Why is MElisted under the fatigue and pain disorder section of this forum?
ME is a neurological condition as recognised and classified by the World Health organisation (see: [link= http://www.meactionuk.org.uk/G93-3-ICD-10-compilation.jp g" target="_blank">http://www.meactionuk.org.uk/G93-3-ICD-10-compilation.jp g"/> [/link]) so surely it should be placed within the 'Neurological Problems' section?
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I'm no expert myself, but I believe that a lot of people will not realise that ME is classed a neurological condition. I'm guessing that because, and correct me if I'm wrong, the symptoms involve fatigue then this is why it has be placed here.
If a person comes onto HP and knowing that they are always feeling tired, but haven't been diagnosed with ME then it could also act as an indicator to them as a possible cause of their fatigue, in which case they can go to their doctor to ask about it.
Just my thoughts.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Incorrect Forum Section?
Yes, I agree that M.E. or CFS should be placed under the "Pain and Fatigue" section of this forum. I have suffered from CFS now for going on 8 years and my main two symptoms are PAIN & FATIGUE.
RE: Incorrect Forum Section?
ME is not a fatigue condition. Chronic Fatigue is. ME isn't the same as CF. ME isn't the same as non ICD-CFS.Fatigue is not a major defining symptom of neurological ME.
For futher clarification please see the 'Fatigue Shmatigue' post I've recently added to this section.
See also the 'ME is not Fatigue' article placed on the ME Society of America site:
[link= http://www.cfids-cab.org/MESA/framework.html ]http://www.cfids-cab.org/MESA/framework.html[/link]
It's vitally important that people - sufferers and therapists alike - educate themselves about the significant differences in these conditions. One can be treated more easily than the other. One has different symptoms to the other.
Unfortunately due to financial and political reasons the two conditions have become entwined over many years. Unfortunately, unlike the ME Society of America our main national ME charity has let this happen.
I'm not trying to be awkward here but as a long term ME (not CF!) sufferer I'm fed up with people, medical staff, and CF sufferers saying that ME is about fatigue! Fatigue is the least of my problems and ofthose who suffer similarly.
P.S Pain and Fatigue are symptoms of MS too but yet this has been placed in the 'neurological problems' area?
Want to know more about the differences between fatigue syndromes and ME? See:
[link= http://www.meactionuk.org.uk/What_Is_ME_What_Is_CFS.htm ]http://www.meactionuk.org.uk/What_Is_ME_What_Is_CFS.htm[/link]
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interesting discussion! I suffered from ME for several years, I don't any longer thanks to Holistic therapies and a major change in lifestyle! ( not to mention recognising emotional and spiritual imbalances that are associated with the illness)
I have to disagree on the fatigue front however as I did have fatigue as one ofthe symptoms, I would be inclined to agree with the thoughts on a bit of a signpost being under this forum for those yet to be diagnosed.
Have you found any relief from your symptoms yourself? I would be more than happy to share what worked for me if that would be at all helpful!
Lisa x
RE: Incorrect Forum Section?
If you feel very strongly about this issue, I am happy to bring it up for discussion amounst the moderators. One possibility is to place ME under the neurological catergory and put a sticky notice in this forum directing members over there....
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Hello Lisa,
It's good to hear that you recovered from whatever ailed you.
However those with classic neurologic ME (not CF/non ICD CFS) will not recover or be by a change in lifestyle, holistic therapies, or the addressing of emotional and spiritualimbalances. The latter are not part and parcel of this condition in the majority.
I do accept though that some people are assisted (not cured)by the aboveand I don't denigrate anyone who may want to give them a go.
RE: Incorrect Forum Section?
Hello Azalia,
I am happy to bring it up for discussion amounst the moderators. One possibility is to place ME under the neurological catergory and put a sticky notice in this forum directing members over there....
This would be excellent! I do feel strongly about ME being lumped together with fatigue conditions and I know I'm not alone.Our reasons are as result of personal experience of the condition which are backed up by many articles and references.
Please do let me know the outcome of your suggestion.
RE: Incorrect Forum Section?
Hi Filly,
thankyou for your reply to my post! I appreciate that in your own experience you believe that your ME cannot be cured/improved by holistic therapies/ lifestyle/ etc, I respect that, If you believe it then its true...for you...however, I was diagnosed with ME and have made a full recovery, now it is my belief that regardless of the cause of ME ( and there are so many differing views as I'm sure you're well aware) that my recovery was directly as a result of the things I mentioned in my post, not as a result of convetional medicine( although of course that is neccessary) or as a result of getting hung up on if its causebe itneurological/psychological/chemical/fatigue/viral imbalances. I chose to put my focus and passion into recovery and that is what I achieved I am delighted to say, I hope many others in the same situation my derive some hope from that.
I wish you a full recovery.........if that is what you wish for yourself and I admire your passion about the subject, I hope you will respect my passion about choosing my path to health through my chosen methods that now allow me to be fit and well.
kindest regards,
Lisa x
agree with Lisa
I have to agree with Lisa - although I haven't yet had a client with ME I have colleagues who have used the same process's I use to assit their clients in stopping having ME, I have worked with asthma, IBS, pernicious anaemia, psoriasis, depression and so on!
I realise that there are many models / opinions / beliefs out there and I think the key is to pick the approach that works for you and if you get better FANTASTIC!!!
Well done Lisa 😉