Also avoiding sugar in your diet is really important.
The Natural Guide to Colon Health
by Louise Tenney, Deanne Tenney is one I found on an Amazon search
Did You Know Juicing is great too
A parsley and celery juice combination is a proven headache helper? A smoothie of papaya, peppermint, and fennel relieves indigestion faster than the top-selling antacid. A simple licorice tea can stop children's coughs. Cranberry juice neutralizes the bacteria that causes bladder infections. An enzyme in pineapple juice reduces swelling and inflammation of joints due to arthritis.
Anyone else have any information for people it would be great to post it here.
There are many cleanses out there, someone at one of my workshops recently said how ill she got when she did a cleanse sold by a leading high street chemist and when she looked into what was in it she then realised why. You have to be careful so here are some interesting details about cleanses.
A Cleanse is a very effective herbal cleansing program which helps clear the body and promote better health. They can combined Chinese and Western herbs known to absorb toxins from the bowel, improve elimination, expel parasites and worms, detoxify the kidneys and liver, purify the blood and cleanse the entire body of cellular wastes.
A Cleanse is highly recommended for anyone beginning a herbal supplement program, before starting a fast or weight management regime or just a maintenance ‘spring cleaning’.
Doing a Cleanse is beneficial for acne, allergies, body odour, constipation, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, bloating, bad breath, headaches/migraines, hemorrhoids, skin conditions, inflammatory problems including arthritis, menstrual problems and weight gain.
What is in them that can help?
Black Walnut has antifungal and astringent properties. The active constituents in black walnut are responsible for the herb’s anti-parasitic and worm-killing effects. It has been used to expel a variety of intestinal parasites, worms, ringworm (fungal) and yeast.
Burdock is one of the primary detoxifying agents in both Chinese and Western herbalism. Burdock is especially useful for treating conditions related to chronic toxicity, as it stimulates elimination of wastes via the colon, kidneys and skin. It is also an excellent blood purifier and stimulates mucosal fluids while reducing toxins in the body. Burdock is a good source of viscous fibre, helping to absorb toxins from both the digestive and intestinal tracts. Burdock is also used to lower bowel transit time and balance intestinal flora. Research shows burdock also exhibits antibacterial and antifungal activity.
An intestinal stimulant or lower bowel cleansing formula is also good to have. It encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, aids the manufacture of digestive enzymes and fluids, particularly bile (fat digestion). It also reduces abdominal cramping.
A herbal combination which helps cleanse the liver and renew healthy liver function. On an emotional level, LIV-C helps reduce anger, depression, fatigue, nervous tension, irritability and pent-up emotions. It promotes peristaltic action and elimination, relaxes muscle cramps and induces perspiration to cleanse toxins from the body.
Psyllium Hulls contain a high percentage of natural bulk fibre and act as a natural laxative. Psyllium swells in water to 8-14 times its dry volume and acts like a colon ‘broom’ cleansing the intestines and absorbing toxins that tend to adhere to the intestinal walls. Psyllium absorbs toxins produced by the overgrowth of yeast (candida) which many people are sensitive to.
Also good would be a unique combination designed to detoxify the body and strengthen the eliminative functions of the colon, kidneys and liver. Containing herbs which provide antiseptic, diuretic, laxative and muscle relaxing effects while also stimulating the immune system and the production of digestive fluids and enzymes. It also cleanse the
RE: Are you suffering from Candida?? Tired all the time???
Hi Mystic,
I am so glad I found your post and have a couple of questions I wonder if you could answer for me, and let me know where to get these products.
I have suffered with 'thrush' for years since i had my children. Thing is I didn't know that it can affect you in other ways. I found this out recently when i got a rash, I went to my doctor and he diagnosed a fungal infection, which had apperently been caused by shaving my bikini line and the thrush infection getting into an open cut. Its very painful and very itchy, thankfully its in a place where the only embarrasment it causes is the need to sctratch.. lol I was wondeirng if there is any way of getting rid of this permanently, or will these products help this from recurring? Any advice you can give me on this matter would be very greatly appreciated.
L & L Shelli
RE: Are you suffering from Candida?? Tired all the time???
Hi Shelli [sm=hug.gif]
Yeast Infections: "The most common yeast in humans is Candida albicans. Candida has always been around. It flies in the air, searching for a place to land and reproduce. It can invade a variety of human tissues like the mouth (called thrush), skin (including some kinds of diaper rash), vagina, and digestive tract. We all have some yeast in our digestive tract, but when it gets out of hand, it's called candidiasis.
Yeast is a fungus. It needs dampness to survive and sugar to grow. Our immune system, white blood cells, are capable of eradicating yeast provided it isn't growing too fast. And provided the white blood cells aren't immobilized or preoccupied with something else." From Dr Clark's 'The Cure For All Diseases'.
I'd opt for a herbal treatment together with daily zapping with a zapper for at least a month to clear it completely. The same applies to fugus growths like Tinea (crotch itch), ringworm & athlete's foot.
