I'm 24 male 168cm, but I'm very very skinny. I have a long period semi-starvation history, due to poor nutrition situation. Actually I went to doctor before, and checked the body and doctor told me everything is fine, advised me to eat more candy or drink wine to gain weight.
After few months, I doubled my intake calories, but my body never gained any weight. I'm so desperate, and depressed.
I think my problem maybe:
1. Genetic fact (my father is slim also, but my brother is strong)
2. Fast metabolism
3. Long history semi-starvation
By the way, with the reason of lock nutrition, my sketch is small, I look like a kid.
What should I do to increase the weight ?
Anybody in here, can give a a reply ?
Hi there Paco - welcome to Healthy Pages. I am sure many will answer over the next few days but I cannot give you any advice just now as I shall be busy for the next day or so.
All the best
Thanks for your rely.
Now majority people are enjoying the 2012 London Olympic Games. 🙁
Welcome here. I thought I say hello and reassure you someone will get back to you
In the meantime my ramblings
Your username is skinny paco! and you want to fatten up! Perhaps stop focusing on being skinny a tad less...
It will be a lot easier if you stop perceiving it as a problem. Because that's what most are doing...making problems one after the other. We live in a society which loves to talk of issues and solving them.
Relax. What has happened in your past is done and dusted with. If you keep working from perspective of past, it will only recreate situation similar to that. Leave it be. You are here and now. Focus on what feels good...a nice healthy body feels good? Then function from that. Stay in that peace that you get when you feel your body is nice and healthy and capable.
There is no know-how to life. In this very moment stop looking, seeking answers and enjoy being you. You are always the same, the body may plump up or stay skinny. Its immaterial. But if you learn to stay happy with you, all rest takes care of itself.
Eat what you really feel like, what you really crave( eating healthy will become another trap, over time), exercise( not to achieve an end game to get stronger etc) but purely for the joy of it.
Society seems to encourage goals, agendas, targets to work towards but life knows no such rules. Personal agendas only hinder and get in the way unnecessarily.
Don't worry about how to get there, make sure you dance your way there
. Actually I went to doctor before, and checked the body and doctor told me everything is fine, advised me to eat more candy or drink wine to gain weight.
5 years at medical college and he comes up with advice like that?!
Paco, there is NOTHING wrong with being 'skinny'/lean/athletic!
It sounds like you have an image problem. 'Heart and soul' and being a nice person is much more important.
If you really want to gain weight:
1) Ignore your doctor's crazy advice. That is only going to send you the other way and make you fat - and probably ill as well.
2) A healthy balanced diet is always best, in your case with greater emphasis on protein. Protein helps to build muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so you can gain weight and 'bulk out' but in a good way. Exercise, including some weights, will help too.
Thanks for advises from jnani and Mountaineer.
What I want to say is every people want to be himself (herself) or live in his world. But the reality is we are social people, we need to contact and working with people, the people who around us or working with us may affect our personality or self image. When I'm 21, a girl told me I'm very kind and good man except I'm skinny (actually lot of experience about this).
Actually, I hate to put skinny title on me, but I have to admit that. Now I'm 24, I would like to find my girlfriend. Because I know first apperance is the key when firstly meet with girls.
I know I can not change my past, but I need to learn from past experience. Everyone's past experience is two sides of a coin.
What I need to do:
Firstly, I need to keep a positive and happy mood.
Secondly, I need to eat a lot food which contains protein, also do some weight lifting.
Last, I need to be patient before I body start to gain weight.
Is it right ?
This topic still on the first in digestive subforum.
Hi Paco
You could do little better than follow the [url]advice here[/url]. Eat enough, often enough, of good quality food and have plenty of muscle exercise. If you eat too much and don't work it off then you get a fat belly and skinny legs and arms - not a pretty sight!
Change your attitude 😎 Try to appreciate your body - we are all different shapes! Appreciating your body is a great way to start - it needs to know you love it and then it will start working better. You will then start feeling better about yourself and in so doing start attracting the right friends (and girls) :D:). It is very difficult to make good friends if you are uncomfortable with yourself or your body - it means you give off the wrong vibes!
Putting a note to yourself on your mirror in the bathroom is a good place to start. Have written on it in your own writing something like "I love my body. It is amazing! It does so many wonderful things for me. I am strong, full of energy and people love me too". Read it out loud every day while looking at yourself in the mirror, and try and say it as though you mean it - even shout it at yourself if you are not listening :rolleyes:. Do this as many times a day as you can manage for at least 2 months, and you'll be surprised at the results! It doesn't cost anything except a few moments of your time several times a day and it saves expensive therapist bills!!!
Let us know how you get on.
Thanks Caroline,
I already read the recommend article, if you google "skinny guy how to gain weight", then you will find it at first result.
I think the article is suitable for normal people, anyhow I would like to take action and have a try, then testify by myself it's ture or false.
Hi, guys,
Now I'm eating 6 meals a day, and after two months, I just got 5KG increase on body. Now I'm drinking the Pro complex gainer (whey plus sugar), hope can gain more weight.
Hi Paco - that's a great start! 5kg in 8 weeks is excellent!! Be wary of too much sugar though - protein, yes, that's good along with plenty of fruit and veg.
Have you tried the other suggestion about loving your body? You'll be amazed how much difference it can make too.
All the best
Yeah, it's amazing to gain weight. Just the opposite, now I still hate my body, even I know life is precious. I don't ask too much, just a normal figure body, so now I'm working at it. Unless there is no any chance, then I will accept it or call it reality and love it.