Hi All 😀
This afternoon I watched a very interesting discussion on TV about the above. One of the guest speakers was Dr Cecile Jadin who specializes in tropical diseases & whose book on this 'ailment' is called "The Disease Called Fatigue". She prefers to refer to this condition as an 'IntraCellular Infection' as opposed to a 'syndrome' as such. Another guest speaker was wonderful John Robbie, a famous ex-rugby player and local SA radio talk show host on . He'd been a sufferer of CFS for +/-10yrs, going from doctor to doctor, until he was referred to Dr Jadin by an ex-sufferer & fellow sportsman .... he's been cured & the rest is HISTORY! 😀
Love, light and health,
Dr Jadin:
John Robbie is originally from the UK, so many of you may be familiar with him 🙂
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Very interesting Annie. It seems there are so many theories about what CFS or ME is. So far I have read that:
It comes after a virus from which you don't fully recover
It comes after a long period of overwork
It is linked to allergies
It is something to do with an allergy in the brain
It is linked to food intolerances
There is a possibility of a genetic predisposition to it
It is related to parasites
Hmmm, it's a lot to think about. Very interesting stuff.
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Nothing more to add to that other than agreement...
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Hi Lucy;)
You KNOW which one I'll go with 😀 & although Dr J chooses to go the antibiotic route for treatment, I still believe that one can achieve excellent results with the other doctor's recommended methodologies incl. the herbal protocols 🙂
All the best,
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
My own personal experience has been and may be for others not listening to the warnign signs from my body. 10 years ago I worked too hard, not enough rest, a bad diet and if I got a cold I did not slow down.
The body is very wise and will try to give you warning signs and if you do not listen you end up weakening your immune system.
This is what happened to me and when you immune system is weak it can easily let in an infection or virus and that is when I got ME.
I now learn to listen to my body, rest when I need to. I spent over 8 years researching my diet, supplements, lifestyle changes and found the right ones that worked for me. I try to avoid sugar in my diet, and make sure I take a good Multi Vitamin etc.
I am glad to say this has all worked!!
Warm Wishes
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Dear, dear Sue😉
I could write this via PM or email and deny all others from reading it ... but no ... I just want to say ... THIS IS THE SUE THAT I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!! What you wrote above is from your heart ... and although I now believe that ALL other posts of yours were also from your heart, they just didn't come across the same .... [&:]
Love and light and VOILA! :):D
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Hi Believer
You are so funny, I am glad you have finally seen who I really am :). Yes I have always come from the heart and because when I find something that works I tend to go on about it and say a lot and get over passionate sometimes. I guess some may take that the wrong way!! Maybe because I have my own business and have to self promote and be good at it to get the message out there, if people have not met me they don't maybe know how to take me.
My story about ME is long so for those of you who hate to scroll down you may wish to ignor this!!
I was very ill with ME ten years ago and it really really scared me. I slept 16 hours a day and my Mother had to help to me to the loo as all I could do was just about only crawl on my hands and knees. I was very depressed and really thought I was going to die and probably at my lowest point wished it back then things were so bleak.
Poetry helped I love to write, words and communication was and still is a passion. My head was so foggy at that time it made it difficult. A year later when I managed to be able to finally venture outside and little by little go further down the road. I went into a health food shop locally to me, the lady in there was quite simply an angel and was fantastic. She explained what was going on in my body, where even though the doctors had diagnosed me, they did not however have any information about ME. She recommend some excellent books which talked about the condition and diet etc. She was a wonderful support at that time and this was my wake up call.
My Mother had worked at our local Doctors surgery for 15 years, very old school and conservative. Her way was pills and to follow what the doctor says, not looking within and finding out the emotional issue that may have started it in the first place. I was so glad to have another path to follow and the health food shop became a haven for me.
This was the worst and the best thing that ever happened to me, it put me on the path to listen and understand my body. I became interested in alternative healing and was introduced to Reiki and my life has never been the same since (thank goodness!!) Learning about healing, NLP-Communication etc etc was a wonderful and magical time.
