hi guys
I would be grateful for a little advice here please...:)
After getting shingles a couple of weeks ago, I had to have a root canal done last week. I experienced immense pain for two days after the this surgery.I coped with this by taking co-codamol every four hours but am now extremely tired, loss of appetite (except for fruit crumble) and any slight physical exertion on my part means the following day I am paying the price. My short term memory is shocking and I find it hard to concentrate. I am perspiring at the oddest times and my balance is not too good either.
Would anybody know if what I am experiencing could be due to the painkillers I took or the shingles. I dunno, so confused and this is really hard to concentrate writing this ...
Thanks to anybody who can help me.
Sharon 🙂
hi sharon fairytrish here..
just to say my mum had shingles once and she was really unwell for a good couple of months... i would say all that you are experincing could be connected to the shingles.. it took it right out of my mum..its not nice.
as far as i remember she just had to rest rest rest.. i know you have your boy though so its harder.
i will send you some reiki and lots of love coming your way my friend. speak soon love yasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
love fairytrish always here for ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sharon
My best guess is that it's the shingles that's done this to you. It's known as post-herpetic neuropathy or depression. When I moved house in 2002 I went down with shingles because of the stress. That went in a couple of weeks, but what I was not prepared for was the utter depression that followed. I was so mentally and physically fatigued, I was sleeping 18 hours a day. The doctor finally clicked what was going on, signed me off for a month, and gave me antidepressants and basically told me what to do. I just felt so relieved that it wasn't my fault, it was something physical that had happened, and all I could do was wait for it to go. I had a total of 6 months off work with this. You're just as ill as if you still had shingles, or flu, or pneumonia. Be gentle with yourself and see if you can get looked after.
Take care
Hi there you would benefit and feel better from using NLP/TFT/PPT to manage your internal state, clear the anxiety and stress, help with pain relief etc.
Be well Janis
Hi Sharon
On balance, it does sound like the aftermath of the shingles doesn't it. But another thing crossed my mind when I read your post- some people have really strong reactions to dental anaesthetic- that seem to go on for ages. I think it's quite rare but I suppose it's something not to dismiss altogether.(And probably just as likely as a reaction to the painkillers)
Also, as shingles often occurs after/during a period of stress or strain, are there other issues to consider, that are draining your energy. It sounds like you need some time out anyway, so I hope you can take it easy and make a full recovery. HTH Hom
Thank you all so much for your replies.
Can't type much more as am totally wiped out again...will be seeing mmy doc next week so will try and take it easy. I do feel some form of therapy would be beneficial and will look into it. Have got tickets to go to a music festival for the weekend tomorrow, can't back out of it...am dreading it to be honest:confused:...Lots of love
Hi there, yes sounds like shingles to me as well, just the same as I experienced some time ago, now my herbalist friend made me eat 2lbs of beetroot a day (raw or freshley cooked), with red onions, cabbage.... all things deep red, I had cleavers & dandelion to cleanse in a drink, and after about a week I began to get back to normal, as I have said on many threads before about fatigue, stress, minor infections or even when I feel 'out of sorts' I head straight for theses foods and they always work. Try it, if you do not want to eat it and you have a juicer - go juice! add an apple, it is fantastic.:)!
Sharon-if you can see a local homeopath, I think you'll find that some homeopathy will really help you.It can bring your energy back into balance and boost the immune system. If cost is a big issue, there might be a low cost clinic in your area and if you want further information, you can pm me. HTH Hom