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Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum/Beat Sugar Addiction Now

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I have found that a lot of doctors don't really believe in CFS and they seem to think I was making it up, but the book "Beat Sugar Addiction Now!" is written by a doctor and he knows so much about it. I feel like I learned a lot about my own body just by reading the section on CFS, and it made me annoyed that no one had told me this before. I started reading the book because I thought it was a diet book and would maybe help me lose weight, and if I wasn't carrying around so much weight maybe I would feel better overall and be less achy. But it's actually a whole part on CFS is in it and I learned a lot about my hypothalamus that I never knew before. The information is good and smart science but not too hard to understand. You need to find help if you have what I have-so much pain it hurts to pull my shirt over my head or bend down to tie my shoes. I had to start wearing ugly crocs just because they were easier to put on and more comfortable, and that is not who I wanted to be-a fat person in unstylish shoes who has trouble getting in and out of the car. I feel like if I can find a doctor who will help me and I can do what it says in this book, I will get a lot better. It is written very convincingly and you can tell he knows what he's talking about. Plus he has a list to help you find doctors that treat CFS and I am ready to get treated and stop feeling like my nerves are exposed every time I move.

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Hi Energetic, and welcome to HP. x

By shear coincidence I have just today ordered a different book by Dr Teitelbaum from Amazon - [url]From Fatigued to Fantastic[/url] - because it was recommended by [url]this person[/url]. I was actually looking over Dr Teitelbaum's website this morning. I'm a bit miffed now that I didn't get the book you suggest as it's more recent.

I've been doing a lot of reading recently around depression, CFS/ME/fibromyalgia, gut probs... I think there is much overlap so they share many approaches.

I'll let you know how I go with the From Fatigued to Fantastic book. I suspect I'll get it by the end of the week. [However I did (bad girl!) also buy another book, despite telling myself I'd only buy one a month.]

Ava x

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Yes, Dr Teitelbaum is extremely knowledgeable and as you say Ava there are major overlaps with CFS/ME/fibromyalgia, gut probs, depression and low thyroid. I'd be interested to hear how you both get on - more books to read methinks .... 😉

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Yep, thyroid too. You are quite right. Fascinating how it is all interlinked. My own opinion thus far, is that the common source is an emotional trigger... which sets off the trip wire and then these other elements cascade. It doesn't appear to me that you can undo the problem by addressing the emotional/mental stuff - but instead you address it from the other end: the physical effects, one-by-one. However, you can simultaneously address the emotional stuff (I'm sure this is where you'd suggest EFT!).

Yes, plenty more reading.

Ava x

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I think the gut is also integral - upset gut bacteria causes all sorts of problems and this can be the result of stress, infections and from antibiotics. Quite often the body can cope for a while then it seems to start to 'shut down' - and the results of stress can be almost anywhere in the body.

EFT is obviously helpful for stress!

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Hi All,
Think i might join in the readin on this as i also feel that most of the csf/me/fibro/thyroid things have an emotinal basis. i dont think this makes the symptoms any less physical but i think a multi disciplinary approach can often assist in moving things forward. Personally i developed an underactive thryoid after pregnancy (which i found an incredible stress) and 10 yrs ago developed sle (lupus) 'luckily' i have the Iga antibodies which allows the medical profession to believe me (sad huh!!) and also dx the fibro raynaurds hughes syndromeblah blah that went with it. However (my point sorry to waffle) i am convinced now after much inner journeying (is there such a word lol) that all these illness where triggered by the stress that i experienced and the way i dealt with it!! As i have grown and developed my interest and insights into the emotional self ect and become so much more accepting and kinder to myself i have managed to reduced my medication to little more than thyroxine and some pain killers.
i feel so empowered with what i have achieved and though i know i still have a long way to go i know that i will get there one day.
Energetic i wish you well in your journey to self discovery to and hope that you will achieve the life you wish for yourself, i have every confidence in you 🙂 and thank you :)xx

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I have found that a lot of doctors don't really believe in CFS and they seem to think I was making it up, but the book "Beat Sugar Addiction Now!" is written by a doctor and he knows so much about it.

Ah, I've had a little read of the book's blurb. I don't think it is the right one for me, cos I am more interested in the CFS/fibromyalgia side of things - which is what he covers in his From Fatigued to Fantastic. So (whew!) I did end up buying the right one. But boo to Amazon cos it'll not be arriving until the 25th!!!

You may be interested in this absolutely incredible book, which I can't recommend enough - and I think will go into a lot more detail than the Beat Sugar Addiction book: [url]The Diet Cure[/url] by Julia Ross. It seems to be going out of print, which is surreal because it is excellent. She looks at the reasons for weight gain: adrenals, thyroid, female hormones, allergies, stress - and I think there is one more. Then provides protocols for each type. I've found her website and there is a very [DLMURL=""]cursory quiz thingamy[/DLMURL] - but the book goes into a lot more detail.

Ava x

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Caroline - Hmmm... could be a chicken or egg conversation, I think - since gut motility is sensitive to stress/emotions (think of how you get loose bowel when you are going for a job interview). But, whichever way it works I think you and I are singing from the same hymn-sheet i.e. the gut-mood connection.

Polly - I'm finding all my reading fascinating. And I've read so much now that I'm now starting to understand how it fits together a little better. Mind you it took me a long while to get there, possibly because I had not idea what I was looking for. I hope you enjoy your reading. If you have questions please ask... you might be lucky and I might know the answer! Oh, and goodness - very well done on how you've reduced your meds. That is fabulous. x

Ava x

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I'm definitely going to get "From Fatigued to Fantastic" as soon as I get my next paycheck. There is a chapter in "Beat Sugar Addiction Now" about Fibro/CFS but yeah, I'd like to go further into depth. Has anyone tried the products on his site? I don't really know where to start with all of this. I do know that by following the plan in Beat Sugar Addiction Now I've already lost 10 pounds... and I am feeling better (I've only been on the plan for two weeks).

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Just letting you know that I received [url]From Fatigued to Fantastic[/url] today - and flipping through it it looks like it's going to be great. It's over 400-pages long, and tiny writing... so there is a lot there. It seems really comprehensive too - and has a pretty decent section for men. Which in itself is a good thing.

Did I recommend in this thread, or the Sugar Addiction one, that you should have a look at The Diet Cure, by Julia Ross? If you don't have it already you should run out the door this minute and get a copy. It's quite excellent. It also deals with the complexities of chronic illness (in this case yo-yo dieting). Like From Fatigued to Fabulous it addresses the hormonal side (female hormones, adrenals, thyroid) plus allergies, and specific nutrient deficiencies. I wish [url]her website[/url] was more comprehensive.

Ava x

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I'll be honest. I went to a Fibro center here in the US that based it's whole philopsophy on Teitelbaum's book "From Fatigued to Fantanstic". I think it is a money making scam. They give you more and more supplements and tell you that you can't live without them, and then they put you on prescription medicines as well. It's not well monitored and it cost a fortune, and after 10 months of not getting an ounce better I had had enough. There are a lot of good general tips in the book, but I'm not convinced they help cure fibromyalgia at all.