I realised I that my work in London in an office was not for me, no like minded people to share my insights with (I am sure they all thought I was a bit odd!) I remember I got my mortgage on my flat 8 years ago and then told my family I was leaving my job!!! My mother thought I had gone mad but it was the sanest thing I ever did!! 😉
I had to take that leap of faith then or never and be stuck in the rut forever. I walked out of my job with the biggest smile on my face and the weight of the world was lifting off my shoulders.
I started further training in Reiki and then Seichem and did all the psychic and health festivals. Worked and set up a healing centre with my girlfriend and Reiki Master at that time. 'Came out' to my family age 27 and then soon after started my own company teaching others Reiki and then Indian Head Massage. I then trained as a herb specialist and wanted to give back and set up free consultations and pass on the knowledge I had gained in the hope I could give back and help others.
There is a point to this story and that is to say what ever illness you are or have suffered from I truly believe it is there to teach you something very very important. We can stay sleep walkers and not listen and live the life others have mapped out for us or we can break free take a deep breath and jump! The courage comes and once out the other side it is not as scary as once thought and it is so worth it!!
It is a pleasure to have my own business and not have to travel to and from London on the crowded trains anymore. Meet like minded and beautiful people on a regular basis and share and learn from them too.
What ever your body is telling you listen and try a different approach. If you always do what you always did you always get
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
I thoroughly enjoyed reading that Sue! 😉
Although my 'friends' .... or possibly yours, since I don't have anything to identify 'messages' by, had made it perfectly clear to me, where you were coming from ... I still had a problem with the manner in which your knowledge / widom, was 'presented'. That was a personal 'thingy' .... I know [>:] and I'm so sorry for that [&:]
Thanks again and hey! [:o] here's to good health & loads of happiness 😀
PS: Oh! I forgot to ask ... how's the lady down the road who set you on this wonderful path to renewed freedom? 😀 Are you in business together maybe? Just curious! [:-]
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Hi Annie
Glad you enjoyed it, I am glad all the negativity has stopped, I did feel a little picked on by one or two people but hey I am a very sensitive soul!! If someone meets me and dislikes me that is fine and their opinion of course. However words are only 7% of communication and when I made postings in the past I seemed to be taken the wrong way which was a shame. It seemed to go on for a while and all I wanted to do was to help people.
I feel that sometimes when people post here or even text messages to each other it can be mis-read. You can not always know the tone in which the message was sent, seems to be a little dangerous. Something can be written and someone else can take it quite the wrong way. I always tried to offer a balanced reply to the negativity that came my way however some may have thought I was angry, actually far from it just a little sad I was mis-understood.
Anyway that was in the past and here we are so thank you for your opology that means a lot.
Enough already I am sure people do not want to read all this!! Maybe if they are just a gentle warning for people not to judge too quickly and for people like me who get passionate about a subject to realise this may come across too much for some! 😉
With regards to the lady who pointed me in the right direction I have not seen her since that first year all those years ago. She was one of those angels who comes into your life for a short time but has a very powerful message and you are never the same again.
I work on my own, however I am so busy now I am farming Indian Head Massage and Reiki Workshop work out to a friend. I promised when I started I would only take very small classes, not to drain myself of energy and to keep the teaching personal and individual. I am not the sort of person who wants to fill a hall with 30-50 people and earn more money, everyone becomes a number and not a person or a soul and the personal touch is lost.
I now farm work out and keep to my earlier promise of keeping my workshops small. This way as I have adverts all over the place, word of mouth is strong which is nice and I am well promoted on the web, I now have the change to help others which is really important to me.
I do not want to turn people away so this way they get to do a similar workshop, small and personal, I get to help others and everyone is happy.
This brings me onto my next question Annie, I was thinking of offering this to other therapists, what do you think. Do they have agencies for this type of thing in South Africa? I know they are few and far between here and they take a large percentage around 30% or more.
