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Cold icy feeling through veins

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I have had ME since 2009 (diagnoised 2010), generally I am able to manage my condition, but I have a question for other ME/CFS people here, have you ever experienced a cold/icy feeling through your veins? When I was in Hospital 2009 I was put on an antibiotic (I think), I was in hospital overseas, but whatever it was it was injected into the veins and your arm went icy cold and had to have this twice a day.Never had the cold icy feeling until a couple of days ago and wondered if its a sympton of ME (I plan to ring my doctors when they open to get an apt).

On Friday I was in the garden and stumbled, but to save myself falling I managed to get upright and went back slightly and hit my hand on the greenhouse (that's fine no damage there!), but that day I seemed to experience a lot of balance problems. My hand around the wrist was sore (hand fine now). On Saturday I was at an event for a few hours came home felt fine, part way through evening felt rough, icy cold (shivery in body) and violently sick, went to bed took one parcementol and some ginger to try and ease the sickness feeling, - woke few hours later the shivery feeling had passed, still felt sick but not as bad and wasn't sick. Sunday I was working with the plants (I am a plant grower, as well as doingthe holistic therapies) and it was a chilly day and I felt cold despite wearing several layers. The icy/cold feeling through the veins I seemed to experience a bit on Saturday and again yesterday. I have no other symptons generally I have a slight cough now and then get asthma especially when the rape seed is out and its out in this area....sorry for rambling on - my question then does anyone else with MECFS have (or had) this feeling thanks

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Hi there

Does your garden work involve using chemicals?? So often people with ME/CFS are very sensitive to chemicals and your symptoms echo what a friend suffered with .
Worth checking this out. If you are completely organic, then is it something you use in the house, personal cosmetics, have eaten, inhaled? Just a thought

Love and Light

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Although not an ME sufferer I sometimes get that - a coldness from the inside that is almost like it's going through your bones and veins. I sometimes get this feeling like my veins are being pulled slowly out of my body and muscles ache - I put it down to either something I've ate or taken. I had it the other day and it was because I'd took a supplement with garlic in. When you are like that have you changed something in your diet, supplements, drink etc or like Caroline said working with chemicals. Is it something you've put on your skin.

I get the same symptoms but with really bad diarrohea, chills, muscle aches and pains if I use certain body lotions and one of the worst is fake tans - I've been really ill before when I;ve used fake tan all over my body - obviously gets through the skin into your blood.

Let us know if you can pinpoint it down to anything - I'm also curious too. Take care.

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Thanks Janet and plants (for people who don't know besides holistics I am a plant grower/seller), I haven't used any fertilizers and whenever I do anything with plants I wear gloves. I haven't changed my washing powder (unless anything has changed in it), not eaten anything am puzzled (did go to drs who was hopeless, got told probably coming down with something and if feeling unwell in a week/10 days to return).....I have had this feeling a bit today, but not so bad....

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I mentioned it to my GP on one visit and was treated like I was an idiot - so gave up - always get the feeling they think you imagine it. But believe me there's no imagining it when I've had two really bad attacks that have ended up with central heating being on full, sat in front of a fire and then my partner have to cuddle up close to try and get some of his body heat into me - we sat like this in front of the fire for an hour one time - scary I tell you.

I still not sure what it is - sometimes food/supplement related then other times it's almost like if my body drops below a certain temperature it comes on - so I have to watch. I've had a couple of episodes at work recently where I've been really cold (it's freezing where I work) and I've started to panic as I feel myself getting colder and colder - I recognise the symptoms now. But it's not nice and I do sympathise with you.

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Poor you. I know exactly what you're going through having suffered from CFS/ME for around 15 years I'm intimately familiar with your experience.
Have you considered seeing an acupuncturist? I'm sure there are many in 'The Garden of England' Unlike your GP, your symptoms will come as no surprise to any good acupuncturist, either TCM or 5 Elements style.
You'll be treated individually and not seen as an illness. As with many/most CF sufferers I've seen you may be diagnosed as Chronic Yang or Qi deficient. A typical approach for many CF sufferers of long standing is to nourish Spleen & Kidney and sometimes blood and remove damp if evident and in your case cold. Plus anything else that the therapist discovers. It's not an overnight fix but as part of your recovery strategy it's a really useful base on which to turn things around.

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Hyperventilation can underlie both being cold, and asthma symptoms, as it tends to shut down "tubes" in your body such as the airways and the circulation to the skin etc.
Make sure you always breathe through your nose, not your mouth, that can be a good start.:)
