I hope i am posting in the correct section. Sorry this might be long!
I have been fighting candida for nearly 2 years now after an allergy therapist used kinesiology to show that i had a high level of it in my system. I was doing really well and it had changed my life. However i have slipped a bit this year. Ive been having the odd glass of wine or larger and been eating home made cake or other sugar containing foods. One night a couple of weeks ago i had one glass of wine and was very ill which is exactly what used to happen to me and then the following week i had thrush. This and the tiredness proved to me that the candida was back. So, i had been back on the diet for about 2 weeks when I started getting a very upset tummy. I havent felt sick at all and i still want to eat which makes me think its not a bug but it has left me feeling completely washed out and exhausted. It's been 5 days now and although i dont feel as bad as i did i still have it. I am thinking it may be a die off reaction and that maybe i cant shake it off because its killing all the good bacteria too? I am not taking any supplements at the moment.
Does anyone have any experience of this? I was going to pick up some Bio Acidophilus today to see if that would help. Does it sound like die off to you?
Thank you! 🙂
Candida is a yeast, so it doesn't tend to die off naturally as it can lie dormant. Everyone has levels of candida yeast in them, though whether it becomes an issue and exhibits as thrush or whatever can depend on the person and, as you already know, on what you eat.
A good book on the subject is:
[url]Candida Albicans: The non-drug approach to the treatment of candida infection: Amazon.co.uk: Leon Chaitow: Books[/url]
if you haven't already come across it.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Hi Breeze,
Sorry I don't have any real answers, but thought I would share similar experience. I have suffered at the mercy of thrush most of my adult life, usually monthly around mid-cycle. GP said linked to hormonal balance. At the beginning of the year I read a book called The Healing Codes I did the "code" and the thrush disappeared but it has returned with vengeance this month after being clear of it all year. I also watch my diet and can't link the return to anything I have eaten.
Interestingly though it was only a week ago I was talking about doing the code to my mum and partner and saying how great it was to be thrush free!!! I think I have somehow brought it back into my consciousness in a "i think therefore I hurt" sort of way.
I am going to try the code again and couple it with the Louise Hay affirmation from You Can Heal Your Body. The affirmation is "I give myself permission to be all that I can be and I deserve the very best in life.I love and appreciate myself and others." If that resonates with you maybe you will find it helpful.
Love and Light x
i m peter smith,
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