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M.E, CFS Fibromyalgia help from acupressure.

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Hi folks

I know there are people who regard all these conditions as different, but they have very similar symptoms. Some claim they are the same condition, although I dont know if CFS has pain symptoms. The recommended programmes for each are really similar.

I have Fibromyalgia ( according to a rheumatologist)(as well as some other boring conditions). It is quite easy to tell, as apart from fatigue symptoms, joint and muscle pain and poor muscle tolerance to exercise, there are a number of very tender spots on the body and if you press these and get a painful response, they diagnose fibromyalgia rather than M.E.

BUT it often depends who diagnoses, as many GP's dont try these points on M.E. patients and the ones I've treated have symptoms of joint and muscle pain and can be very tender in these points. I do think that Fibro' sufferers tend to put on weight, which I dont know is true about young M.E. sufferers. (Or perhaps M.E. can turn into Fibro as you get older)

I am really well now, the fatigue is much better as I always pace myself, having changed my life and trying to include exercise such as water workout, GENTLE exercise when feeling up to it, definitely helps these conditions, particularly if in a warm environment or water. And also take a lot of different supplements to good effect.


After quite a flair up of back pain recently I went to my physio, who is also trained in Acupuncture/acupressure, and she treated me pressing all these tender points, which are also Acupressure points, and the improvement is amazing. I had 6 treatments. The good effect increased.
I've actually been pain free for most of this week, just feeling a twinge if on my feet for too long, and I'm doing an intense IHM course!!

So the message is try acupressure, it really works.

I researched acupressure and found a book and chart which shows all the points to press for different conditions and tried it on my mother and friend and they both experienced immediate relief which builds up in duration after a few treatments.

I am a trained Reflexologist so feel confident to do this, having noted the contra indications for some points.

I will definitely show my M.E. patients the info and offer it if they want, and hope it will help them too.

Has anyone else found relief from these conditions with acupressure/acupuncture? I'm also looking for more charts and books on acupressure, any recommendations.

I would recommend 'Acupressure, step by step, The Oriental Guide to Health' by Jacqueline Young. To get started.


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RE: M.E, CFS Fibromyalgia help from acupressure.

Hello Icene.
Do you have a list of the points that Fibromyalgia usually affects, and responds to with acupressure? I would be grateful for any pointers toward helping a friend with Fibromyalgia from the viewpoint of having completed one year with The Shiatsu College.


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RE: M.E, CFS Fibromyalgia help from acupressure.

Hi Andre

Have a look at this link it shows the points for fibro.


There are lots of sore points though and you can find them just by pressing around, especially in the back. Just put finger pressure on them for a couple of minutes and the sting should lessen until no longer sore.

Good luck

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RE: M.E, CFS Fibromyalgia help from acupressure.

To all,

Fibromyalgia is not just cure and / or relieved but acupressure as I am an Acupressurist, Reflexologist, Special Massage Therapist and a Dislocated and / or a Pinched nerve Specialist in Alternative Medicine. Fibromyalgia is a problem with dislocatted and / or pinched nerves and they have to be resetted by someone who knows their work. In Canada these specialists are only found in two(2) provinces and I am one of them in the Atlantic Provinces.

Hope you find someone with my qualifications in the UK

Good Luck


Edit: To add signature

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Hi there

I am studying Sports massage and have been approached by someone suffering from M.E., CFS and IBS. Do anyone know if these are contraindications for sports massage? I would greatly appreciate some help here.

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Hi, I'm sure you know that recent research into ME suggests a possible viral trigger in some so supporting/strengthening the immune system would seem a good place to start?
My son has ME and, in reflexology sessions that I do for him, his tender areas can vary from session to session, for example when I first started giving him treatment I couldn't touch most of the immune system areas as they were too tender and we gradually built up to a point where I could work them: the tenderness still comes and goes.
He has a lot of digestive problems and that is also reflected in the treatment.

ME and CFS are used interchangeably but they're different things-ME is neurological and CFS is an umbrella term for a condition where the largest feature is fatigue (not always the case in ME sufferers). Of course a detailed case history will point you in the right direction.

I think my advice would be to start small and build with ME patients (I also give treatments to our local ME group) as the 'delayed onset fatigue' feature of the illness can really kick in after too long a treatment.

Hope that helps; just giving my advice from a personal perspective really 🙂

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In my opinion the number one cause of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME is adrenal gland dysfunction.

Building up the adrenal glands with adaptogenic herbs, vitamin C and Vitamin B5 is the best start. When my body crashed majorly this is what helped me, my adrenal glands were so knackered that my body began reacting to everything, every allergen possible. This alone made me want to sleep for full days. Allergies are a result of adrenal gland dysfunction.

Luckily now im near tip top after them bad years.

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Hi there

I am studying Sports massage and have been approached by someone suffering from M.E., CFS and IBS. Do anyone know if these are contraindications for sports massage? I would greatly appreciate some help here.

Hi Malaika,

Welcome to HP 🙂 I have Fibromyalgia (and I"m sure CFS as well - but who knows!) I'm also qualified in Swedish massage and reflexology (a long with a few other things). I can't see their being any contra indications for M.E, CFS or IBS, however you might just need to be careful with them getting up from the couch or if they have particular pain in one area (such with trigger points in FMS) then I would suggest you're very careful in that area as unfortunately us Fibro/CFS people can be quite sensitive and you may unintentionally hurt them (although I'm sure no real damage will have been done!).

I hope that's helps you


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Good to hear your story - thanks for sharing!
