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Fatigue and Weakness

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Hi all - glad to come across this site.

I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on a problem that has got steadily worse over the last two years and is becoming more frustrating by the day?

I never have any energy and wake up every morning with really aching muscles in my legs and a blurring in my left eye that never seems to clear. When I walk for a hort distance my left leg becomes weak (not painful) and it starts to drag as I have difficulty lifting it clear of the ground. Even if I have more than 8 hours sleep I never seem to feel alert during the day and am constantly fatigued. My GP has it down to stress because he can find no medical model on his chart to explain what's going on. He has prescribed anti-depressants - I wasn't depressed before the complaint, but not getting any resolution after so long is now making me depressed! I have had an MRI scan but still waiting for results and currently undertaking counselling.

I've always been more of a fan of holistic health than General Medical but every avenue I explore seems to lead nowhere!

Any thoughts welcome.


Blooeyes :confused:

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It sounds to me like you have chronic fatigue syndrome or ME. My sister has been suffering with it for a few years - it's difficult to diagnose and there are two camps as to what causes it. In the UK doctors go for the psychiatric angle. In the US it is considered a physiological auto immune disease. Joint pain, blurry vision, extreme fatigue are all symtoms of it. The ME society are a great source of advice and may be able to give you some direction on diagnosis.

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Hi Blooeyes,
I wonder if there might have been a very stressful period of time before all this started to happen? Have the docs checked you all for the routine stuff?
What other holistic therapy have you tried?

Love and sunshine

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Hello :),

I would be pushing for the results of your MRI, when did you have this done and do you have any other symptoms?

I would just like to point out that while bluemagpie is right and in the UK the physicatric field are still dertermined to ignore the mounting biomedical research, ME is classified as a nerurological illness by the World Health Organisation (ps. sorry to hear your sister is suffering with this illness).

There is critera laid out to help with diagnosis but many people are who do not have ME are still being misdiagnosed, and in turn those who do have it are ignored urged to keep pushing themselves to the point of no return...keep on at your GP to help get to the bottom of your problems. in the meantime, try not to push yourself when you are not able, rest and relaxation are vital.
Missy x
