For an excellent article explaining why ME should not be related to fatigue conditions see:
[link= ][/link]
RE: Fatigue Shmatigue
Totally agree - also [link= ][/link]
I spent years like this and still go back there if I push things to much.
RE: Fatigue Shmatigue
Thanks for posting this, beautifully and logically written article, lots of very useful information and something which those of us with, or who have experienceso called 'fatigue' issues can identify with.
RE: Fatigue Shmatigue
What a great site I found out things I did not know and gave me many answers. I think i will take a copy for my GP to read next time I go LOL
RE: Fatigue Shmatigue
You know 'they' (whoever 'they' are) say you should take pieces of paper to your doctor i.e. lists etc - I did this once, and only once, my GP had a look on his face that spoke of depths of horror and annoyance circling his head... But if you do take a print out of this to your GP please let me know how it goes.I could do with a giggle and a GP being faced with the reality of severe M.E. when half of them still think it is just lazziness is going to be quite funny whatever the outcome - sorry - seem to be getting a little hysterical this end - la di la... Ho hum!