's little doubt that that isn't your problem.
I have been interested in the food factor in any ailments that are chronic. To that end, I have begun to cut out sugars and to drink more water.
I have noticed a difference in several things. I have more pep for one thing. My irritable bowel is not as irritable for another.
From what you say here, then I suspect your looking at allergies, hypersensitivities / intolerances, so suggest a look at the Allergy Forum - [link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tt.asp?forumid=34 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tt.asp?forumid=34[/link]
The good news is that it doesn't necessarily mean you are doomed to a life time of avoidance. There are treatments i.e. NAET, that would most likely resolve the bowel& fatigue issues and you may find that the inflammatory problem goes away also, so worth looking into.
A HP Forum Search will throw up more info.
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
Okay! Thanks for your imput... I'll take all the help I can get... 🙂
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
I just turned45 & was diagnosed w/ PMR 3 mo's ago. I keep hearing that it is a disease that usally affects women in their 70's. Is it possible that I have Fibromyagia instead? I am on steroids & hate them, but am unable to get out of bed without. When I'm not joking about how I look pretty good for a 70 year old, I am depressed. I have lost my ambition and positive outlook of a long happy life. I would appreciate any input.
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
Hello, I am so sorry to hear about your problems and can empathise totally. As a matter of interest are you taking any vitimins/minerals etc., I wish you health and happiness and a lift from that horrible depression.
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I have been a very optimistic, happy person my whole life and am finding it more dificult at this stage. But to actually talk to someone about it helps so much. I am taking Calcium & Shark Cartlidge, as that is the only suggestions I have received so far. I would love to hear if you know of any other that would help. Thanks again.
RE: Polymyalgia vs Fibromyalgia
Hallo PMR patient, if it is any help to you - it's not confined to ladies and steroids are reduced gradually and the condition burns itself out and you get back to normal. I know this as my father had the same thing, terrible pain and it came on suddenly. It is the immune system attacking itself apparently - but your GP should be taking your steroids down bit by bit already. An elderly lady I know and love also had this, she was 85 and in 3 months she was her old self again. So all is not lost - I think they also give you medication for your stomach to offset the effects of the steroids and also advise you to drink a pint of semi skimmed milk every day plus they should give you medication to prevent brittle bone disease.
Hope you get better very quickly.
Mr. F