I recently started making my own sourdough bread. Instead of bought bakers' yeast, you use natural microbes in the flour and air to prove, or raise the bread. I started doing this as I couldn't find tasty bread locally, but I have been reading about the health benefits of sourdough, the natural yeasts/bacteria, break down the four into a more digestible form, and some people who can't usually toterate wheat or yeast can eat this bread.
Anyone kow anything about this?
I did have candidiasis myself and bad IBS and was on a yeast and sugar free diet for years. I am ok now, but which I had known about sourdough earlier.:)
If you read Andrew Whitley's book "Bread Matters", he talks about the increase in wheat intolerance/coeliac disease, and by his investigations and knowledge of bread making (he really knows his stuff), it would seem it's because of the chorleywood process of making bread and how fast the bread is made. He's found that some people who are wheat/gluten intolerant with normal shop bought bread can actually tolerate bread that is made over longer time, such as sourdough or other breads where the proving is done over 24-48 hours or more. I can't remember the details without digging the book out, but it's something to do with how the sugars, gluten and/or acids in the bread break down over time.
All Love and Reiki Hugs