i have been suffering with constant nausea for the last 5 weeks. i cant eat anything as i feel so sick so have lost a lot of weight. This originally started around this time last year but then disappeared. i underwent an endoscopy in January this year and this showed that i had gastritis so was put on omeprazole. i have also been taking metoclopramide for the nausea but this weren't working so have just started domperidone. I have no pain anywhere just this awful constant nausea, i say constant, it comes on as soon as i wake up in the morning and goes off around 7.30 at night. i have no appetite whatsoever. i have been back and forth to the doctors and he has now suggested it might be all psychological. i am getting to the end of my tether and dont know what to do next. i look and feel awful.
My partner is supportive but i know he has had enough too.
Anyone else suffering like this.
The doctor suggesting it is all psychological does NOT mean he thinks you are making it up or that it is all in the mind. . The original problem a year ago could have been a physical manifestation of an underlying emotional issue. If it was then the solution is not drugs but to deal with the emotional issue.
Gastritis can be caused by a number of things - and the drugs prescribed are logical. But ALL drugs cab cause nausea - it is the most common side effect reported with every drug and could be due to the physical act of swallowing a tablet - or the psychological effect of knowing your are ill and NEED tablets.
But sometimes physical symptoms occur and there is no obvious cause.
You imply the drugs are no longer helping - are you still taking them? Have you looked at possibly dietary causes? (Not my speciality but I am sure someone on here can give you advice)
If you want advice about possible complementary remedies than I would recommend reiki, but I know reflexology, aromatherapy, and homeopathy may also be helpful.
Nux Vomica would be a good homeopathic remedy for nausea - it is a good all round remedy. (I am NOT a homeopat but I have studied homeopathy)
Hi thanks for your response. I have today started the domperidone and that seems to be working for the nausea. i have thought about dietary causes and plan to speak to my gp next time i am there. I also have an appointment with a counsellor next week so i will see how that goes. I have had quite a lot of stress recently having lost one of my sons 5 years ago. You never get over sonething like thst. Peraps thats where my problem lies.
Terri, I read your last post with interest and believe that you have hit the nail on the head with your final 3 sentences - I have had quite a lot of stress recently having lost one of my sons 5 years ago. You never get over sonething like that. Perhaps that's where my problem lies.
I really hope that your appointment with a counsellor has a positive outcome. Hopefully they will suggest something like CBT or EFT. I have personal experience of the 'chemical' route and it didn't work, but hypnotherapy was my saviour.
Thanks Jabba for your response. Hopefully the counselling will do the trick