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Can't Burp

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Hi im a 28 year old male and i have never been able to burp. Occasionally one tiny burp will slip out but its never intentional. Instead i get these low grumbles in my lower throat area. Sounds like my stomach is rumbling except in my throat. Its made worse by drinking anything carbonated and gassy type foods like mexican. During its worst times it often causes me to dry heave and have great stomach pains

any ideas??

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RE: Cant Burp


I just see you had simmilar problems like I did.
Since I heard about I have been taking Colonix-program
Now I dofeel much better 🙂
I strongly advise to anyone who has digestive or obstipationproblems to check out this
product, , because it has change my life 🙂
The company name is drnatura and it is the most poppular program in US.
If I can help to anyone with my experience, please feel free to write me.

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RE: Cant Burp

Hi all!

I had great experiences with [link= ]DrNatura[/link]'s products too! I'm glad it is becoming more and more known among people, it deserves it. For those who are interested, you can check the discussion on healthypages regarding this topic: .
Go for health!


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RE: Cant Burp

hay everyone, i have suffered with the same symptoms my entire life, im28yo male. just one point, it seems to me after eating i may be producing to much saliver, some times when im travelling i get the bloating sensation followed by the anxiety, and the only way i can relieve it is to start spitting out saliver, after a while it seems to help. i have tried most things i can think of, i used to stick my fingers down my throat and i would usually vomit air the first two times, then on the third go i would actually vomit. but still this onlyprovides temporyrelief, although i still need to do it on occasions when im feelingreally seems to just build up again after a short while, infact the best solution i have found is relaxing. its not perfect or even possible sometimesbut its strange how the symptoms come on, its like there stress related. sometimes the symptoms come on when i have not eaten anything at all.

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RE: Cant Burp

I googled "I can't burp" and came to this website. I have the same problem and have had it since I was in middle school. Caffeine makes it worse. I haven't gotten to the point of sticking my finger down my throat. What I do that helps a little is clench my stomach muscles in an effort to squeeze the gas out. I also have acid reflux and sometimes this clenching makes me vomit a little. Not many people are talking about one of the side effects, farting. The gas has to go somewhere and for me it ends up going through my intestine which is uncomfortable. I had no idea so many people had the same problem, my friends just laugh at me and can't understand the concept of not being able to burp. There is a need for a treatment to this ailment I hope we all can find relief.

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RE: Cant Burp


Ok. I'm a 21-year-old female and have had this belching problem for about 6 years. I had a bad case of bronchitis and one day I woke up and couldn't burp. I tried everything, jumping up and down, to sticking my fingers down my throat, tums, cirucell, ext. I eventally just learned to live with the discomfort and the ridiculous amount of bloating. Burps would get caught down in my stomach, and I would try to work them up, but they would always get caught in my chest or in my throat and then I could feel them go back down into my stomach. My heart would pound at night and I would have to sleep with my arms above my head to stretch me out so I could breathe. The bloating would press up against my lungs and make me feel like I was going to pass out when just trying to walk. This gave me panic attacks. When I would lay down, food and liquids I just consumed would come back up. It was awful! I always felt so full of air and wanted to throw up, no to mention the gas, how horrible. I would have to sit up in bed at night or after eating, or just whenever and beat on my stomach and chest just to get some air up to help.

I finally went to see a gastroenterologist last year and he put me on all the stupid stuff for acid reflux and nothing worked. He had me do a barium swallow (the worst I have ever felt in my life, and they could still see NOTHING wrong with me). And then I also had an upper GI (upper endoscopy) performed, and still nothing. He then assumed it was a muscle problem and put me on a medication called Diasepam. I went ahead and took the one pill a day thinking nothing would happen, and guess what? I HAD RELIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now here's the catch: Diasepam is mainly intended for anxiety, but can also be used for muscle spasms. The bad part is that it is a narcotic, and can become addictive, and is a form of Valume. After taking it for sometime I felt SO MUCH BETTER. And after I had been on it for sometime and I tried to stop taking it to see if I could function well without it too, I unfortunately went right back to the way I started. When I take this medication, I can belch, but only very loudly and very largely. It stopped the food traveling back up me when I lay down, and best of all, it stopped the bloating (to an extent). I never feel sick anymore!!!! It doesn't work 100%, but I'd give it a good 70%. I feel somewhat normal again! I have noticed that when I chew or drink (and you should look for this too) is that I swollow a ridiciulous amount of air when I am eating. My diagnosis of myself is that my muscles are too tense ornot workingcorrectlyto let air up, and to make matters worse, I have a problem to where I swollow too much air (the doctor had a name for that condition). Unfortuately I still have a seriously bad amount of gas, but it's definitely better than being sick all the time and I can BURP!!!!