Maybe this could be a new thread what do you think? Do you think others would be interested? Maybe if they are starting out or find it hard to promote themselves or cannot afford the glossy health mags. I could add their details to mine extend my adverts pay for larger ones and offer their services as well as my own. Maybe take just a small percentage to cover advertising costs and help other therapists to fill their workshops what do you think?
So it does not make this thread too boring to read for others as now between us we have diverted it onto other points!! (Although everything for a reason I say!!)....
What does anyone else here think?? Is it worth throwing out this idea I have had in the last few days out there? I already help a couple of other people in this way maybe I could do it for a few more??
Does anyone here have any ideas about this or suggestions, hey annie what do you think your opinion would be good to hear.
Lastly before you all fall asleep!! ME can be a terrible illness, try to get balance in all areas of your life esp. emotionally and I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel. My message about ME (as this is what this thread is suppost to be about sorry I went off in a tangent!! is that some people say you can never recover from it...DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! You CAN you body was clever enough to get your attention with a serious illness like
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Glad you two have made up! And thanks very much for the advice on ME Sue, it's very valuable.
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Hi Lucy
Glad you found the info helpful, I have started a new discussion forum on my web page:
More and more info will be added in time about this and many other subjects, feel free to have a look and contribute too.
Love and Light
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Very funny Lucy :D:D:D
Oh Sue 😉 I'll need a month of Sundays to get thru' the above 😀 ... I'll take a paragraph a day ... ok? Any other way, I'd never find time for anything else 😀 I write an awful lot ... but you certainly beat me both hands and feet down girl! 😀
Ciao ciao,
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
Yes it was a bit long wasn't it!!!!
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'
My personal and professional experience of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome agrees with the theory that it is a cellular problem, focussing at the mitrochondria...
I had it a couple of years ago, and bought a fantastic health product, which makes the cells more permeable to absorb, and within 2 days I was all clear!!
Anyway, I shall obey the non-advertising rules of HP, but just to let you know if you are a sufferer, healthy cures are available, and if you would like any details on this, you could contact me directly
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
ME is not fatigue!!!! (Nor is it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!)
Taken from the ME Society of America (MESA) website
ME is not fatigue.
'M.E. is not a fatigue state, and fatigue is not a defining symptom of M.E. We do not support use of the word "fatigue" either to name this illness or to describe this illness. Patients and patient groups who want to "change the name" must first take responsibility accurately to describe the symptomatology. This is a disease wherein extending beyond a certain threshold of activity leads to symptoms, which can be described in specific, accurate terminology without reference to broad or demeaning terminology such as "fatigue" or "poor stamina.” M.E. is a disease, and patients are sick, with often excruciating symptoms that can be clearly articulated. The defining characteristic of M.E. is that patients relapse with physical exertion and develop disease progression with continued physical exertion. Hence, the defining characteristic is exercise intolerance, post-exertional muscle weakness, generalized weakness, faintness, and pain; and post-exertional relapsing of symptoms. In some cases symptoms remit with rest, and in other cases they do not. In fact, recent research on a prominent subset of the illness showed that postural stress and exercise exacerbated cardiac insufficiency in this disease. If a patient improves with exercise, that patient does not have M.E. and may have some illness other than M.E. (for example, arthritis, depression, osteoporosis, and a number of medical conditions do improve with exercise)....'
For rest of article please go to the MESA website:
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
Hi all
wonderful contribution Sue
well I would like to share this with you, it might help someone who is viewing..... over the years I have found that clients with ME at sometime during their lives decided to close down/shut off/they've had enough/refuse to take anymore of a particular situatio or person. The root cause can sometimes be found simply by asking that person what was going on in their life prior and just before the ME onslaught.
Once this is established then the healing of the multi-dimensional consciousness can begin.
blessings in abundance
Kim xx
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
Hi Kim,
Hope you dont mind me replying to your message on CFS.
I too have had the condition for over 4 years, and I believe it was not only brought on by the onslaught on Glandular Fever (at age 37) but because I had been through a very very difficult time 2-3 years prior with the break up of my marrige and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Instead of dealing with it, and confronting people that hurt me I just put it behind me, and got on with things....
