I would be grateful for any help in diagnosing and/or treating my condition.
Quite frequently when I eat or drink a hot/cold drink I experience a dull ache immediately as the food/drink goes down...kind of like the lining is reacting against the intake - feels like
a sort of seizing up/gnawing sensation. It's as if the gut pipe lining (before it reaches the stomach) is resisting the intake and feels raw.
I used to get this feeling when I didn't eat, i.e. when out and about. It was then relieved by Rennies. They taste horrid and would rather find a natural cure.
I don't think it's gastritis since I have no other symptoms i.e. don't have vomiting, heartburn, acid reflux or indigestion. Occasionally get a pain in stomach but if I massage it I find it was just trapped wind - the pain dissipates with the massage.
About 3 months ago I went on a one day lemon juice fast - quite a lot of lemons. I
wonder if this has had some effect on the gut lining. I didn't notice any repercussion at the time (after the fast) but over the past month or so I have had this condition.
I am 63, fairly obese and am a full time carer i.e. my life is prone to stress. I take Losartan for my high blood pressure but this condition is not one of the side effects.
Any idea what it is and how I can treat it naturally?
Yogurt is beneficial for the gut bacteria.Just plain old yogurt, not fancy stuff with fancy prices.
Honey in warm water on empty stomach. Bananas settle the rawness sometimes.
lemons are alkaline, but because we think they are acidic, we may put ourselves on that track that they have made the stomach raw. even if lemons caused it, the body is busy getting over that. Everything in balance.
It is a common response of gut to feel raw if you feel stressed in your job. Don't invest too much worry into it. gentle exercise and plenty fluids, going easy on tea cofee, alcohol for a brief period of time. and remember to chillax! Body knows how to heal itself, if you forget to worry about it.
Hope it is good soon
[COLOR="Green"]Thanks Jnani. I didn't make it clear that this experience is in the gut pipe lining leading down to the stomach, i.e. not in the stomach itself so I have amended my post above. The effect (when experienced) is immediate when I eat or drink something - I can feel it in the pipe going down. Yes I am up to speed on yogurt, probiotics etc but the problem is not in the stomach itself.
Hi Amy,
When you say you can feel the effects of hot or cold food in the pipe before it reaches the stomach, do you mean your ?
In your position, all I would do is not make the experience bigger than it is.
Of course, It is entirely up to you how you deal with it - me, I would simply be gentler with myself and with food and drink temperatures. Letting hot food (or drink) cool before eating, and allowing cold, refrigerated food to come up to room temperature before eating. Which, I would see, as have a natural and beneficial regulatory effect on mealtimes, slowing the pace at which each mouthful is consumed.
Hi Amy
Might it be [DLMURL="http://www.information-leaflets.stft.nhs.uk/stft-leaflets/leafletpotfolder/public_leaflet_pot/2968.htm"]oesophagitis[/DLMURL]? The only person who can diagnose this is the doctor.
Meanwhile to soothe it some [url]slippery elm[/url], aloe vera, or even [url]raw cabbage juice [/url]can be helpful. I'd avoid deglycyrrhised liquorice (DGL) because it might impact on your blood pressure.
Hope you get it sorted soon
Thanks for the posts above - yes it's in my oesophagus (didn't want to use that term in case members were not familiar with it).
Caroline you are right - it's oesphagitis (have since google searched), notably gastro-oesephageal reflux (acid reflux). I ruled this out since I thought you had to have an acidic backlash/taste come up from your stomach, but apparently this is not always the case.
Wild Strawberry - yes, I do tend to bolt my food and have noticed that if I eat more normally that the symptoms abate. Thanks for this advice.
Being overweight seems to be the key factor here - also have been bending a lot (doing the gardening).
Although I do get it daily, it's not excruciating - just uncomfortable....does it warrant seeing a GP do you think? Really don't want to go on any more drugs/medicines.
Cutting back on food is too hard since I am a full time carer and food is my one perk/guaranteed comforter. I guess I could develop healthier tastes than unsalted crisps and organic chocolate....I like carrots but prefer carrot cake! :p
I will continue to google search for a cure but is there a natural way of alleviating this condition - oesphagitis? Thanks.
Hi Amy
Yes, I'd still go and get it checked out in case it is something else.
If 'all is well' then do follow as healthy a diet as you can, plus the suggestions I gave you can all help to alleviate any discomfort in the alimentary canal. Fish oils also help restore cell struture and reduce inflammation.
Try to avoid bending down straight after a meal for a couple of hours to reduce the risk of stomach contents being pushed into the oesophagus while still digesting food. The oesophageal lining does not have a layer of mucus cells to protect it from gastric juices, like in the stomach, and so can become burned by the stomach contents (the acid is later neutralised by the bile in the duodenum lower down). You certainly don't want it to get painful to the excruciating level!
I would also suggest you try separating high carbs from protein meals - [url]see here[/url] - just have them at different times. This avoids the gas produced by the carbs causing regurgitation while the stomach is still slowly trying to digest the proteins. Makes a big difference in this sort of situation.
All the best
Thanks Caroline - will book a GP appointment then.
I have tried drinking aloe vera (in the past) and it tasted FAR too bitter to tolerate.
I have no way of extracting raw cabbage juice - I suppose having raw cabbage, e.g.
coleslaw is not enough. The fish oils is do-able though.
Thanks for your advice. 🙂
Natural help
I don't know if you have sorted it now, I swear by Aloe Vera. I take it every day and really think it would help you. I have used aloe Vera based programmes to lose weight and detox as well as for digestive problems.
It's really good for soothing the insides and for immune problems. If you want any more info please ask! I hope this helps!
Slippery Elm all the way! [url]Slippery elm[/url] Have a look here for some info. My sister is a herbalist anmd got me onto this when I had lots of stomach problems a few years ago. It's awesome!
Slippery Elm all the way! [url]Slippery elm[/url] Have a look here for some info. My sister is a herbalist anmd got me onto this when I had lots of stomach problems a few years ago. It's awesome!
Thanks for your post. I read your link and liked it until I got to the part that says it stimulates the reflux! This is what I am trying to avoid.
I have managed to soothe the situation by pro-biotic yogurt, not bending over so much after I have eaten and eating more slowly. This has abated the situation quite markedly and made seeing my GP not really necessary now.
Thank you all for your replies. 🙂
So pleased you have it sorted! The probiotics are excellent too. Re the slippery elm I think the reflux action is actually a beneficial one as it stimulates the nerves to produce mucous to line your stomach which can ease a sore gastric lining. Not to be confused with acid reflux!
Anyway, you are better now and don't have to see a GP.
Take care and thanks for getting back to me.