It will probably take some convincing to get your doctor to put you on this medication, but let me tell you, it has changed my life and made me feel so much better. I am still seeing other doctors to try to cure me altogether, so let's cross our fingers and hope one of us figures it out. I just think it's so silly that we have to be put on such a serious medication to give us relief. I really do assume it's a muscular problem.

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RE: Cant Burp

Just correcting myself a bit . . .

The drug I take is spelled Diazepam, 1 pill a day at 2 milligrams.

It is a form of Valium.

When you swallow too much air when you eat, drink, chew gum, suck on stuff, etc. it is called aerophagia.

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RE: Cant Burp

like everyone i registered just for this forum.

I am 18 and I have the same problem as many of you and have never burped in my life. My mom says even as a baby i would vomit instead of burping.I get the same symptoms as many of the other posts such as the gurgle and bloating. I have been able to live with this problem until I'd say junior year in High School when i started to realize I had a problem.When I would go to a party and drink beer it was obvious i physically could not burp.It felt like all the air was just tarpped in my stomach until i kept drinking and the air forced its way out with everything else in my stomach.When the air builds up I just vomit.This also happens with anything carbonated such as soda.I went to see a gastro doc and he sent me for a GI barium thing (which completely sucked) and it showed it takes me 3 hours to digest food. Dont know if that has anything to do with the burping. i went to a new gastro and im having an endoscopy on wednesday and this guy says he most likely wont do anything for me except give me dieting tips unless he finds something wrong with the anatomy of my stomach or intestines. Im getting pretty aggrivated because a simple thing like burping would improve my life so much. I want to gte a cure for this before college so I am able to go out and drink like every other normal human being who goes to college! I will bring up that medicine that the last post just said but im willing to bet he will not prescribe it because he seems like an ass. Anyway just sharing my story and if i find out anything after my endoscopy that can help you guys ill repost again.

Keep this post going as long as we can!

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RE: Cant Burp

Yeah, both of my gastroenterologists are stupid. They won't even listen to what is wrong with me. They're just like, "More tests. More tests. More tests." I've had a barium swallow where after they made me swallow all that white junk and then take a tablet so they could watch it go down, and the tablet got stuck in my chest and wouldn't go down because I was so full of air.Allof my expensive tests haveproven unconclusive, even though during all of them I have felt the worst I have ever felt in my life. It's very hard to believe that for as bad as I felt that they could not have noticed something wrong. Anyways, my both of my doctors argue whether or not I should be on this medication. But think about it this way:

If none of the DIGESTIVE tests are showing anything, and I am on a MUSCLE RELAXER, and that has helped tremendously, wouldn't you assume that it is a MUSCLE problem we have? One of my gastroenterologists has even said that he didn't know if what we were dealing with was even a digestive problem, although it's easy to assume it is because it deals with belching. My next step is to get an appointment with a muscle specialist, if there even is such a thing.

Also, unfortunately you cannot drink (or shouldn't) while on this medication. Believe me, I've tried, and after one beer I feel like hitting the floor. My gastroenterologist warned me that it makes the effects of alcohol 10 times stronger if not more, and I believe it. Makes me a very, very cheap drunk that's for sure. Anyways, whenever I know I'm going to drink, I just don't take my medicine that day and just deal with it. Usually works out fine.

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RE: Cant Burp

Well Im hoping that theresa less strong medication than the form of valume thatyou're on because valume + alcohol= bad news..when I went to the first gastro guy he said there are many types of medicines that relax the smooth muscles which help burping..but Im not sure if those are safe with alcohol..Even if they arent safethe medicine would just help me every day when i eat so i would still love it. But on the days that you don't take the medicine can you still burp or do your symptoms go back tothe way it wasif you skip a day?

