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CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

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Hi to all fellow sufferers of the 'mysterious' illnesses/syndromes for which the current medical field seems mystified and ill at ease to diagnose, treat or provide real relief from as they are deemed "chronic, incurable, degenerative and often incapacitating"... Well, tongues out to that! Well, there is a cure... please read this post before making up your mind about whether you believe me or don't, or aren't at least a little interested by finding out a bit more...

I first went to the Drs 11yrs ago complaining that I was tired all the time (TATT as they called it)... and they couldn't explain it... my journey has been long and as no test results seem to point at anything it was determined to be "all in my head", and yes after 6 years of diminishing strength and energy with symptoms no-one believed I did find myself in a hugely depressed state. I got on the "pill wagon" taking all kinds of antidepressants but nothing provided relief (or if it did it was short-lived), over time my energy and level of activity kept diminishing and my symptom list increased (everyone thought I was being neurotic)... yet 8 months ago I found myself virtually housebound barely able to get out of bed... even brushing my teeth would take it all out of me at times! How did I get here?... was it all in my head? Perhaps it was after all, but not the way we would normally think!

Over 11yrs and more intensively over the last 5yrs I've been looking for answers, researching, and it has taken me a long time, and it's also taken time to find the professionals who would be willing to listen and then help treat me, but at last I'm on the right track and I can feel the benefits. I am feeling improvements for the firts time in 11 years, so moving forward rather than backwards has me believing this is the right path and I will be cured... and I know of people who have gone through this journey before me and have reclaimed their energy, mobility and more importantly life! So I wanted to bring this to you so you could investigate it for yourselves, because I know full-well how debilitating the disease is and how disheartening current treatments and information on offer are... hope this helps.

More recent research, yet still not accepted by the mainstream medical view is pointing toward "heavy metal and chemical toxicity" as the principle cause of CFS and fibromyalgia. One thing that seems to be a significant factor in the majority of cases is more specifically: "chronic mercury poisoning"... mercury is the 2nd most poisonous substance in the world after plutonium, and mercury is in many many things in our environment. Fish tends to have a high content of mercury (especially big, oily fish which feed off smaller fish, e.g. tuna), so if you regualarly consume fish you may be getting enough exposure to mercury for it to build up in your tissues and organs to create enough of a problem that it harms your health. It is in our soils, our water... but most significantly in our amalgam fillings in our teeth (in our head -ha ha)!

The more fillings you have in your mouth (I had 10), the greater surface area of metal there is in your mouth, the greater the exposure. Most dentists will deny the fillings contain amalgam, but do the research and you'll find out that has more to do with politics and liability protection than actual truth. Any "silver" filling contains "up to" 50% mercury in it. Over the years as you chew away, there is enough there to slowly poison your system... but it is so gradual that it has been hard to pinpoint this as a potential threat to one's health (even though evidence suggests otherwise!). Up until very recently it has also been virtually impossible to accurately diagnose this condition due to lack of appropriate testing (no blood/hair/urine level reflect the total body burden... i.e. the amount of mercury that has got embedded inside your organs and tissues) which are therefore impairing the correct functioning of your body in a systemic way. Mercury is also a substance which can pass the blood brain barrier and theref

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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

Wow! You really have done your research, and good for you! I must admit, I didn't read your whole post, but i read enough to get the wake-up-call that doctors don't neccessarily have all the right answers.

I also never knew that much about mercury poisoning or about amalgam either, and it's great to read more about it.

Good luck for your surgery next week, and it's great to hear your on the road to recovery. I wish you all the best in the adventure of new, productive, positive and happy life!

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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

May I ask what you did about the fillings in your mouth? I have had mine re-done at the beggining of the year as they all needed repair. I have heard of Mercury Poisoning before and thought that maybe having the fillings re-done may even help with my symptoms (it didn't).
How do you go about checking what is in your fillings? Mine are all done on the NHS, I have to pay a part of the costs but he used the standard "silver" type filling...I have a tendancy to swallow the white ones.
I am fascinated by this research...will look into it myself too.
Good luck,

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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

I have read with great interest your posting and wanted to add that another item to consider would be the far infrared sauna to detox and remove chemicals from your system. You can buy one quite cheaply now around £100 if you shop wisely. Take a closer look at far infrared products to assist the body in removing these substances, its great for weight loss and pain management too.

Hope this helps...


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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

Hi to all fellow sufferers of the 'mysterious' illnesses/syndromes for which the current medical field seems mystified and ill at ease to diagnose, treat or provide real relief from as they are deemed "chronic, incurable, degenerative and often incapacitating"... Well, tongues out to that! Well, there is a cure...

I am afraid I cannot bring myself to read the rest of your post as you have just insulted my condition.

My CFS IS incurable and it does not 'disappear' or get near to recovery with lots of rest nor does it matter what my lifestyle is or what therapies I engage in.

I am very easily tired and this condition is continuous throught every day and has been for 13 years.

It most certainly IS a mystery and I wish people like you would take it seriously and stop offering 'cures' for something you don't understand!

Try doing some real research on it and I thik you will see where I am coming from.

Try offering the same kind of cures to people with MS and see how they feel about you.

