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Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

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I came out of work about 4 years ago now due to general ill health and back pain. I saw a local chiropractor and all seemed fine, for awhile.

Then about 2-3 years ago I was diagnosed with underactive Thyroid, because I was lethargic and ached all the time. I am now on Thyroxine for life but the pain andlethargy persisted.

At the begining of this year a locum, (I have no regular Doctor thanks to them retiring off my Doctor before getting a replacement) finally listened to me and decided I should see a specialist (at this time I had seen two different Psychaitrists because they thought I was depressed and making the symptoms up - you try being happy when you are knackered and in pain)

This specialist agreed that I have Fibromyalgia...yet I have been waiting 6 months for an answer from a pain management clinic (which I have to travel to..and that can be quite far when you are in pain)...and to top it all off I have now also been diagnosed with a Gall Bladder problem and that has to come out.

What I want to know is does anyone else have other complaints that cause complications with this disease? And does anyone else go to a pain management clinic and if so what do they actually do? Is Fibromyalgia a mental problem or what? It feels rather pyhsical to me!
Any answers or other peoples stories would be of help,

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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

no answers...I really don't believe this.

I really need some advice and words of encouragement from other who suffer from Fibromyalgia along side other conditions...


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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

Hi ZenFrog [sm=wave.gif]

I wonder whether this site might be some help to you?

[link= ][/link]

I do hope it helps.

Best wishes

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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

Hi Zenfrog,
Sorry to hear you are in so much discomfort, I have recently been doing some research into a condition called MAL-ADAPTIVE PAIN SYNDROME which in leymans terms describes the fact that the amount of pain which client is suffering is out of proportion to the amount of tissue/ structural damage that has occurred, this is usually after condition has been apparent for far longer than tissue would take to heal.

I have had a shoulder condition for over 20years and several operations and treatments during those years have left me in need of a total replacement. I should have had this in 2001 but decided that my youthful outlook on life (35 at the time) and my five kids needed more than I would have been able to give(the replecemnt would have probably lasted several years with change in lifestyle) I decided on a career change, came off all 21 tablets that I was taking daily and embarked on a gentle exercise programme to restore range of movement into my shoulder( dominant side, even had trouble writing as could not hold pen for longer than 2-3 seconds) I have spent last 6 years studying different subjects and will continue to do so.
During that time I have arrived at several conclusions.

1/ Sometimes the NHS doesn't have either the time or the resources to treat conditions which seem unusual and dont fit neatly into a little titled box.
2/ you are sometimes best to seek alternative or complimenary treatment from someone who at least shows emapthy and sympathy.
3/ most people benefit greatly from a change in their appoach to thinking about their condition, ie a positive approach will give more satisfying results, ie, "I will do this today" instead of thinking that "well I might be able to consider doing this sometime in the future"
4/ If you are "pigeon holed " with a certain condition with a fancy name, It reinforces negative thought processes which make you say things like " I can't do that because Ive got ?*&%$^£ condition.
5/ Please accept that the person who can give you most help is........................yourself.

I hope you start to improve and if you would like further advice please post here or PM me,
best regards

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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...


I was diagnoised with Fibromyalgia nearly 4 years ago, This year I have been diagnoised with CFS/ME also. A week ago after repeat blood tests I was told I also had an abnormal thyroid. Waiting for the results.

I m booked in to the pain clinic in Sept. Hopefully this may help.

I have gone from being a hetic mini cabMum ;)to a tortoise on a bad day:(

I managed the fibro on its own ok. But wth CFS/ME also I am really struggling to be 'normal'

I really dont know how to handle it.