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RE: Cant Burp

The day I don't take it is usually alright. I mean, towards the end of the day I can tell that I haven't taken it but it's not severe like it normally is. After about 2 days, I am right back to how I started, and I feel terrible and can't burp and get all bloated, etc.

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RE: Cant Burp

Does anyone know if they sell smooth muscle relaxers over the counter?

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RE: Cant Burp

well i had an endoscopy today (which is a lot better than the barium test) and it turns out that i have 3 things wrong.

i have a hiatal hernia, GERD, and gastritis. My doctor gave me a prescription for it but i dont know if this will allow me to burp or not..we'll find out soon i guess.I have a follow up in 2 weeks so we'll see what he says about the inability to burp and if these things are causing it.

well i'll keep updating until i find the answer to the problem.

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RE: Cant Burp

I must admit, now thinking about it, it could well be a muscular problem as I often find my stomach tensed up but am unable to loosen the muscles.

Maybe we are getting somewhere.... it'd be great to find a cure!


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RE: Cant Burp

hey everyone! 🙂
i posted a while back. (my post is the longest 1 on here you can't miss it. haha)
i had bronchitis about a month and a half ago and the doctor that was treating me was actualy interrested in this whole inability to burp and breathing problems from it and everything. i gave him a list of some websites and he went on his own doctors site and look everything up. he took time to look into my case. him and my doctor whose name is julie like me talked about my case. i went to see her last thursday because i had a breathing attack after lunch at school. i didn't want to do the forced burps because i didn't want to throw up because i ate so much. so i went to the nurse (she was very mean about it because she wouldnt let me lay on my back even though i told her i had to do that to breathe. she said people who can't breathe shouldn't lay on their backs because that makes it worse. i had to lean back in a chair.) my doctor wrote a note for me saying i could lay down when this happens...also heres the GREAT NEWS!!! they know what i have!!!!! they're going to tell me soon because my doctor forgot the name and she has to ask the other doctor who has all the information.
she did tell me that i have a rare condition that not many people have heard of. there are only 5 reported cases in the United States. 5 PEOPLE INCLUDING ME IN THE WHOLE UNITED STATES!!!!! wow. this shocked me. she told me the other doctor looked into it and found the name and everything. they are supposed to tell me everything tomorrow when i go for a followup visit.
i can't wait!!!!! my whole life i've been trying to get doctors to believe me and help me! i finally found 2 that did. my doctor only remembered the male doctor saying that it was rare and there is no cure but there are medicines to try to control it. she definitly doesn't want me on the heavy muscle relaxers because that is the absolute last option. she said my case is the worst out of the 5 that were reported. as of right now i am on these chewable tablets called simethicone gas relief and the brand is leader. there are 100 tablets and they come in a turquoiseish bottle.if you have any questions about it ask me! they don't make you fart or burp or anything. i guess you still fart as much as usual butit makes you feel likeyou don't need to burp out air because itreduces the air trapped inside of you.they basiclydo something with the gasbubbles while they're still in your stomach! it makes it so much easier to breathe. it really is helping. it's obviously not enough but i can breathe now after i eat! it says 1-2 after meals but i take 2-4 depending on how much i eat since my condition is bad. now after i eat i don't get gurlgles in my chest as much as i used to. i still have attacks but not every day likei used to. thesetablets are seriously amazing.ive tried soooo many medicines and who knew that an over the counter chewable tablet would help more than anything?!? i wish there were a cure but there isn't so i'm going to keep trying things and posting updates. i'll let you all know details as soon as i find out. I TOLD YOU ALL I WOULDN'T LET YOU DOWN! :Di knew i'dd find something out. i never give up. lifes too short to give up. corny statement i know. i just turned 18 a few days ago and this information was what i wished for when i blew out my candles (as i wish for every year) and 2 days later i got my wish this year. i'll keep you all posted! in the meantime try the medicine. and e-mail me or post if you have any questions or want to talk on aim i'm free to talk! i hope i've helped you all. it doesn't stop here. i'll post lots more!!!!! 😉