That's all,

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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

I totally agree that many of us are intoxicated by heavy metals, that is the way our modern society is now: chemicals, metals and radiation always around us...

I am having my metal mercury amalgams removed next months by a proper holistic dentist; just reading that they are banned in Sweden, California, Switzerland and Japan is enough to convince me this dental technique was just a "step" towards a safer treatment of cavities...but it will have to take many of us to be "victims" for this medieval practice to stop...just because of damned politico-financial reasons!

We know that there is a link between Alzeihmer disease and aluminium excessive amounts stocked in the brain (hair bleach; aluminium cooking range (never seen any of these in a European country by the way), etc.

So Mercury poisoning is not an easily dismissable hypothesis, in my opinion.

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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

I don't think you had M.E. I think you were depressed - you got de-conditioned and your fatigue got worse. The pills didn't help. Strangely fatigue isn't always the worsty symptom and those of us unfortuanate enoughh to have this illness are aware of that.

I don't have any amalgam fillings - would you suggest I just remove my teeth in case?

And yes - I really do hate being ill and yes I really do want to get better and have a job and a life.


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Hi could anyone tell what the symptoms of Fibromyalgia is.

due to the fact that I have really bad muscle stiffness especially in the mornings and I have been feeling really fatigue all dayand a bit light headed a friend suggested to me that I might have fibromyalgia.

My muscles ache all day and at times I have real trouble concentrating and my body is also tender all over
Any comments would be much appreciated.

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RE: Fibromyalgia

See a doctor.
It could be anything from depression to cancer.


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RE: Fibromyalgia

Great post! I am not sure why there are a few negative comments in here especially about the one who doesn't want to read past the first paragraph of the article. Why would you just assume there is no cure? To me that sounds like someone who doesn't want a cure. Read on and you never know... this may be the answer for you.... and then again maybe it isn't but you will never know until you read it.

I have lupus so I understand all the pain and tiredness and the rest but I decided early last year that I would no longer focus on the illness. And you know what, in time I started to feel better.The tiredness went away and the pain went away andall the other wierd symptoms started to goaway. Today I am feeling the best Ihave felt in 11 years.I am off the medications and I don't intend to go back on them. I think the mind plays a big part in these illnesses and I know it is hard not to be miserable and not see any hope but if you keep thinking like that you will never get away from it. Start focusing on other things.. read these posts and similar ones. It may not be a cure for you but who knows it just might be.

Somerset Angel
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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

Dear Snoopy

I have heard this theory many times before I have had Me/CFS for over 15 years I have had recovery and two relapses in that time.

I dont think it ever fully goes away but given the right approach can be over come very sucessfully. I do have the fillings you mentioned and have asked seveval dentist about this point. There seems to be people who say it is so and those who do not.

Recently my daughter was diagnosed with ME/CFS and guess what she has no fillings!!

I took a different route to regain energy and health. I have never taken anti depresants or drugs prescribed by the specialist or my GP.

Initially I saw a homeopath who helped me with my allergies and sensativities she also found I had a depletion of serotonin and treated me for that. I had shiatsu treatments. I used bach flower remedies especially olive and rescue rememdy.

I was attuned to reiki and found that self treatments were very helpful. I was also a stress counsellor and found many of the strategies for patients certainly helped me especially cognative approaches and learning to know what my limits were.

We are all very different and we need to find out what works for us as an individual. I tried diets detox all sorts of things however for me a combination of therapies and learning to understand how I worked and what I needed to live a full and active life.

yes occasionally I have to push myself and get tired but I know how to get myself out of it. A lot less painful than having a load of fillings yanked out but each to thier own and finding out what works for each of us.

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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

hi somerset angel,

you are so positive and inspirational, i hope to be better soon and when i am shall ensure i look after myself so as not to relapse back into the illness. i became ill in march 2006 so it has not been with me that long in comparisson to others, hope it goes soon:)

love dawnymariexxx

p.s i too do not take any prescription medication, only supplements of my choice that i have identified as being beneficial for me:)i have been learning relaxation and meditation and love the feeling of peace and calm:)

Somerset Angel
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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

Why thank you dawnymarie I just dont let ME get in the way of what I want to do. In some ways it change my life for the better it certainly made me stop and think about things.

when my daughter was diagnosed with ME after two weeks in a nuerological unit and countless test she turned round to the consultant she said if had to be anything I am glad it is ME as I have a great role model in my mum on how to deal with it and live with it. She is now back in Brighton and back to work P/T after three months.

I think if you make an enemy of ME it can be so destructive yes some days I get fed up with it but it usually becuase I have done too much and it is my body saying hey girl chill 😀

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RE: CFS/Fibromyalgia -CURED!!!

Thanks for your post.
Ironically I Have just read the book by Andy Cutler (use the search for noamalgams. THe book is $40 from the US including P+p)and I would encourage anyone who has had CFS for any length of time to read it - especially if they have had amalgams for some years. I have had CFS for over 22 yearsand tried many things. At the moment I am planning to get rid of mine. THat book has certainly convinced me of their danger. Ignore the comments from other idiots who can't be bothered to read info properly.:)from Robert (Archer)