Take care all


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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

Hello my name is sharon, 5 years ago I seemed to be a fit person, I was attending college, but was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate, by the time i got home i felt that exhausted it felt unreal.
One day after college the fatigue was so bad my legs couldn't carry me no furtherI colapsed in a heap only 20 yards from home. The pain was so intense, my muscles in my back where in spasms. I crawled the rest of the way home.....I was unable to go back to college i was so fatigued, for 3 months. I'd been at college on a 2 year course and was only a couple of months of completion....I never returned.I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

All the doctors want to do is supply none stop tablets, I was allergic to the anti depressants that they gave me, one caused my face to swell. Another lowered my blood pressure that much I fainted, then again twice in hospital. The pain killers have caused a liver problem. so I've stopped taking anything......can anybody help

Simply sweet, shaz

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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

This question concerns my husband...he hasn't been diagnosed with firbromyalgia by a doctor but sure seems to have alot of the weird symptoms. The ones that really bothers him the most is the brain fog, he also has pressure in the front of his face, the roof of his mouth tends to feel numb and dry mouth. Another thing the brain fog tends to hit him right after eating. Does anyone else have these symptoms and is there anything/anyone out there that can suggest any way to get him relief. He has started to see an accupuncturist and has had two of the NAET treatments. I would appreciate any help that anyone can give me. Thanks

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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

Hello, I am new to this site. Please anyone with fibro must look into their diet. Many have said to me that they have tried changing their diet, but you must do it through and allergist. Food allergies can cause fibro symptoms. You cannot just cut back or eliminate things for a while. I had to eliminate all sugars (including fruit), fermented foods, root vegetables, yeast foods, dairy, high carb foods, caffeine and processed foods. It is very hard at first, but I did it for a year while taking supplements from the allergist and had no pain for that year and for three years after stopping. I have endometriosis also. Studies are showing a that women with endo are actually allergic to a hormone in their own body. I know that medications do not work. I have tried many because I didn't want to go back on the diet, but I think I may be doing it soon. My daughter is following in my footsteps and if I can get her on the right track, hopefully she won't suffer as I did. Take the time to research this. My doctor here in the US is Wayne Konetski.
Good luck.

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RE: Fibromyalgia and other conditions...

First, I was diagnosed with an underachieving thyroid - given pills for that - they worked for about 10 years and then all of a sudden during a particularly hot summer, I became hyper-thyroid... old history - now back to hypo-thyroid, thank goodness...
About 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibro. The dr did a lot of tests and all of them came back negative. Fibro he told me is a diagnosis of elimination... hence the tests.
Then he did the pressure tests and I passed when I hit the ceiling- not a good thing.
It is believed the fibro comes about after something particularly stressful happens in your life - in my case, a car accident and a very stressful life to boot. I believe it came on gradually, getting worse and worse over the years until I noticed that something was really wrong.
(as a side-note - in the small town where I live in B.C., Canada - the first 5 people I met here had fibro - personally, I think that's a high percentage)
Now that I've had the diagnosis for about 4 years, what I have noticed is that I am steadily getting worse. The foggy brain seems more evident. My stupidity seems to evoke more jokes than it did before - a sure sign but definitely not uplifting.
My general health is - tiredness, pain and a kind of out-of-body experience. There are times I cannot stand to be touched - it's a nails downthe blackboard kind of feeling.
Also I now have skin sores on my legs - an ongoing infection that only dies down once in a while and surfaces especially in the heat... like now...
I'm on pills - of course, I am. I take something for the pain - that is a muscle relaxant and something for my stomach because the painkiller upsets my stomach and celexa - for my nerves and that's just been increased.
On Wednesday coming up, I am to go back to my dr and have a memory test... 'to reassure me' my doctor says... I think he's checking for ALS and I'm scared to death.
I used to write lots of poems everyday... now I do crossword puzzles to keep my brain alive. They are also a test for myself. I know that if I can answer the puzzles, I'm in focus; if I can't, I'm not.
I don't suppose this is much help. To that end, I would like to tell you how I cope with it all.
I live each day... any day that is a good day, I use to the hilt. I paint, I write, I do housework, I weed the garden... believe me on those days I am like a bottle of freshly uncorked champagne. I also make love with my hubby because most of the time I have to say no and he honors this. Whatever that day brings, I want it to the fullest.
It kind of makes it a bit harder when that day ends and the old fibro crap returns but it's what I decided to do and it makes my life worthwhile...