* ~ Julie ~ *

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RE: Cant Burp

Amazing!I thought I was alone in this world as well. Like the majority of everyone else, I too get those annoying gurgling noises instead of burping. I can relate to the embarrasment as well as trying to explain it to the person next to you. I have given up alcohol (Im in college too:() as well as trying to eat a generally healthy diet. Nothing helps except lying on your back. Oddly enough, just laying on my side at night actually increases the frequency. I recently went to the doctor, who prescribed Prilosec, which got rid of the occassional heartburn. I have been researching our symptoms and have found somewhat close diagnosies. Some say its something to do with "the ring of schatzki", or even an upside down stomach. One person said they had a balloon inflate their 9mm Lower Esphogeal Spincter to 14mm and they were then able to burp. However, no one seems to be able to describe it unless they themselves have it. Im just praying that somewhere a doctor actually realizes that this is an actual problem and there's more than one person suffering (we're not alone!). Hey at least its not fatal...

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RE: Cant Burp

Had the follow up appointment of the endoscopy today and he said the inability to burp must be "in my head". Right when he said that I laughed and told him he had to be kidding.Then he said it could be a muscle problem which i knew all along and he named 3 or 4 drugs that allow people to burp and 3 of them are not available in the US for some reason and the other one he said he wouldnt give it to me becuase he doesnt think people should be on medicine long term. I'm going to another doctor now and this is problably the last hope of getting a cure. Ill repost if I end up getting some answers.

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RE: Cant Burp

Just had to post this. Stay tuned to hear about my own harrowing adventures with The Gurgles.

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RE: Cant Burp

Hello new member here, I also am unable to burp. Never have been able to i get those strange noises from the back of my throat but never a burp. Ivery rarelyvomitand never burp before hand the last time was 15 years ago. I cannot drink fizzy drinks, if i have a bad attack of gas in my stomach i have to lie on my right side, how this works i don't know but its the only cure for me. I have tried different techniques to make myself burp but they don't work on me. Wheni am bad i find it hard to breath as the pain is quite bad, all this would be eleviated if only i could burp, its such a simple but effective remedy.What went wrong with my contruction. I don't think there is a cure but you are not alone. and neither am i, so thanks.

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RE: Cant Burp

I also am a non-burper but I really make up for it at the other end, hence my name. Shortly after eating I start but it relieves any stomach pain. However if I keep my belt too tight I get stomach pains until I release it. You have to learn the art of silent passing.

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RE: Cant Burp

I'm glad to hear that other people are having this same problem. I have never been able to burp for as long as I can remember (the only time i've burped is when i'm laughing hysterically and even then it's barely noticeable). Instead, I get this really really uncomfortable feeling of air coming up my esophagus and then a loud throat noise occurs (which can be really awkward/embarassing--i call it the frog noise). It can last for hours for me and the amount of gas pressure exerted on my body can be exhausting.The only real solution is to pass gas (which for me sometimes doesn't even work) or to dry heave. It is defintely a genetic trait passed on from my mother. I find that it happens more when I am sick or when i drink coffee or carbonated beverages. It really is torture. A lot of people think it's a joke but honestly it has made my life a living hell. Is there a medical term for this or anything you can take

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RE: Cant Burp

i havent been on this site for a while because i didnt think people were still posting..but since my last post i went to a good doctor who finally gave me a diagnosis of what i have...they found out it takes me much longer to digest food than the average person. its called gut motility disorder. i guess i have less stomach contractions than a normal person which causes me to feel bloated and sick after i eat. the inability to burp is also most likely related. im not sure if theres a cure but i know theres a medicine that speeds up digestion, but the last doctor i went to is sending me to the best specialist in the area up in boston so we'll see what happens with that. ill repost if i get any more answers.

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RE: Cant Burp

Hi, I just registered because i'm a non burper too!

This is the only information I found on the web about this problem.
I'm glad i found a thread about this.

