I had my gall bladder removed 3 years ago and all was fine for approx 2 years, since then I keep getting periodic bouts of lower stomach pain/cramps these last for perhaps 6/8 hours.
Sometimes I get them a couple of times a week and sometimes I can go a couple of weeks feeling fine.
Diet is normally not that rich, plenty of veg etc, cannot really put it down to any particular food.
Indigestion mixtures have no effect.
Anyone had a similar problem, suggestions for something to help would be very welcome.
Hello Roy - Welcome to Healthypages :wave:
I presume you have had this checked over by the doctor? Pain is always indicative of something being not quite right.
If the Dr says there is nothing to be done I would suggest you see a [url]Nutritional Therapist[/url] who will be able to assess the whole of you and suggest what is right for you. Nutritional therapy is relatively new in some ways and is based on [url]Functional Medicine[/url] - Google this for more info.
I have an inkling that it is to do with poor digestion as a result of drugs upsetting the balance of bacteria in your gut and the change to the way the bile is now dribbled into the gut rather than being stored and emptied out as needed for digestive and excretion purposes. This can produce toxins that can cause upset to the lining of the gut - but it needs a proper consultation to sort this out.
It never ceases to amaze me how much difference eating the right foods for a person, taking the right supplements and changing one's lifestyle can make. Patrick Holford always says "You cannot expect a different outcome if you continue doing the same thing that caused you to become ill in the first place*. The nutritional therapist is trained to help people make the changes that are specifically right for that individual.
Let us know how you get on. Wishing you all the best.
As Caroline related, have you been to see a doctor about this? The pain you're experiencing may not even be related to the gallbaldder. I'd make an appointment to check this out.
I have a friend also did [url]Gall Bladder Surgery[/url], but he took only a couple of months time is adapted to the no Gall Bladder life. Your this kind of condition may be related to your physical quality, at the same time, you may not have a good living habits. I suggest you still go to see a doctor, the specific check body. Let the doctor give you arrange a reasonable recovery plan.