The fact is, I've survived, I havent lived and I'm trying to learn how to do that.
I've only just discovered this and have always put it down to viral infection.
So, I'm trying to find ways to deal with the emotional hurt which I firmly believe is the cause of my ongoing physical pain.
Kind regards
celticcutie 🙂
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
Hi Celtic cutie,
Hope you don't mind me posting this so long after you posted it (pc has been broken). Just when you said you thought it may be linked to emotional problems it reminded me of a book I read which you may find of interest. It is called Anatomy of the Soul and is by Carolin Myss (not sure of spelling). It contains a lot of information about physical conditions having emotional causes.
Hope you are feeling better,
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
I got M.E. when i was about 11 and had to leave school because of it. At that age i cant understand how my body could have gotten it, but i did, and i was told by my doctor that he had no idea why i had or and how to get rid of it. i had it for around 5 years and learnt that if i didnt do too much or too little i slowly got better. However i have found that whenever my immune system is low, i feel like M.E has been lying dormant and i start to feel M.E'ish. That has faded more and more and eventually it probably will be entirely gone, so unless your v unlucky, i dont think it is a lifetime 'curse', however i have heard it depends on what age you get it. I was young and so was more sucessful in recovery. Just thought i'd add this as i dont believe there is a 'cure' for M.E. as yet, if there ever will be.
Es x
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
I feel that Candida and ME are both caused by a combination of factors including overuse of antibiotics and subsequent candidiasis, parasite infestation and hormones/toxins in foods and personal care products. There problably is a viral element as I was diagnosed after having Glandular Fever, and there is undoubtedly the involvement of emotional issues although it's not something you can just snap yourself out of.
Sweetheart x
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
Very interesting!
I was diagnosed with ME 2 years ago. I am still not sure though myself if I ever had/have ME. I did not have a viral infection (I am sure I would have noticed if I did!). Granted, I did have shingles about 7 yrs before I was diagnosed but I very much doubt that this was the viral infection that would have caused it.
I do get the odd pains in my legs - but who doesn't? I do get more hearaches than normal but that could be due to another condition I have, I do get bad fatigue though, not just tired but really fatigued. My memory is shot to bits and consentration is not the best at all. But you know what, this is the best thing that has happened to me. Like Sue, it has opened my eyes to what I want in my life, or perhaps more to the point, what I don't want. Having been recently attuned I have found Reiki a great help - I did not expect that as it was not my reason for doing it.
I also have issues when people say that I will have it for years - I will not!! I am gettting better everyday. Ok, somedays I have set backs but it is case as two steps forward, one back. But that's ok, it is still progress.
Good reading what you said Sue, it was like you were saying my thoughts!!
Thank you
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
Hi Jac
Thanks for the feedback, sometimes it has been said you can get symptoms of ME after a neck injury and I did have a very bad whip lash injury too.
Some people who don't have ME but fatigue and fatigue related symptoms have been found to suffer from neck problems.
I believe if you have a virus, neck injury, glandular fever etc etc whatever the cause and the start your body is trying to get your attention to tell you something needs to change in your life. For me it was a real wake up call.
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
Neck injury... interesting. I had an operation on my neck about 6 months before all this ME stuff started to happen. (My brain had slipped down under my skull and so had to take some base skull away and the back of two vertibra to make room and cut into the spinal cord to let the spinal fluid that took a diverstion down there to move all so. So I guess this would come under a neck injury!!).
I don't think it is just fatigue as I have been off work now for nearly 2 years and still recovering. don't get me wrong, I am getting better every day but as I said, two forward, one back!
I agree - a definate wake up call, one I have taken note off and made/making changes.
RE: 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' -
Hmmm, neck injury. I've not heard that one before. Interestingly, I believed I have traced my ME back to around the time that I was in a minor car accident in which I got quite serious whiplash, despite the low speed impact.