I've been able to burp only once, but never on purpose.
The thing is that I knew someone who told me he had the same problem,
but he didn't lay back on drinking alcohol. So one night he got so much
gas bottled up in his stomach, that the only solution was to vomit
(he said it hurted like hell). But when he tried to vomit, he succeded
in letting out a huge burp, the pain was gone, and is able to burp ever since.

I knew hem pretty wel, and I don't think he was lying about that (why would he).
This leads me to believe that it is possible for some people to "learn" how to burp

unfortunatly, i never succeded in this myself.:(
(I never tried it his way, but i'm not really willing to do that)

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RE: Cant Burp


Reflexology is helpful for this.

When I was at work a few weeks ago, one of the security guards was having difficulty burping - I gave him hand reflexology over the diaphragm and he burped within minutes! I showed him how to do it himself and he carried on burping until it was relieved:)

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RE: Cant Burp

Wow! I am a 19 year old male living in wales, and have had this problem since I was little. I also thought I was the only one, Untill one day I was speaking to someone and found that they had the same problem. Aw it was great. We had a moment!

Also I realised that I am not as freaky as everyone made out I was. Although a lot of people still look at me as if im from another planet when I tell them.

When I was about 6 or 7, for a year I had a serious lack of energy and knew I was not right. After a long time of suffering. (no one believed me) I went to that god awful place the doctors. And they found out that I had sytecosis ( not sure on spelling) But it is a form of bird flu.
It is a cardiovacular problem, and effects the lungs.
(I did have pretty s*kanky chickens, and my friend had a chicken that laid green eggs),
(this was a long time before the whole scare about bird flu. I am now 19)

I am pretty sure that it was after this that I could no longer burp.

I noticed in one of the posts, that her problem also started after a chest infection/ problem.

I also get horrible bowel/ stomach pains.
The air seems to grumble up in my throat, but does not seem to escape and there is very little relief.
I very rarely feel sick though, and do not like making myself feel sick.

I used to find it embarrasing in quiet situations as it seems really loud, and yes mine was also usually worse when I would drink beer.
It's been so long with it now though that I dont really notice it or care!

I do compensate by farting quite a lot, and I also have quite a weak bladder.
My diet as far as im concerned is pretty healthy. And I eat a lot, however dont seem to put on any weight.
My weight is always around 9 1/2 stone rarely going over 10 stone. And from day to day it will fluctuate from 9 to 10 stone. I put this down to having a fast metabolism rate. My dad is the same!

I started looking up on this problem, as today I let out one of those involuntary, pathetic burps. which is always a nice surprise. ( usually 1 to 2 per year)
I never realised it was such a common problem though.

I have no advice on a cure, and have never seeked professional advice. I have just accepted it.
Recently though I have not noticed it as much.
It could be due to the fact that I have been singing loud a lot.
I also drink a LOT of tea. dont think that does anything though.

peace No burp Brothers!
(burping is filthy anyway! if it werent for the sweet, sweet relief!)

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RE: Cant Burp


I also have the burping problem! After just about every meal for an hour or two i have the gurgling noises and a general feeling of being uncomfortable, Excerscize is a no-no during this time. My friends dont beleive me/make fun of it, and i get a lot fo stick when we go out for drinks, because i just cant take more than a few pints of beer, even then i have to drink them so slowly. If i have too many i have to stick my fingers down my throat as if to be sick (because i feel so ill) and then huge burps happen and i feel so releived! My girlfriend thinks the garling noises arehilarious.

I dont particularly mind not burping, but the gargling and uncomfortableness after every meal isnt really great. I havnt had fizzy drinks for a few years now (excpet beer) in an attempt to stop it getting really bad.

I can remeber burping a few times in my life, usually when im laughing hysterically, and then a little burp might just pop out.

Definately means i have more gas coming out of the other end! Particularly at night! I go to bed with a pot belly, and wake up looking normal nealry every night.

I am a medical student, ive got exams this week, but when ive got time ill have a look thorugh all my books and see if i can find anything on it.

Good luck everybody!

