Firstly appologies if this is in the wrong place!
I have for the past 6 months been working for my self, Itend towork late into the night and get up late the next day. However I am finding I need around 9-10 hours of sleep and when I do wake up often feel tired.
I used to wake up early everyday for my previous job, and never really had a problem with it.
However if I am woken early, instead of waking naturally (I may still of had 8 hours sleep) I start to feel neausious (sometimes its accompanied by a small dose of diarrhea), this can last for a few hours during the day.
Can anyone suggest what the problem could be?
Each time it has happened I have been traveling after waking up, before it happens.
I feel its a bit of a problem with sleep, but I never used to have one, I could often get up after 6 hours of sleep and get on with a full days work with no problem.
Really I am after two suggestions - firstly and foremost, how do I stop myself feeling neausious if I get up early. Secondly, how do I get out of the habit of sleeping so much - is it possible to develop sleep problems?
RE: Please help - sleep problem
Could this problem be stress related? It sounds as though you suffer when you are not in a normal routine. You may be very tired and need the extra sleep.
Here's Rosi1's breathing exercise which might help you
RE: Please help - sleep problem
I wonder what your evening eating pattern is? Do you eat dinner late in the evening, just before going to bed?
Do you drink enough water? (Do you drink alcohol in the evening?)
Apart from this, I have to say that I go through periods of sleeping 9 - 10 hours a night....I don't believe this in itself is anything to worry about.
Sorry not to be more helpful. I hope you get sorted soon.
Sunanda xxx
RE: Please help - sleep problem
Thanks for the link spinal music, I will give the breathing a try. I don't think it is stressed related, at least not as far as I am aware - I very rarely get stressed at anything, I have always been this way, so much so all my friends and collegues comment on how relaxed I am - it has always worked well for me (even when I was managing a call centre I didn't get stressed, now working for my self, there is even less to worry about). Unless I'm streesed over things without realising....
Sunanda, my eating pattern is quite messed up *some* of the time, I often flick between my partners house and a flat. When at the house I tend to eat when I get up around 11am and then a cooked meal meat & veg ect around 8pm, going to bed between 1-3am. I occasionally have an alcoholic drink maybe once sometime twice a week, other times non for two - three weeks. When I am at the flat, I rarely drink alcohol. Sometimes I have something to eat when I wake, sometimes it can be a few hours after. Then I will normally end up getting something to eat around 11-12pm before going to sleep around 2-3am (I admit this is often take a way, or microwave meals). The main difference between the two is, the house is on 'hard' water and the flat is on 'soft' water, could this be upsetting something? I tend to spend 4-5 days at one place then 2-3 at the other. As for drinking enough, I am honestly not sure, I have a drink when I am thirsty and never really watch how much I drink (how much should you drink on average?) - I also doubt I normally get 5 fruit a day - infact I often don't have any - could this help things?
The times this has happened I have been staying at the house, so no late night meals. I also have tried having something to eat when I wake up early, and not having anything with no affect.
Thanks for the help, its much appreciated - hopefully I will find either a cure or the cause soon 🙂
cheers, Jamie.
RE: Please help - sleep problem
It doesn't sound as if you have a great routine. I would think the nausea has something to do with eating too late.
There's a lot to be said for eating early going to bed early and getting up early......having said that it's 12.26 and I'm still here - but I'm off to bed now..........
Sweet dreams. Hope you get 8 hours and that proves to be enough.........
RE: Please help - sleep problem
this could be a combination of things.
i'd say being self employed, whilst probably more personally satisfying, will bring with it stress, of a different nature to when employed. i didnt know what stress felt like until late last year, then i experienced it, so i know it. before that, i know i had stressful times, didnt "recognise" or have the physical symptoms.
but, we all need stress to survive... its how we handle it that counts.
so... you eat at about 8pm, carry on working til maybe 2- 3, go to sleep for 8-9 hours and wake up nauseous. could this be due to a drop in blood sugar levels? working and sleeping for that long after eating, you must be burning calories... could be just too long a gap between eating. maybe have a banana or something during that time before going to sleep... and yes... drink water!
dehydration plays a major part, for sure. we are supposed to drink some ridiculous amount like 2 litres a day! and tea and coffee dont count. thats another thing... are you drinking tea or coffee late into the night?
how old are you? (lol i dont actually need to know!)... but maybe what you are eating before going to bed is too rich for your gut... as we get older, we tolerate rich, spicy, heavy food, less. maybe you have an intolerance to something you are eating late at night?
and, maybe its worth getting some blood tests done to rule out any physiological problem. none of us here are health experts... so a quick trip to the GP cant hurt.