Just wanted a to started a thread specifically about what should be allowed in most circumstances on the candida. Below is a list of foods I am unsure or have conflicting advice about. It all seems to be very confusing, but with the friendly and informed advice available on these boards, I hope I may soon have a diet that wont be leaving me hungry, mineral deficient or feeding those yeasties.
- Soy Milk
- Tinned Fish
- Gluten/Wheat free Corn flakes
- Eggs (Dont seem to agree with me boiled, but scrambled seems to be fine), is there a maximum allowance?
- Supermarket vegetables - Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower, (any preparation techniques to be aware of?)
- Lemon juice(just puresqueezed lemon juice?)
- BrownBasmati Rice (boiled)
- Sirloin Steak
Thanks inadvance
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
- Soy Milk
check it is not sweetened with sugar. Most aren't you'll be pleased to hear 🙂
- Gluten/Wheat free Corn flakes
most will have sugar in them unless bought from a health food shop. In a HFS you can also buy individual bags of grains - millet, rice, barley, rye etc and make your own museli base.
- Eggs, is there a maximum allowance?
not to my knowledge
- Lemon juice(just puresqueezed lemon juice?)
it's better that way for other reasons, but not necessarily for candida reasons.
Here is the list I give to clients:
All vegetables
Most fruits - but avoid those with a 'bloom' e.g. grapes and plums.
All fish and meat except smoked; preferably organic, as non-organic meat is full of antibiotics and hormones
Eggs - preferably organic, for the same reasons as above
Plain tofu
All pulses such as lentils, chick peas etc
Fresh seeds (try sprouting them for a delicious and highly nutritious addition to meals)
Small amounts of FRESHLY SHELLED nuts, but avoid peanuts
Live plain yogurt, butter, milk - preferably organic for the same reasons as above.
Most whole grains (wheat is often not tolerated) - choose from rice, barley, oats, rye, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, corn (maize)
Yeast-free breads e.g. soda bread or sourdough bread
Some crackers and crispbreads (crackers) such as ryvita, oatcakes, rice cakes, corn crisp bread (check individual products for yeast / sugar)
Condiments such as lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, spices and herbs can be used to make dressings (think along the lines of a marinate made form lemon, garlic, cinnamon, cloves ginger and live yogurt).
Good to see you thinking positively. I know you wrote another post a few days ago, so I'll go and find that now 😉
Amethyst x
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
Thanks again.
My diet is now starting to take a bit of shape.....at last. Would you mind if i posted it up on here, for you to critique?
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
No problem, A11,
Glad to hear things are better for you 🙂
Amethyst x
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
Well symptoms seem to have peaked. Last week and the first few days of this one were really quite severe. My udos helped me through a few of the most inconvenient moments, but the rest was hell, up until about Wednesday, when it all seemed to dis appear and I actually felt good, no great.
MY first mistake was buying sweetened soya milk, D'oh. The old symptoms came back, but none of the ones that were identical to the assumed "die off" symptoms I hadrecently been experiencing.
The only other problem I have is that around mid afternoon, i start to feel tired and withdrawn. Not as bad as a fodoinduced reaction though.Possibly low blood sugar?
Splitting my lunch into two portions and then eating the secondtwo hour laters did delay this effect for about an hour or so.
Anyway, heres my diet, including some fibre shakes I have been reccomended to take.
1x 3 lac (sachet)
soya milk & brown rice puffs
peppermint tea
omega 3 fish oil capsule
Fibre shake
2 tsp EV olive oil
6 drops grape seed extract
1.5 tsp psyllium
250ml water
35 - 45g brown basmati rice
60g Tuna (tinned unfortunately, but hopefully will be fresh as of next week)
lettuce &carrot (supermarket foods non organic, will be replaced with organic next week)
peppermint tea
1000mg flax oil
Fibre shake, same as before
Same as 12.45, without carrot
peppermint tea
2x Scrambled eggs
Broccolli, carrott, lettuce, tomato (first two boiled, tom's grilled)
50mg vit b6
peppermint tea
Yeast raiders (contains sulphites?)
200mg 5-htp, 3mg vit b6
10.00 - Bed (occassionally aid sleep with a melatonin capsule)
So that's my current diet butI plan to visit my meat supplier tomorrow and purchase a kg of sirloin steak and a kg of chicken breasts and possibly some fresh mackerel and tuna.I can then avoid any tinned fish. This should enable me to alternate my protein sources and add a slight bit of variety to my dietary day too, if you approve.
I do got a bit peckish, well very hungry, and I am losing weight, but thats no surprise and its not my main concern. However, snacks are. Is it ok to eat packaged walnuts? Or any nuts, or do I have to have some type of fresh nuts?
Are there any other light and easy bites you can reccomend?
Also, I am desperate to add a piece of fruit, especially to add a tiny bit of sugar, but thinking back to how bananas and apples affected me a few weeks ago, I am looking for something a little less sugary. Anything you can reccomend?