Good luck & goodbye to this little curse [sm=wave.gif] [sm=banghead.gif]
Love and light,
@nnie [sm=jump2.gif]
RE: Are you suffering from Candida?? Tired all the time???
If one can take a step back, then one can only admire the broad species of candida. I suspect that if there be an all out nuclear war, then it would still be going strong, alongside cockroaches, scorpions & a few others.
Without saying too much, I've spent more than 20 years studying the wee beasties.
What I will say is that it seems to be it's adaptability to survive adverse environments that makes it one of life's great survivors.
It's not pleasant - by it's nature it causes inflammation of mucous membranes (including stomach, gut, etc), joints, muscles, causes fatigue, brain fog, messes up the lymphatic system - I won't go on.
I have talked at length elsewhere on these forums & I have written a paper on the subject which I'll upload to the Holict-Centre. org when I get the time to update it, but will try & summarise in the meantime.
I currently believe it to be a secondary problem rather than the actual cause - the most likely cause being multiple food sensitivity &/or a chronic bacterial infection.
Starving it of sugars & more complex carbohydrates & ingesting things that help keep it down will help in the short term, but if it's in the blood stream, one has to bear in mind we need a certain level of glucose in the blood to live. Ask any diabetic.
After about 3 days it will adapt to live along side most herbs in the person, that are said to kill it off in the laboratory dish. I'm not saying don't take them if they help in the meantime, but sooner or later you're going to have to address it properly.
A good test to see if candida is a major player in your problem is to take a drug - shock horror - of the Diflucan variety. That's a porpriety name there are generics & they're common 'over the counter' medicines in most countries for the treatment of thrush & candiasis from AIDS. It's expensive about £12 a go, but this will breifly knock most of it out. Older antifungal drugs, such as Nystatin dosen't cross the barrier of the gut, so is less helpful.
The typical reaction if candida is a problem is that you will feel terrible for a day or two, then you'll feel great for a while, but it will slowly creep back.
At the end of the day it is an anaerobe - it can't survive in an oxygen rich environment. There are many ways to increase levels of oxygen - as I say Have talked about this elsewhere & will update paper.
Another option is something like a Rife Machine that emits a strong electromagnetic field - ideally at the resonant frequency of the offending candida species. Also, if the problem is secindary to a chronic bacterial infection & if we knew what frequencies to use then this approach might just crack it.
I am looking into the underlying food allergy/sensitivity theory & am awaiting research from a colleague on the bacterial hypothesis, but will keep you posted.
Other issues
It's known that many apparently healthy people harbour certain strains of candida, without ill effect, so the effectiveness of the immune system may be an issue. So maintinaing a sense of humour & learning to relax - ideally meditate is likely to help on that front. Pro & prebiotics, may also be helpful.
RE: Are you suffering from Candida?? Tired all the time???
Hi Andrew 😉
I found this article most interesting 😀 altho' it'll most probably bore you to tears 🙁
(Hope it opens .... as the site name went thru' a change recently [:@])
And THE CANDIDA TEST ... some Q & A to see whether one may have it [&:]
SHOUT if it doesn't open folks & I'll do my best to relocate it [:o]
PS: That wasn't a little 'dig' at me on the 'Parasite' thread I hope :D:D:D I'm NOT selling anything .... well, not here at any rate [8D]:):D;)
RE: Are you suffering from Candida?? Tired all the time???
Hi Shelli
I can recommend some natural products to help a gentle lotion and also a supplement/herbs that will clear the problem internally giving you back the healthy balance the body needs.
You can also do a free health check you can do live online at:
Then I will email you privately when I get your email details from that and will be happy to offer natural suggestions and diet advice.
They do wonderful natural products for dealing with Candida, lack of energy, Aththritis, IBS, weight management, Infertility and natural alternatives to HRT, Eczema to name just a few.
Importantly the supplements you buy off the shelves in health food shops or large chemists are packed with sugar and packing agents and have only around 2-3% active ingredients and sometimes end up making you feel worse. These products are 80-100% active ingredients, natural and no sugar or packing agents in them which is so important.
Warm Wishes
Herb Specialist
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Candida is not caught! it is actually inside of us and what we eat ie. sugars, junk food, unhealthy gut flora, promote the candida and it can often get out of control. male and females alike can both have it. someone mentioned it is airborn! i have not heard this before, it is inside each and everyone of us and something triggers it off, often poor diet.
low immune system etc. i used to have candida but i started to take gut flora bio cultures, mercy oil and maximol which flushed out toxins in the system and made the gut healthy. live yoghurt with bio cultures helps as well.
if you have candida take a step forward and look at your diet. candida just does not occur out of the blue, it is often what you feed yourself, dampness in the body where it can flourish.
hope this helps
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Believer, the zapper thing also works it kills the bacteria, you wee a lot during the treatment but it works. thanks for the thread. the equipment i brought from HP was about £59 i think and well worth it . you have to follow the instructions though 3 sesh of 7 mins each and 30 mins break or you get flu symptoms straight away!