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RE: Cant Burp

I think it would be a good idea to have an actual medical proffesional to look at this forum. Obviously if numerous people have almost the exact same unusual symptoms than there must be a similar problem amongst us. We've all been to the doctor and we've been told "it's nothing" and to "get over it" but only we can tell you that it's something for real. If a doctor sees these posts than hopefully he/she will realize that this is a serious condition and this forum is probably the best bet at solving the mystery. Think about it...tons of posts by people with, most likely, the same condition and all of us describing our numerous yet also consistentsymptoms. They went to medical school, not us. Let them figure this out and then who knows, maybe they'll name the condition after whoever solves it. I just think we should put this forum to good use because, like everyone else, I thought I was the only one with this. Now I know there are other people going through the same thing everyday you can't help but to hope that someday we can all just....burp.

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RE: Cant Burp

this is affecting my social life. let's say i go on a date, or just a friendly outing with friends, and then bam, all of a sudden i can't hold a good conversation anymore because of the uncomfortable feeling, im forced to lie down in the dirty bathroom, and worse of all i ruin the mood in the car ride home when im being unresponsive, keeping myself from throwing up. sigh... i wnat to learn the finger and tongue trick so i can just do that in the bathroom next time

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RE: Cant Burp

One of my doctors saw this forum and has no idea what it is but didn't seem too interrested in researching it. I recently got an endoscopy done and the found that I have esopheagal spasms. This seems to be what causes the air to be trapped in my chest. the muscles contract and tighten to the point where air can't come out and while these spasms are happening is when the gurgling sounds come. this is what i got from the diagnosis.

Also, in response to the person wanting to learn the finger thing where you just force yourself to burp, you have to build up your gag-reflex. You have to put your finger in the back of your throat as if to make yourself throw up, but instead you build up your gag reflex so within time you will be able to just burp out air until you feel like throwing up, then you stop and wait a while if you need to do it again. I was in 7th grade when i finally started getting used to this. For a few months i'dd throw up almost everytime i did this, then your body gets used to it and your gag-reflex gets stronger and you learn how to just get the air out before throwing up...still some food that wasn't digested good, or some stomach acids or mucus might come out sometimes when you do this even when you developed a great gag-reflex because that's just how the body works, but it is nothing like throwing up a whole meal. It takes a while to get the hang of and it's gross for a few days/months until it starts to work at it's best. When you finally get the hang of it you'll put your finger in you throat/mouth and loud burp-sounding noises will come out along with a flow of air that you will feel coming out of your mouth and you'll feel your chest loosen and exhale the air. it's so loud that it becomes a problem if you're in a public place. people might think you're bulimic when in reality it's just air coming out.

-if you're in a public place, the first time you put your finger in your throat, put your other hand on the toilet handle and flush while the first burst of air is coming out because that is always the loudest. then flush again if you need to.

-it takes a few months to get the hang of it but it's worth it.

-i do this after every meal and it's better if the people closest to you know about it so they don't worry if they hear you. you don't want any maybe they'll know someone with the same problem. get the word out and DON'T be embarrased. I was for so long and then just a year or 2 ago I told all my it's a lot more comfortable when I have to constantly slip away to the bathroom.

-[color="#990066"]To the person who posted above me about laying on the floor in the bathroom to breathe: bathroom trips are a lot quicker when you just have to go in and do the finger thing to force air out. I hope you can learn and get a hang of it because it really helps! Good Luck!!! ...and if you need any more tips you can send me your screen name! 🙂

-read my previous post about a medicine that helps take away some gas before it even gets to your chest area. It is a little bit helpful...any relief is worth a try.

-message me you AIM or AOL screen name or an e-mail address if you would like to ask me any questions or would like to share stories and compare problems. I'm out to find help and I see a lot of doctors. Send me messages with the e-mails and screen names if you would like to be kept updated and compare stories.

I hope my latest post is helpful! 🙂 If anyone has any advice you should all post it too so we can use eachothers tips to feel better!!! 🙂

* ~ Julie ~ * 😀

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RE: Cant Burp

whoever sent that email is an ass !!

If you dont suffer with it or know anyone who has it, then please keep your trap shut!

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RE: Cant Burp

Obviously the person who sent the email has some insecurities and has bigger problems to deal with than worrying whether or not people are faking not being able to burp. I wish him/her good luck and hope he/she can find some answers at this very site for whatever is troubling them.

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