Oh, and just let me thank you again, your encouragement last week really did help me through. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can hear you all chearing me towards it.
Best regards,
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
I'm on a tight schedule today, A11, but will get back to this tonight and post up a response either then or tomorrow morning.
Well done for getting through the horrible bits! You're doing really well.
Amethyst x
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
Hi again, A11,
I'm delighted that you have experienced feeling 'great' this week - that's very encouraging news.
My feeling is that you are needing to balance your blood sugars some more - this is pretty common with some people with elevated candida in the first throes of trying to sort this out. So, the first thing I notice is a huge gap (4 hours) between your breakfast, which is little more than rice with 80% air inside 😀
it's a good move to split your lunch into two and I would suggest adding a morning snack as well.
I will recommend 6 small meals a day to some clients and if you were one of mine I would be erring towards that for you with what you have said on the board here. you might like an evening snack too? nothing too heavy before bed, obviously, but you might find you feel better for it.
Am I assuming that you have not listed all the water you are drinking? I'm hoping you are drinking 1 1/2 - 2 litres a day...................
I feel that you might be better with a little more good quality protein - you are addressing that already, so I would go with that. I don't feel your breakfast is enough - could you add something to it?
For snacks, sure, you could try some good quality, organic walnuts. The other thing would be seeds - sesame, sunflower, pumpkin for example - a handful of those will go a long way to filling you up and perhaps a tablespoon on your breakfast would be a good move.
You can also get a tin of chickpeas, drain them, toss in spices and dry in the oven for a lovely snack. You could eat plain crisps too - you're in the UK? Somehting like Kettle chips or tyrells would be ok.
you could snack on ryvita or oatcakes spread with hummous, guacamole, mashed fish or dahl for example.
A great thing for you to add to your meals would be sprouted seeds - mung beans, alfalfa, whatever you fancy; they are the perfect food 🙂
For fruit, how about kiwis, berries - raspberries, strawberries, blackberries etc. or grapefruit - do any of those appeal to you?
I'm so glad you are seeing that light at the end of the tunnel - hold that vision 😉
Keep us updated on your progress.
Amethyst x
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
Yesterday I attended my arranged doctors appointment, and as planned the blood tests found no reason for my ill health. Immediately following this comment though, I was keen to stress that my diet was very limited, and that a few simple experiments using sweetend and then unsweetened soya milk, that I was avoiding sugar, due its defnite effects.
I had mentioned the possibility of having Candida before, but after insisting for 6 months that I had coeliacs and umpteen intollerances I decided that I should just let them work it out. A result that now is definitely not going to happen, after my doctors insistance that no illness or condition would affect me through the consumption of sugar, based on my blood test results.
He took my weight, and thentold me I am under-weight. Which I know to be true and I accept this because of my dietary changes. I have always been slim and by soma-type classification I am an ectomorph with slow metabolism. This doesnt really bother me right now, because my diet is heading in the right direction and so is my wel being.
After that he just said its a problem that we will never know what it is, and it seems to be going so just eat healthy, goodbye.
I gave him a fake smile, and counted my blessings that I had such resources as this website and informed, friendly members to help me through my times.
This whole experience has left me saddened in some ways, the thought of other people in my position receiving the same proffessional advice just doesnt seem acceptable.
Anyway, in response to your last comment, I am definitely looking to add more food, possibly supplementing my home made rice and millett porridge with soya protein isolate, which actually improved the meal.Taste and texture, it was a revelation.
I picked up a kg of sirloin and a leg of lamb from my meat supplier this morning. Both of those will be accompanied by rown rice and a bit of veg more than likely, but is there any ill effects I need to be aware from too much of either or a combimation of these meats?
I do like crisps to be fair, but I am really trying hard to re-awaken my tastebuds by avoiding excess alt and sugars. I'll definitely get some of the nuts mentioned.
There is a pack of hemp protein in my cupboard, I was planning on saving it for when I start to get back into a bit of a light weight training routine, possibly as a morning shake. But if theres reason for me to make use of it now then please say.
I'm really looking forward to a relaxing bank holiday now, with plenty of meat and plenty of sleep. Have a good one yourself too, "Amethystcave".
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
How do you manage it mentally? I should do the diet for my colitis but food is my only treat in life. The only thing I do for me. I also find the diet really dry and expensive!
I can't take all the supplements because of breastfeeding and also wonder if it is vain becaus eof the mouldy windows in my house. We can't afford to replace them.
RE: Candida - Foods allowed?
Yes, so far its been quite some nightmare. Mentally and physically though. My reward fuels my enthusiasm. Once I'm free of all the mental and physical restrictions brought about by this, there is no doubt, that nearly all aspects of my life will flourish. Already the improvements are noticeable.
The hardest part is being hungry and the constant temptation of lifes evils which are dressed up as treats. But both of these hurdlles seem to shorten as the treatment goes on.
I have learnt a lot about myself, about how my body works and food in general. The Candida curse may well be a blessing, but the sooner its over the better.