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
HI Everyone,
My son who has ADD duecto Candida, has tried the diet the antifunguls & both made him very poorly. Tammy i must just say that late autumn ALL winter are by far the worst times of year for him as the moulds & fungus from the trees are being blown all over the place & it really does set off his ADD quite badly. I dread this time of year as I know my resolve will be pushed to the limit, & so bless him will his.
He gets sooo very tired all the time with headaches tummy aches nausea oh the list goes on.
Hi mystic, Oral nystatin in my experience does have an effect on Candida, it certainly did initially with my son, unfortunatley i think the diet was so very strict that we were sending his blood sugar wayvto low & it was giving him head aches blinding ones. I still have to watch his diet & if i feel he's had too much of something I have to restrict it again, But it's very hard with an 11 year old fussy eater. It's interesting to note that many of the autistic & ADD/ADHD spectrum children are in actual fact candida sufferers &/or hypersensitive to many food groups.
Oh my what a lot i've rambeled on about:)
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Hi Star Child
You are right it is so very difficult and very much so with a young child.
I guess it is trying a variety of things and find out what works for the individual.
It is good to know others have information on this subject and we can all help each other.
Warm Wishes
Herb Specialist
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Hi Annie
Thankyou so much am cutting sugar out now!!
Thankyou so much Mystic and tamlamb, I am having problems with rashes of late, this all since the darned fungus thingy. I am coming out in hives in the places where I sweat, any ideas as to what causes this would be of great help to me.
As i am scratching and making my skin bleed which i am sure isn't helping matters at all. I also had a dose of piles, only to find i was allergic to all the preparations for them, which in a way I am sure is the root of my problems now, i think I am sweating out the preparations and in turn causing the hives everywhere else, as I am allergic to the preparations in the first place.
Am going to go through bags of salt now as I find its the only thing which helps the itching, back to basics and an old pagan cure, as we believe salt cleanses, and it certainly is helping my itch lol... ty Dreamcatcher once again for that piece of advice.
L & L All
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Hi Starchild
Both my sons have ADHD (i think we talked about this on the other forum)
My sons havent got candida thankfully and i wasn;t aware that fungus made matters worse. This is something I will look into more closely.
I have asked on the reiki forum about reiki possibly being able to help my sons. I would be happy to share any information I can with you.
My youngest is going on an electronic tagging system soon, so I dont have to be on his case 24/7. If he goes out of say 100 metre range of me an alarm will sound. I cant wait it will be like having eyes in the back of my head!!
I was wondering if your son is still rather young and would benefit from this? Again, anything which I find useful I would be more than happy to share with you as I know how hard it is caring for an ADHD child.
L & L Shelli
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Hi Shelli
You are welcome we are all here to help.
Warm Wishes
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
I am Diabetic, and I just get it cleared up and it reapears.I find Tea tree oil,medical grade helps, also not wearing knickers and tights, Live youghurt inside and out,use it on a tampon to apply. Try not to scratch. Also eat the live yoghurt.No scented soaps at all it seems to make it worse,Ahealthy sex life seems to help as it lubricates down there,If you have got it so has hubby,[sm=hug.gif]Ells
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
HELLS BELLS ELLS [sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif] are most of the folk up north so uninhibited? [:o] :D:D:D
@ [sm=nuts.gif] (Blushing ... yet not a prude[sm=nono.gif])
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Sorry have I put my foot in it agian, I only say what I feel, and that helps with what the posts about, I'll go and hide behind the sofa[sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif] till its safe to come out.[sm=FIFangel.gif]Ells[sm=FIFangel.gif][sm=newangel.gif]maybe I should change my[sm=FIFangel.gif]to[sm=newangel.gif]
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
Salt in the bath helps. Dont shampoo your hair also in the bath, and not too hot bath, that can kill helpful skin bacteria,leaving it open to opportune invasions of thrush and other things,Ells[sm=newangel.gif][sm=soapbox.gif]no scented soap and that includes clothewashing thingys
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
As Tamlamb said, Maximol (Neways minerals) can help to get rid of toxins. My daughter has been having 5ml a day since she was 2 as she suffered from bad eczema. I have also recently discovered that Zinc and Castor Oil cream is a good alternative to antibiotics for skin trouble, but be careful as it can contain peanut oil. [&:]
I read somewhere that a good test for Candida is to spit into a glass of water and leave it for a few minutes. If the spittle trails down towards the bottom of the glass in tendrils then you probably have Candida. If it floats then you are fine (I think - please feel free to correct me anyone!)
Petal 😉
RE: Candida, Tired all the time
oh dear too much yeast, wheat, sugar and hi-carbs
recommend you adapt the atkins diet to your taste buds
if you change what you consume you should not have a problem
beig love
Kim xx